The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1022: conflict! (1)

The first thousand and twenty-two chapter conflicts!

"Live alive?" Qin Dong's mouth showed a trace of unseen sneer.

"Feng Lang, are you stupid? I am helping you!" On the morning, I stared at Feng Lang and shouted in a bad manner.

"No need!" Feng Lang replied with a singularity, and did not give any morning to the morning.

In the morning, I shook my head again and again, and my face was scornful. "You are more and more promising! Where did you go when you were with me?"

"This is two things, I will never allow you to behave in my eyelids!" Feng Lang looked sinking and shouted.

"The smelly and ignorant thing! This is not too lazy to say more to you. Come here, give me a hand, this little beast, this Shaogee mainly set!" On the morning of the face of the intolerance, put a wave, The two third-level monks immediately rose up and took up their actions, and attacked Qin Dong at the same time.

The phoenix steel teeth bite, the palms flew up, the vigorous spiritual power, like waves, spread out in layers, and forced the two three-level monks to retreat.

"Feng Lang, you are very courageous! I dare to move people in the Yao Yaoge?" See Feng Lang shot, the morning morning when the face is suddenly smashed.

"I said, here is Qingyuan, and no one can let others scatter here!"

"Ha ha ha... Feng Lang, do you really think of yourself as the emperor of Qingyuan? I tell you, the reason why you can stay in Qingyuan safely is because I appreciate you and want to take you under your arm. Without my shelter, your **** is not!"

"Less cabinet owner, why don't you talk nonsense to someone like him? Let me settle him!" The five-level old man who had been guarding the morning of the morning, took a step forward.

"Han Shizhao, you are a five-level monk, but you don't pay attention to yourself. You haven't done anything bad in these years. It's just a devastating thing! Don't you be afraid of retribution?" Feng Lang screamed at the old man, screaming .

"Is it devastating? Haha... It’s better than death!" Han Shizhen screamed and screamed. A hurricane like a real palm, rising out of the air, went straight to the chest of Feng Lang.

Feng Lang was shocked and rushed to meet. As a result, the spiritual power of both sides collided in the air, and the phoenix wave snorted, and the figure involuntarily stepped back a small step. Although the two are the same as the five-level environment, Han Shizhen’s time of immersion in the five-level environment is obviously longer than that of the phoenix wave, and his skill is more profound.

"Hey... Feng Lang, I’ve been squatting a few times, please join me, I’m gonna join you, but you’ve repeatedly repeated the cold words. According to me, you are too mad! Today, Ben Shaoge The Lord will frustrate your madness!"

"Feng Daxia, we help you!" Seeing Feng Lang is not the opponent of Han Shizhen, Long Quan said hello, with more than a hundred scattered repairs, immediately rushed up, the Fenglang brothers and sisters in the middle.

"You are looking for death!" Han Shizhen's cold eyes swept through Longquan and others, and screamed, and let a lot of people in the hundreds of scattered repairs, a subconscious chill. A five-level monk, for these scattered repairs, is worthy of the existence of the gods.

Taking advantage of the loyalty and humming the voice, these hundreds of scattered repairs can still persist, but none of their hearts are not swearing.

Seeing Longquan and other more than 100 scattered repairs and quite phoenix waves, the morning's face became more and more cold, slightly waved, two four-level monks, six third-level monks at the same time, and Han Shizhen standing side by side.

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