The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1355: When Qin Dong also has a stupid time (1)

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Chapter 1355, Qin Dong also has a stupid time

The glass fairy is a generous person. When he saw Mo Xielong, he couldn’t bear it. (www>

"Let Yu, Ming Qiu, give Mo teach the master to the body of the wattle!" Glass fairy rushed left to let the feathers, Yan Mingqiu made a look.

Left to the feathers, Yan Mingqiu had long felt unbearable, and the glass fairy sent a word and rushed forward. "Teacher, your sincerity, the seniors have already felt it, and this wattle is still to be solved quickly." Zuo Liang Yu said eagerly. [

"No! The glass fairy does not forgive me for a day, this wattle can not be taken one day!" Mo Xielong will stop left and Yan Mingqiu.

The glass fairy shook his head and smiled. "Mo teaches the Lord, I have never complained about you, and where is the forgiveness and forgiveness? Let's take the wattle off!"

Mo Xielong’s eyes are like cow bells. “Fairy, really don’t blame me at all? The two beasts, Wu Liangpin and An Xingquan, join hands to deal with you, even unscrupulously count you, I I just ignored it, I... I’m just a bastard!”

The generosity of the glazed fairy makes the evil dragon more uncomfortable, and even the eyes are a little red. This kind of thing happened to Moxuan Long, I am afraid it is still the first time.

The glazed fairy placed his hand and smiled. "Let's let him go in the past. Let's still look at the future! Anxing and Wuliang are just an episode, the real enemy of the human world, or the phantom. I hope that after this, we can really join hands and protect this party!"

"Yes! Fairy is right! After that, I am Mo Xielong. If I am confused again, I will be sorry for the human world. I am sorry for the fairy. I am not as good as a pig or a dog. I am mad at the scene!" Mo Xielong breathed a sigh of relief and looked up.

In the three days when the glass fairy was unconscious, Mo Xielong was like being placed on a pan, and it was slowly burned. It can be described as a year. Although Qin Dong has forgiven him, he is more in need of the attitude of the glass fairy. Mo Xie Longben is a bright and open-minded man with a broad mind, but because of the relationship between Wu Liangpin, he violated his conscience in this matter against the glass fairy, and almost killed the glass fairy. Every time I think about it, Mo Xielong is not worried about it, and at the same time regrets it. If the glass fairy does not want to forgive him, then this thing must be the embarrassment of his heart, do not want to unravel all his life. After three days of misunderstanding, he was asked to take out such an idea of ​​sin.

"Mo teaches the Lord to always say a word, with your words, the people of the mainland are blessed." Glass fairy nodded with relief, and laughed, "I don't want to take down the wattle? Mo teach you you are not I know, I am the softest. You are not punishing you, it is clearly punishing me!"

"Ah? Hahaha... I will take it down, and I will take it down!" Mo Xielong glanced, then laughed and shook the wattle in a hurry.

"Congratulations to Mo teach the master and the fairy to release the former suspicion, this is really the fortunes of the human world, the people are fortunate!" With a burst of voice, Qin Dong accompanied by Xiao Mei, Li Yexue, Long Lianping, Chu Chu, striding Going over.

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