The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1351: The ultimate power of the broken scale! (2)

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The words of Qin Dong, together with the face of An Xingquan, suddenly awakened everyone. (Fiction Network www>

Mo Xielong fired this gun, and the heroes followed suit, screaming and screaming, and they continued to linger. If you can kill people, then the right to work at this time, An Xingquan has to be killed at least seven or eight times.

It is not as good as others, and the mind is not as good as others. Anxing’s right is completely embarrassed at this time. Just desperate in his heart, considering whether it is time to let go of his identity and ask for Qin Dong, in order to leave a small life, Qin □ suddenly opened the "teaching power of the broken feet, enough to break the two worlds Barrier, I really want to see and see. So, I know that you want to take the opportunity to open the door, but still decided to give you this opportunity. Even if you display, I will never stop."

"What...what?" Anxing could not believe his ears, and looked at Qin Dong. [

Mo Xielong and others are also very surprised. They don’t understand why Qin Dong has to do more, and risk this risk in vain? Directly killing Anxing, is it not happy? And if you let Anxing right slip away for success, how much more depressed?

In the face of the doubts of Mo Xielong and others, Qin Dong touched his nose and his expression was somewhat unnatural. The reason why he wants to do this is because he is curious. It’s hard to come across a soldier who can compare with Wulong Yaoshi. He would like to see what the ultimate confrontation between Wulong Yaoshi and the broken sky is. Of course, there are also some reasons, that is, Qin Dong is worried that Anxing Quanming knows the way to the birth of the road, suddenly launched a madness, with the power of breaking the sky, what uncontrollable things were done, and accidentally injured more than a thousand monks on the scene. These monks are all treasures in the eyes of Qin Dong. He can't bear to have any mistakes in any of them.

"This ... this statement is true?" An Xing Quan, regardless of the many, quickly asked a sentence, for fear that Qin Dong repented.

Qin Dong smiled lightly and said, "Really!"

When the voice of Qin Dong fell, An Xingquan hurriedly injected the power of the whole body into the broken sky. This is the only chance for him to survive, and he naturally does not want to miss it.

The resilience of Anxing’s power has made the broken scales in the eyes of the public, showing a strange edge. With the infusion of a lot of spiritual power from Anxing, the radiance radiated from the broken scales turned from a dazzling gold to a white, chaotic white. And with this transformation, it is a terrible pressure to tremble.

Qin Dong was busy swinging his hand, indicating that the monks had stepped back, and his expression gradually became dignified. The power of chaos in the body, as if the consciousness awakened in general, was automatically a trace of the silk, a stream of five dragons into the world, one by one to wake up the five dragons in the five dragons in the world.

The white light emitted from the broken sky makes Qin Dong feel very familiar. This white light is very similar to the white light released by Xianli in his body, but it may be because the repair of Anxing’s right is not enough. This white light is not very strong and pure, but there is already a kind of power that comes out of it. Over the taste of all spiritual power.

The ability to break the barriers of the two barriers is naturally a small feat. Although Qin Dong has already prepared for it, it is still inevitable at this time...

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