The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1055: The hatred is big! (1)

The first thousand and fifty-five chapters are hateful!

"Kid, what do you say, I didn't hear it clearly?" After a while, a master of the Niu Yaoge came out of the crowd with a bad look.

The position of the Japanese Yaoge master in the Niu Yaoge should not be low. He came out and the rest of the Yao Yaoge masters voluntarily retreated to him.

Just as the master of the Niu Yaoge came out, there was a lot of arguments in the surrounding crowd. One by one pointed to Qin Dong, and all of them think that Qin Dong is a madman.

The broad-sword monk couldn’t help but anxiously pulled La Xiao Ting’s sleeves in the dark, whispering “I’m going to persuade you this little brother, he’s got a big disaster. That’s the Japanese Yaoge’s Han Song, the deputy cabinet owner, who is a stranger, does not say that his heart is also very vicious. If he is guilty of his hand, there is no life to die, but he still has to suffer some pain."[

What kind of deputy, in the eyes of the broad sword monk may be a terrible horrible figure, but in Xiao Ting's eyes, it is worthless. After listening to the kindness reminder of the broad sword monk, but just a slight smile, look like that, nothing in mind.

The broad-sword monk shook his head and shook his head. He sighed helplessly. "It’s a pity, it’s a pity..."

Qin Dong stared at Han Song with a cold smile, and the faint road "is really strange. How is the net in the Yao Yaoge such a thing, not a fool is a blind man."

"Kid, are you enough?!" Han Song gasped and snarled on the spot.

The arguments in the crowd were also magnified ten times in a flash. No one had thought that Qin Dong could still say such a thing in the face of the strong Japanese Yaoge. Is it pure to find death? But looking at Qin Dong’s look is really not very similar.

Just as everyone talked about it, when Han Song fired a slap in the face, Qin Dong said, "Since your ears are not good, then I might as well say it again. I want you guys, the smashing of the glory, and immediately get out of here, so as not to obstruct the little master. My eyes!"

"I fuck!" Qin Dong's voice just fell, Han Song will burst out and export, while waving like a thunder, straight to the Qin Ling's heavenly spirit.

"Toasting does not eat and drink fine wine!" Qin Dong sighed coldly, the right palm sneaked out, and then sent first. However, the sound of the screaming sound came, Han Song was as straight as the baseball that was being shot, and vacated, and turned over a dozen or so in the air, only to vomit blood.

Qin Dong’s attack was full of anger. One by one, looking at Qin Dong's gaze, suddenly changed suddenly.

"Impossible... Impossible!" The broad-sword monk immediately suspected that he had an illusion and shook his head again and again, as if he had eaten ecstasy.

"Deputy cabinet owner, deputy cabinet owner!" The group of masters of the Japanese Yaoge, originally wanted to see a good show, Wan did not expect that Han Song is like a paper paste, even a family can not resist. After a short period of silence, the group of Shi Yaoge monks only reacted, one by one exclaimed and rushed toward Han Song.

When I came to the front, I saw the situation of Han Song. This group of Shi Yaoge monks took a sigh of relief.

Qin Dong's palm, seemingly random, is actually amazing. Han Song, a five-level monk, where is the resistance? After receiving this palm, the Yuan government burst directly and said that the bones of the body were also broken, and they became a waste.

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