The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1022: conflict! (2)

At the same time, the nine masters released 10% of the momentum, turning into an invisible pressure, spreading between the heavens and the earth, letting the minds of Longquan and others sink and sink again, and some of them were repaired as shallow ones. Can not support, the face is white and green.

"Feng Lang, don't you want to let these scattered repairs all die here?" In the face of such great pressure, none of these scattered repairs have retreated. In the morning, with a bit of annoyance, they said coldly to the phoenix waves. .

The Japanese Yaoge acted indiscriminately, and more than a hundred people were scattered in the district. It was absolutely not in the eyes, saying that killing would kill. Feng Lang did not want this situation to happen. He bit his teeth and said to Long Quan and others, "Everyone has to retire! This is my phoenix wave, let me solve the problem!"

Feng Lang used to talk in the past, but it has always been a slap in the face, but this time, his voice fell a long time, but did not get the slightest response. Feng Lang accident turned his head and looked at Long Quan. I saw that Long Quan’s eyes were fixed on the morning, and he was tight and energetic. He had already prepared for the shot, as if he had never heard of Feng Lang’s talents. the words said.

Feng Lang smiled a bit, and his heart was moved. This is the answer that Long Quan and others have responded to him with practical actions. It seems impossible to let Longquan and others retreat. [

"There is no reason for this, you don't know what to do!" Han Shizhen was furious and screamed, and instantly burst out more than ten palms. More than ten palms circumvented the phoenix wave, and the target was a hundred and more scattered.

How heavy is the strike of a five-level monk? Long Quan and others made all the stops, but the results were also tragic. Among the more than a hundred monks, more than a dozen people were injured and vomiting blood in a flash, screaming and smelling.

"Han Shizhao!" This scene will blow up the phoenix wave and the lungs will be blown up. The teeth will be screamed and roared. The figure will be like a nine-turn dragon, flying in the air, and the palm power will continue. It is like a waterfall in nine days, no matter what, no matter what. The children are bombarded with Han Shizhen.

Feng Lang and Han Shizhen fight in one place, Long Quan sighed and immediately rushed to the siege of the morning with a dry mess.

On the morning of the morning, I saw a sneer, and the two four-level monks and six third-level monks of the Yaoge Pavilion were even more murderous. They were like wearing a wire mesh that could not be seen. More than a hundred of them ran into themselves.

"Come back!" Qin Dong knows this rush. These hundreds of scattered repairs are only afraid of fierceness and sorrow. They can't take care of others. They hurriedly lifted their bodies, opened their arms, and spread the spirituality. It is hard to put these hundreds of people. The momentum of the scattered repairs is blocked by life.

"Give me away!" Seeing Qin Dong blocked his own way, Long Quan blows his beard and blinks, and he hates to let Qin Dong give it a bite.

This long-lived to this age, the temper is still amazing, it is also a strange person.

Qin Dong smiled and said, "Let everyone calm down first, listen to Qin to say a few words..."

Qin Dongfang only said a few words, Long Quan will interrupt him and say, "Why should we listen to you? You are just an insatiable thief!"

Qin Dong frowned and said, "I am not an insatiable thief. I will talk about it later. Now everyone is rushing to the market, only to send death! Do you want to watch everyone die?"

Qin Dong was severely stern, and since he had a majesty, he was so shocked.

But at this moment, Feng Lang suddenly made a cry, and let Longquan’s eyes smashed again...

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