The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1354: Negative Jing please sin! (1)

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Chapter 1354 is a sin!

"Xiaodong, Liuli fairy wakes up!" Just as Qin Dong was immersed in a strong happiness, almost intoxicated, Chu Chu with a look of excitement, ran from the outside. o(∩_∩)o~~ Baidu search www>

The glass fairy is not only awake, but also radiant, spring breeze, like the lost youth, and back again. A dragon turtle is a priceless treasure! Not only will the injury that almost killed the glass fairy be completely cured, but it will be even more violent, and it will break through and set up the eight-level calm that the glass fairy can't break through for a long time. Nowadays, the glass fairy has become a true nine-level monk like Mo Xielong.

When the glass fairy just woke up, it was Zuo Liangyu, Qin Feixiong, and Yan Mingqiu, who had been fighting side by side with her on Wulong Island. When the glass fairy opened his eyes, they saw them, and the face immediately showed a thick relief. However, this gratification did not last long, and it quickly turned into extreme tension and worry. [

"Let Yu, Feixiong, how are you here? Are you also..."

When I saw the look of the glazed fairy, I let Yu Yu guess that the glazed fairy must have misunderstood. He smiled, "Fairy, what do you think is this?"

"This is..." The glass fairy squinted for a week, only to see the surrounding environment is warm and comfortable, and the underground cell of Anxingquan is not the same, and the face is more doubtful.

Yan Mingqiu, Yu Cui, Chu Shanqi and other girls laughed and gathered together, and gathered the glass fairy in the center. Chu Shanqi smiled brightly. "Predecessors, you are safe now! Giggle..."

After a slight glimpse of the glass fairy, he quickly responded. Standing up, I only feel that the body is as light as a swallow, the micro-transportation, the spiritual power is unimpeded, and I don’t know how much stronger than before. "Scorpio, my injury... my injury is all right!" To be aware of the strangeness in his body, the expression of the glass fairy once again revealed a deep surprise.

From the time of waking up to this time, it was only a few tens of seconds, but the feeling of giving the glass fairy was hard to say, high and low.

"This... what is going on here?" The glass fairy was completely gone, and the heart was full of doubts. I couldn't wait to turn the head to the left and let them look.

At this time, it is not easy for Zuo Zhiyu to tell the story of everything from beginning to end. It’s not that left Yu Yu does not have that eloquence. It’s really a sudden and too dramatic drama. Even his own, even after three days of digestion, recalling the scene of that day, there is still a kind of unknown. Speaking of the feeling.

Obviously, there is more than one person who has the same feelings. All the teenagers face each other, all of them are excited, but there is no one who has been slow to speak.

A pair of bright scorpions of the glass fairy turned back and forth over a few people's faces, but there was still a person who couldn't see an opening. I couldn't help but be anxious. "You are going to say it, do you want to die in eagerness? How are you going to I rescued it from the hands of An Xingquan? How did I cure my wounds, and I helped me break through the bottleneck? In addition, Anxing Quan, Wu Liangpin them? Are they still going to be evil?"

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