The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1138: Surprised again and again! (2)

"No matter who you are, your life will end today!" After the energy storage is completed, it is as if you have been eager to win.

Princess Anzhen also knows the power of the Red Dragon Sword. A pretty face is full of tension.

The red light that rushed into the ninth, shot into the clouds and disappeared. However, it was only a short moment, and then the clouds suddenly split open. A red dragon was a hundred feet long, a few feet thick, and it suddenly reflected the half of the sky.

Shen Yan looked stunned and held her mouth tightly, which was not exclaimed. Even knowing that this red dragon is just an illusion, it is a ghost, but it still has a powerful momentum.

The red dragon hovered in the air for a moment and swooped directly toward Qindong. [

Tu Xingxin has already learned the profound and unpredictable cultivation of Qin Dong. This sword can be said to be full of strength, and the Red Dragon Sword does not disappoint him. Seeing this power, it is enough to level a mountain.

The nine-level situation is good to choose the heart, with the Red Dragon Sword, the attacking power exerted can indeed compete with the ordinary ten-level monks. But Qin Dong, a ten-level monk, is not ordinary at all.

Seeing the red dragon forced, Qin Dong eyebrows light, the right palm of the palm of the hand against the red dragon, a slight tremble, the force of chaos will spurt out, forming a dazzling light column, and the red dragon hit a positive.

"Crazy!" The power of the Red Dragon Sword is very clear, and it is because he is clear that he will feel that Qin Dong’s move is crazy. It was actually a collision with the Chiron Sword. In his eyes, this is simply looking for death.

Although he knows that Qin Dong’s cultivation is higher than him, he definitely does not believe that Qin Dong has a hard-cutting red dragon sword. Therefore, when the red dragon collides with the light column, it is a good choice. Straight excited and trembling, it seems that Qin Dong will be turned into a powder in the sword of the Red Dragon Sword at any time, not in the world.

Princess An Zhen also seems to think that Qin Dong’s move is too impulsive and rash, and the face has changed and turned pale.

"How is it possible?" After a while, the entire National Teacher's Office reverberated with a scream of anger and anger.

The incomparable red dragon was actually overwhelmed by the gold and silver pillars of Qin Dong, and let the Red Dragon roar, but it could no longer advance.

What an amazing repair! The choice of heart is completely unbelievable, and Shen Yan and Princess An Zhen are completely stupid, and their eyes are watching the two sides of the air, which are fiercely entangled, and the heart is like a drum.

But this is not the most amazing, and even more amazing scenes have to be staged.

When the Red Dragon and the Light Column fight endlessly, it seems to be in a stalemate. When it is difficult to win and lose, in the deep night, once again, a giant hand is found.

"Ah!" When the giant hand came out, he made a cry when he painted his heart, and his expression changed instantly. I can't believe it. In this section, Qin Dong can also distract the gods.

In order to compete with the light column condensed by the force of chaos, the choice of the heart does not dare to stop the spiritual power madly injecting the red dragon sword, and it is impossible to distract the gods like Qin Dong. Watching the huge palm become more and more clear in the night.

"You...what do you want to do?" Seeing the huge palm of the hand and opening the five fingers, grabbing the past with the shadow of the red dragon, painting the heart and shaking the heart, almost because of the gods and being rebellious because of the gods...

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