The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1352: The ultimate matchup! (1)

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Chapter 1352 Ultimate Duel!

"Ha ha ha... hahaha..." Anxing’s throat made a burst of mad laughter. Seeing the novel on the net because of the loss of spiritual power, Anxing’s forehead has been covered with sweat, and his face is pale like paper. With the ultimate power of the broken ruler, Anxing’s right only feels himself. It’s getting farther and farther from death, and I’m so excited.

Qin Dong’s face is dignified, and Mo Xielong and others are even more worried. Many people in their hearts can't help but start to blame Qin Dong, blame him for being inexplicable, asking for bitterness, and opening the Pandora's Box. The power of breaking the sky is so amazing, let alone killing the right to Anxing, I am afraid that it is impossible to leave him.

The white light emitted from the broken ruler was getting richer and stronger, and it became more and more intense. Until it finally turned into a white beam of light, it completely covered Anxing. The Anxing right under the white light column, the figure slowly floats and rises higher. [

"Oops! This hybrid really wants to slip!" The power of white light is great, but it is only used for defense, not attacking. Obviously, the purpose is to take the right of An Xing to break through the barriers of the two worlds and escape to heaven. Mo Xielong screamed, ignoring the blockade of Qin Dong, rushing to the white light column, and even smashed dozens of palms.

Seeing it, Mo Xielong has already made all his efforts. These dozens of palms are more than a horrible, red-red light, and the sky is rolling, so that even the eyes can't open. Under the guidance of Mo Xielong's idea, dozens of palms quickly approached the white light column that covered Anxing's right, and then suddenly merged into one, turning into a red-red color with a few feet thick, and squatting toward white. The light column hit it.

The tremor of the tremors made the earth tremble with the ground. In terms of scale alone, the red-red column released by Moxie Long is nearly half thicker than the white beam. When the two hit together, the more violent red light column, like the paper paste, instantly collapsed, and there was no support for a few seconds. And the huge anti-disintegration power, directly on the scene of Mo Xielong smashed on the ground. Looking at the white light column, it was unscathed, just like the full blow of Moxielong, and did not hit it.

Mo Xielong stood up, his face horrified, looking at Qin Dong, his mouth was wide, but he could not say a word.

"Oh... Mo Xielong, you should not waste your efforts. The real body of the broken ruler is really light, can you break it?" Anxing’s power has almost exhausted the spiritual power, so that these words are said. Have to breathe. But Anxing’s right is very happy. He simply sits in the white light column and screams at Moxielong.

"Great! Sure enough!" Feel the power of this white light column, Mo Xielong dissatisfied also served.

Anxing’s satisfaction nodded and turned his eyes to Qin Dong. He smiled, “Qin Dong, you are younger. This young man always has to do something stupid. If you just listened to Moxuanlong In the words, I guess there is really no chance to leave the human world alive. But now, uh... your grandfather has resigned!" The villain is a villain, which just took up some cheap, and can’t wait to sell it. It’s annoying.

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