The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1415: Send a letter in time! (2)

Back to nothing, I pulled the middle-aged Confucian clothes, and slowly slowed down, and gradually fell to the back, until I was far enough away from Hetian, and then I lowered my voice and asked, "Fang Han, what do you have to say?"

The Confucian who called Fang Han first frowned, and then said, "The deputy lord, this is going to be a month to repair the family. What are you going to do? It will not really kill the moon and the people." ?"

"Of course not! This kind of love for the deceased is quick, how can we do it?" [Book Source www>

"In this case, it is time to think of a way."

"what do you mean……"[

Fang Han pointed to Hetian, and then made a sly gesture, whispering "As long as he killed him, the Xiuzu will be safe in that month."

Back to nothing, for a long while, or slowly shook his head, said "Fang Han, don't you think this thing seems to be ambiguous? Han Geng's tyrannical giant, how can we let us act alone, he is so reassured to us? ”

Fang Hanyi smiled. "It's nothing strange. In the eyes of Han Geng, the ten-month-old Shu people are together, and they can't compare with a Jin Manzong. He deliberately opened us, but she was afraid that we and him would grab this. The biggest credit."

"Is this the case?" I still feel that Fang Han thinks things too simple, but for a moment, I can't think of other better explanations. The worries and dignity on my face are not cut in half.

"The deputy lord, Jin Mangzong, we can't keep it. If we can't keep the family in the month, then we will fail completely if we act this time. If it is not too late, you should order it and get rid of Hetian." Said.

Fang Han’s words still have some truth. Continue to be indecisive, and it is very likely that the family will also be compensated. Back to nothing, some shakes, eyes faintly looking at the field that is rushing in front of Hetian.

"Okay! Let's get rid of Hetian and say it again!" Some struggled with contradictions and returned to the path of no decisiveness.

Upon hearing this, Fang Han immediately clenched his hilt, and his face was awe-inspiring. "The deputy lord is assured, absolutely clean and neat!" After that, he must drift forward.

At this time, a golden aura of light, flashing from a distance, back to the innocent eyes, a flash of light, the right hand lightning, fishing, holding the golden light in his hand, gently shaking, showing a Send a letter to the letter.

"And slow!" Seeing the letter of the letter is the letter sent by Zhong Ying, back to the instinct of a weak heart, Zhangkou will drink Fang Han.

Under the gaze of Fang Han's doubts, the return of the letter will open the letter of the letter. Although there are not many words on the golden letters, the words are like arrows, and they are worn back into the atrium. The face changed and changed again. At the end, a face turned gray.

Seeing the ugly face is so ugly, Fang Han’s heart can’t help but mention the scorpion’s eyes, and rushed to ask the “deputy lord, what happened?”

Back to no imaginary, this long spit out a sigh of gas, reaching out to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, muttering the way is "Zhong Ying's letter. Fortunately we did not work with Hotan, otherwise, the entire ethereal sect will be destroyed. In our hands."

It’s so serious that I’m going back to nothing, let Fang Han’s heart beat and jump, with full of doubts and full of incomprehensibility, and ask “deputy lord, what do you mean?”

Back to nothing, shaking his head, the voice is extremely dignified. "Do you know why Han Geng would propose to split the two ways?"

"Don't it be because he wants to be successful?" Fang Han asked in amazement.

"Of course not! You are too small, Han Geng. He did this because he had a big trap for our ethereal cloth, and we waited for us to drill in." A sentimental expression.

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