The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1055: The hatred is big! (2)

Some people dare to make a move on the head of the Japanese Yaoge. It is already a must, and Han Song, who is the deputy director of the Niu Yaoge, has been abandoned. This is even more unimaginable.

"Brother, he... who is he?" The broad-sword monk woke up to God and pulled Xiao Ting's arm and asked in a dull moment.

Xiao Ting glanced at him and smiled. "Who are they? He is indeed a person who can help you."

"Everyone went up together and slaughtered him!" Has He Yaoge lost such a big person? I don't know who made a big drink, a group of monks from Zhi Yaoge, and rushed up to Qin Dong.

These monks of the Nikko Pavilion are not fools. Qin Dongyi took a break from Han Song. What kind of supernatural power is this? In the face of such a strong enemy, how dare they do their best? More than a dozen monks of the Niu Yaoge set aside and attacked. They dare not say that they are shocking, and the momentum is extremely embarrassing. More than a dozen people, dozens of attack waves, bloom at the same time, at first glance, like a howitzer, magnificent, full of murder. [

The attack of this scale immediately caused an exclamation on the scene. Some of them wanted to be closer, and the lively and scattered repairs were cold and screaming.

The way Yao Zee’s work style has always been this, regardless of the life and death of others. With the screams around him, the offensive of more than a dozen people did not change. The impression of Qin Dong on the Japanese Yaoge was very poor. At this time, it was the cold-blooded power of both eyes. The figure is like a ghost, and it is directly inserted into the attack storm.

In this way, in the eyes of everyone, it is as good as finding death.

Can not wait for everyone to slow down from the shock of the gods, a dozen dozens of Yao Yaoge's joint strike, so quietly turned into a cloud.

"Since you don't want to roll, let's leave it all!" Qin Dongkou burst into a scream, and the two palms lifted up, and the two dragons, gold and silver, circling and dancing, more than a dozen days. The monk was devastated by the time of his death.

Along with the screams of sorrow and sorrow, more than a dozen monks of the Japanese Yaoge, one counted one, all turned into blood rain.

"Ah!!" Han Song hated his heart and wanted to see how Qin Dong died, but did not expect that the last thing that fell in his eyes was such a scene. The face of the straight quilt was pale as paper, and an exclamation was made.

Han Song did not make this exclamation, Qin Dong may have forgotten him. He shouted, Qin Dong did not return, and waved him directly to Jiuquan.

The masters of these Yaoyao Pavilions are all carefully selected by the Sun Yat-sen, ready to help the hunting sacred hunters of the dragon turtles, and the well-deserved glory of the glory. Nowadays, since Han Song, all of them have been killed by Qin Dong, such a blow, even the powerful Yaogee Pavilion can not bear.

Only now everyone has been shaken by Qin Dong’s high-level cultivation and sizzling means, and I have not thought about it in this regard.

The original vocals, with the end of Han Song’s life, suddenly fell silent. Hundreds of people gathered around, but they couldn't even make a sound. The atmosphere was quite a bit strange.

"Four brothers, it seems that our hatred of the Japanese Yaoge is a big one!" Hu Lixiao said with a smile.

The first son of the Japanese singer was abolished, and the elders of the Japanese Yaoge, Gu Lixi, were killed. Now Han Song, the deputy director of the Yaogee, has also died in the hands of Qin Dong. This is not a big blame.

Qin Dong snorted, and his face was gloomy and cold. "Like the scum of the Japanese Yaoge, it is a scourge to stay sooner or later. He wants to find revenge, I welcome it!"

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