The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1139: Goodbye the power of destruction! (1)

Chapter 1 139 Chapter Goodbye to the Power of Destruction!

Shen Yan and Princess An Zhen are also very shocked to see, the ups and downs of the heart, can no longer be calm.

Seeing the huge palm shadow, it is like a sky collapsed. The red dragon phantom clearly feels the strong uneasiness and danger. The huge body struggles to roll and twist, and there is a gust of wind between the heavens and the earth.

At this time, the Red Dragon Sword Spirit, no longer can not be the same as before, but it seems like a grasshopper in the heart of Qin Dong, even if it is a joy, I will not want to go out.

Qin Dong’s five fingers suddenly received, and the huge palm of the sky also became a fist, and the deadly shackles the neck of the Red Dragon Sword Spirit. If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe this scene? [

Although the Red Dragon Sword Spirit is only a virtual shadow, but the momentum is amazing, so it is so overwhelmed by people, it is beyond human imagination.

Qin Dong's five fingers gradually tightened, and the fist of the giant palm is also getting tighter and tighter. The struggle of the Red Dragon Sword Spirit has become violent and fierce. Such a fierce contest directly leads to the change of the heavens and the earth, and the lightning and lightning, which are one after another, create a scene of the end of the world.

At this time, among all the people, the feeling of choosing the heart is undoubtedly the most shocking.

When the giant palm smashed the neck of the Red Dragon Sword Spirit, the choice of the heart clearly felt that an incomparably powerful force slammed him firmly, just like an invisible cage. Dying in death.

What makes the selection of the heart more frightening is that this invisible cage is squeezing toward him from all sides, and he has no foothold in the crowd, and he is overwhelmed. That feeling, as if it was not the Chiron sword spirit, but he painted his heart.

Although the struggle of the Red Dragon Sword Spirit is fierce, it does not last long. It is a little bit dying. Soon, the red dragon that circling under the night sky, the red dragon, can be like a tempered temper, and quickly dried up.

The Red Dragon Sword Spirit disappeared completely without a trace, and the Red Dragon Swordsman was bleak. It’s better to have a choice of directly connected to it, and a direct blood spray.

"Win... win?" Princess Anzhen turned her head and looked at Shen Yan, whispering, and her eyes were full of surprises and unbelievable.

"Win!" Shen Yan nodded heavily, a pair of apricots, brilliant, sparkling.

Since the defeat of Jin Xiu in the hands of the paint, Shen Yan's mood has been relatively heavy. I only feel that no one can shock the choice of life, I am afraid that the world will be chaotic. But now, suddenly there is a dark flower, Shen Yan's mood rebounds from the trough to the peak, enough for her to digest for a while.

For the first time, Tu Jieping felt so powerless and depressed. Looking at Qin Dong’s eyes, there are both grievances and fears. I only think that Qin Dong is like a huge black hole, with the power to swallow it at any time.

"Who are you?" The voice of the choice of heart was a little trembling.

Qin Dong quietly stood there, did not answer, his eyes did not seem to fall on the body of the choice, as if he did not hear the words of choice, or, at this time, the choice of heart, in his eyes is A group of air.

In any case, Qin Dong’s attitude makes the choice of the heart more irritating.

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