The Secret Garden of the Dandelion Troupe

Chapter 539 The Need for Original Sin

When personal power develops to a certain stage, it seems that the needs of humans and demons are unexpectedly similar.

Population is the standard for everything. Even if one is in the limelight for a while, even if there are no shortage of geniuses under one's command, without population, those so-called forces still seem to be in the midst of the wolves' gaze at any time.

This is just the external aspect. As for the internal aspect, where does the sense of superiority come from without people? Where does the sense of belonging come from without a sense of superiority? Well, let's not talk about the economy, taxation, vitality, development, etc., it can't be that the one who washes the feet and washes the pots for Beile is still Beile, right? Something will happen. . .

When it comes to Mu Hua, he finds that his needs are more similar to those of the demons. In the relatively isolated environment of the Abyss Island, he actually wants emotional energy.

That's right, emotions. The evolution of the monsters on the island requires emotional energy, and Mu Hua himself now also needs original sin energy.

In addition to the color domain of the autonomous reproduction of the blue-blooded wasp, when Mu Hua kryptoned the engraving enhancement, he found that this ability related to jealousy also required the consumption of original sin energy to perform.

Color domain protozoa require color domain energy, engraving enhancement requires jealous energy, obtaining elemental spiritualization skills, and wanting to create elemental elves also requires gluttony energy. Although original sin energy can be considered to be interoperable, these three abilities do require emotional energy to be completed normally.

The Abyss Island is good in everything, and it also has emotional energy, but the original sin energy is really scarce. Moreover, Mu Hua can only absorb the original sin of jealousy for the time being. Introducing population to the Abyss Island seems to no longer only affect production and vitality.

The energy consumption of color domain protozoa is normal, involving the autonomous proliferation of blue-blooded wasps. In addition to letting them absorb the color domain energy from the outside world, Mu Hua can't do anything. Even if he tosses his own girls, how many color domains can he produce?

After deriving a batch of blue-blooded wasps, he simply brought them to the human world first, let them multiply and reproduce in the human world, and then sent them to the Abyss Island depending on the situation.

The energy consumed by the imprint enhancement is not exaggerated, but that thing is similar to the color domain protozoan, it can be used at any time and consumed at any time, and the premise of using it is that one has the characteristics of the elemental spirit.

The elemental spirit here does not refer to elemental affinity. Generally speaking, Mu Hua must first create an elemental spirit that accompanies him in himself.

As for the elemental spirit related to gluttony, perhaps because the elemental spirit is originally a kind of life form, it is a one-time consumption, but its consumption is not comparable to that of the blue-blooded wasp.

Originally, he had planned to enter the courtyard. In order to create an elemental spirit similar to his own companion, Mu Hua stayed in the human world for another month.

As a result, seeing that the jealous energy in his own magic sea was not strong enough, if it continued like this, even if he stayed in the human world for a year or two, he probably wouldn't be able to produce elemental spirits. He gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and directly grabbed the Philosopher's Stone and started kryptoning.

That's right, the Philosopher's Stone, that thing has no effect on humans, even humans who have completed the life transition.

But the Philosopher's Stone is the crystallization of the original sin energy. Mu Hua has abilities that require the original sin energy to exert, and it can be used as an alternative "blue bottle supplement".

Now Mu Hua has too many places to use the Philosopher's Stone, not to mention the transaction with the devil merchant, the giant dragon evolution of Friday in front of him, the evolution of the twelve round table dragons under Friday, including the hundreds of flying dragons at home, the number of earth dragons to be determined, and so on.

As a jealous ghost, the original sin energy can be absorbed slowly, so if it is to nourish the blue blood wasp, Mu Hua will not waste the Philosopher's Stone.

But the energy required to create an elemental spirit is too much, and the companion spirit also directly affects whether Mu Hua's engraving enhancement can be performed. I feel that I can't afford to waste this thing, so Mu Hua can only take out the Philosopher's Stone that he has stored for Friday.

The huge amount of Philosopher's Stone invested is almost equivalent to half of the share required for an adult evil dragon to evolve into a giant dragon. Mu Hua can only be considered to have created a companion spirit.

As for the other four elemental companion spirits, take it slow, at least make Friday a giant dragon first, and match it with the twelve round table evil dragons.

Faced with this kind of consumption, Mu Hua, who has always considered himself honest, even had the idea of ​​poking a few ghosts and gods to see. . .

In the human world for more than two months, the city of Caines has mobilized many parties. After more than two months, under the watch of many forces in the Caines Courtyard, the city of Caines finally took the step of invading the courtyard.

"Roar~" The threatening roar of the beast sounded at the entrance of the courtyard of the fortress city.

"Boom~! Boom~!" The heavy steps of the beasts seemed to shake the ground.

"Hey! We are from the Brotherhood of the Dragons. Look, this is the adventurer's bracelet. Make way, make way. We only have four or five hours to meet. We have to go to work tomorrow."

White-collar workers, work clothes, and even uniforms in the service industry. Although all the visitors were wearing conspicuous cloaks on their shoulders, the clothes under the cloaks were still exposed. Obviously, this was a group of unprofessional adventurers.

Well, it's hard to say whether these adventurers are professional or not, but the fierce earth dragons under their seats are professional enough.

So professional that the garrison in the city was on full alert. Behind the windows of the nearby white castle, some senior officials of the functional departments of the fortress city had their eyelids twitching.

Hundreds of earth dragons, with four legs on the ground and thick tails and claws, with a total number of more than 300, and earth dragons with shoulder heights of more than three meters appeared, which immediately made the city crowded.

These earth dragons are ferocious and fierce. If they get too close, they will bar their teeth and threaten each other. The dragon riders on their backs will be ignored to a certain extent.

The young man in overalls and cowboy hat seems to be the leader of this "Dragon Brotherhood".

Ron, the child of Rita's family, is now working as a helper on Ivan's farm.

This Dragon Brotherhood can be regarded as a relatively loose civil organization in Caines City. Its members are all citizens who have stable jobs in Caines City. The biggest common point is probably that they all use earth dragon familiars.

Mu Hua has teased them more than once that they are too conservative. They are already a brotherhood, but they don't give themselves the name of the Dragon Brotherhood. They are happy about it. As the initiator, Ron has refuted Mu Hua's bragging more than once.

I heard from Nick that they have applied many times to adopt the ambergris bush that wanders around the world in Caines City.

It is said that the 'Evil Dragon Brotherhood' does not have a real president for the time being. It seems that whoever can raise his own earth dragon into an evil dragon first can ascend to the throne of the president.

At this time, Ron, as the leader, carried a flag on his shoulder. When the flag fluttered, two characters-like patterns were written on it-Qin Chu.

The earth dragons walked out of the city in an orderly manner. Ron raised his cowboy hat and enjoyed the amazement of the garrison.

His earth dragon was specially trained by Mu Hua. His earth dragon can do magic. Although his earth dragon is also very powerful at ordinary times, this is the first collective activity after the offline activities of the 'Evil Dragon Brotherhood' were approved.

Can a earth dragon be the same as a group of earth dragons? As the initiator of the brotherhood, Ron felt very happy at this time.

'Wait, after our appearance, there will be more people who want to buy earth dragons in the future, and our brotherhood will definitely become stronger. ' Ron thought to himself, and the expressions of the brotherhood members who were traveling with him seemed to be quite rippling.

After leaving the city, the dragons walked on the main road of the fortress city. Vehicles avoided them and adventurers gave way. Ron, who was carrying the Qin Chu flag, grinned uncontrollably. It was great, really great.

A group of earth dragon knights marched towards the city gate. After walking for a while, the sound of horse hooves was crisper than that of earth dragons. However, some purgatory war horses gathered on both sides of the road, which aroused the anxiety of some earth dragons.

Undead Mage Mutual Aid Association!

Ron curled his lips as if he was disgusted. This was a group of guys who had been spitting at them on the magic net. As for undead magic, they acted as if they didn't know anyone.

In other words, some of the undead mages who later became naturalized in Caines City in this mutual aid association were relatively powerful. Otherwise, why would their skinny horses compare with our earth dragons.

A group of brotherhood members met a group of mutual aid members. Both sides had a flash of scrutiny and comparison in their eyes, but many people on both sides greeted each other in a friendly manner.

Well, although we often scold each other online, we are all on the same side when we are outside of Caines City.

At this time, next to the leader of the Necromancer Mutual Aid Association, there is also a young man with a flag on his shoulder, with two words written on it - Qin Qi. (End of this chapter)

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