The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1415: Send a letter in time! (1)

The first chapter of the four hundred and forty-five chapters of the letter came in time!

"Qin Shaoxia, you are looking down on my Huangshan. [This book www.

"Well! Since Huang Zongzhu said this, then Qindong assured you that after defeating the Eudemons, your Jinmanzong will not only continue to exist, but will be ten times more powerful than now!" Qin Dongzhen.

"Ha ha ha ... good! Then I first thanked Qin Dong's younger brother here." Qin Dong's promise, for Huangshan, is like a surprise, even laughed.

Qin Dong turned his head to Zhong Ying, and said, "The middle-aged generation, from today, we will echo the Qin and Zong main north and south. Before destroying the unicorn to break through the seal, we will first clean up this big prince."

Somehow, watching Qin Dong, Zhong Ying suddenly filled with confidence, the originally very jealous of the great emperor, they also felt nothing. This feeling is a bit strange, but it makes Zhong Ying feel really practical.

I don't know how to return to the situation without a deficiency. Qin Dong did not dare to delay. After Huang Shan simply cleaned up, he took the monks of Jin Manzong and went straight to the Yue Xiu.


It is clear to the heart that is not empty. Although the Great Emperor has a lot of trust in the ethereal sect, it is also very important, but in fact, among the illusory orcs, most people are hostile to the ethereal sect. It included Han Geng, who was a gentleman in the weekdays. Although he deliberately concealed it, he could still feel the faint distrust and alertness of the ethereal sect in his heart.

Including the task of conquering Jin Manzong, the meaning of the great emperor is that he can go back to nothingness, but Han Geng is extravagant, and he has to insert a foot. This makes him have no doubts about it. Han Geng does this. It is a distrust of him and he is monitoring. However, if it is surveillance, then Han Geng should not let back from his own vision, and how can he propose to split the two ways?

Looking back, I looked at Hetian next to me and shook my head. Like most of the Eudemons, Hotan is fierce, cruel, and cold-blooded, but his heart is lacking. If Han Geng is going to let him monitor them instead of himself, then Han Geng is inevitably forbidden. In the view of returning to nothing, Han Geng’s savvy should never make such a mistake.

If you want to come and think about it, you can’t think of it when you go back to nothing. The more you can, the more you feel anxious and dangerous. The faint feeling is that he is about to embark on a trap, but he can't find the traces of the spider, so that he can beware.

"The deputy lord..." A hand-held sword, dressed in a long gown, the handsome middle-aged Confucian scholar came to the side of the innocent, with a low voice, but with a word.

Looking back to Hetian, I saw Hetian’s murderous temper, and he went straight to the road to see the way. He couldn’t wait to step into the moon to repair the family, and then he would kill the moon and the people, and the blood would flow into the river.

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