The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1354: Negative Jing please sin! (2)

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There are quite a few problems with the colored fairy, one by one, like a cannon, so that Zuo Yuyu feels that I don’t know where to start. Read the latest chapter of vip \\\\ or Chu Shanqi is more intelligent, after a moment of indulging, approached the glass fairy to get closer, whispered only a "predecessor, Qin Dong is back!"

"Ah!?" Chu Shanqi's voice is not big, actually it is very light. It can be passed into the ears of the glass fairy, but it is not worthy of a thunder in the clear sky. After an exclamation, the two lines of tears, and actually flowed down the cheeks of the glass fairy.

Although the glass fairy is a female stream, it is a hero! In the hands of An Xingquan, he suffered a lot of pains, but the glass fairy did not drop a tear. Today, only a few words for Chu Shanqi, a few words, and tears, if not seen by the eyes, who can believe?

"Fairy, you... what's wrong with you?" I have never seen a young boy with tears in the glass fairy, and he panicked when he was on the road. Especially Chu Shanqi, hurry to hug the arm of the glass fairy, screaming and blaming himself. [

All the doubts of the glass fairy are only this sentence, and they disappear. The glass fairy took a long breath and reached out to wipe away the tears. His face had returned to calm and calm. Seeing the worried eyes of several teenagers around me, I shook my head gently and smiled. "I am fine. I am just excited... I am, Xiaodong, where is he now, I want to see him, right away!"

Chu Shanqi holds the hand of the glass fairy and smiles. "My sister has already invited, and it should be soon."

The glass fairy nodded, and the voice was full of excitement. "I have said that the daughter of the dark unicorn is powerful, but it can't kill Xiaodong. Xiaodong will never die! Xiaodong can come back in time to turn the tide. It’s the whole world, the gospel of hundreds of millions of people! Shan Qi, let Yu, I ask you, how about the two villains of An Xingquan and Wu Liangpin?”

When the glass fairy presented the two people, the expression was awe-inspiring, and the eyes were full of burning and burning.

Zuo Liangyu can fully understand the mood of the glass fairy, and replied with a vibrating voice: "The fairy is assured, the witch good is killed by the Mo teacher, and the Anxing right is made into a meat mud by Dongge! The whole body has not fallen."

"Good! Good! Wow!" After listening to the left to let the feathers, the glass fairy can not be their own, even shouted three good, a more youthful and young face, because of excitement and fun, and slightly red. Who can see that this is actually an old man who is over 80 years old?

"Well? No, you mean that Wuliang is dead in the hands of Moxuanlong? But how is this possible? Is Wuliang good as the uncle of Moxielong?" The glass fairy was confused.

"Sinner Mo Xielong, please ask the fairy to see!" Just as the left left Yu Yu thought the wording, to answer the glass fairy, Mo Xie Longxiong's bright voice, suddenly came from outside the door.

"It's Mo teach the Lord!" The glass fairy didn't hesitate. He rushed to the door in a few steps and pushed the door open. This look, suddenly took a surprise. I saw Mo Xielong ** on the upper body, kneeling on the ground, the back of the body focused on a bundle of barbed thorns, the thorn on the wattle even pierced his skin, leaving mottled blood on his body.

"Mo teach the Lord, you... what are you doing?" The glazed fairy rushed forward and tried to solve the wattle on Moxuanlong.

Mo Xielong took a step back and avoided the hand of the fairy. He said, "My Moxielong is a sinner. Today, you are guilty of the sin of the fairy!"

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