The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1624: Wuhu Valley! (2)

If the only thing that can satisfy Qin Dong is that he finally has the opportunity to go to Wusheng Valley to go.

Wu Shenggu is not an ordinary place. It is famous in the heavens and heavens. I don’t know how many monks and sects are envious.

I don't know why, Wu Shenggu has become a very peculiar, but uniquely cultivated treasure. The aura of heaven and earth condensed here, according to the specific law, from thin to rich, divides the whole Wusheng Valley into several regions with very different environments and distinct levels. Because of the thinness of the aura, the types and growth of the heavenly treasures are very different in each region, and the beasts living in these different regions are weak and strong according to the thinness of the heavens and the earth. distributed. The entire Wusheng Valley has evolved into a place that is perfect for any stage of the monk's practice.

The value of such a treasure is simply impossible to estimate! Wanpeng Gang can have today's status, and it is enduring and has a great relationship with Wusheng Valley. When Qin Dong was a teenager, he heard about the existence of Wu Shenggu, and he was very yearning. It was because of the relationship between Qin Tailong and Fu Yanshan that he could not enter Wusheng Valley at all. This time it was a good opportunity for him.

"Why don't you get out of the way?" Zhu Hexuan blinked and saw Qin Dong still standing there, and asked. [

Qin Dong smiled a bit, and rushed to Zhu Hexuan for a ceremony, respectful way, "Thank Master is a gift!"

Zhu Hexuan waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, roll!"

For the first time in his life, Qin Dong felt that he must be very annoying. Otherwise, how could Zhu Hexuan not wait to see himself?

Qin Dong turned and just left, and Zhu Hexuan gave him a "you...what are you calling?"

Qin Dong’s forehead hangs three black hearts, and bitterly confessed to his disciple Qin Dong.

"Right right, Qin Dong, I ask you, you will not tell Miao Tian the old boy to sue me?" Zhu Hexuan eyes staring at Qin Dong, not serious.

Qin Dong smiled and said, "Of course not! How can the disciples dare to tell Master?"

Zhu Hexuan nodded with satisfaction, saying, "You are smart! Let's go!"

Going out of the door, Qin Dong turned over the so-called introductory heart that Zhu Hexuan gave him, and could not help but sigh one sentence, the entry of the heart is really getting started! The content written by this heart can be reversed when Qin Donggang is literate. The things that are described are all the most basic and the most simplistic things. They are only suitable for the junior monks who have just broken through the congenital sorrow. For Qin Dong, it is more garbage than garbage. It seems that Zhu Hexuan really does not want to accept him as a disciple, just rely on this **** to get through the heart, not to mention a month, even if it is a year, he does not want to be able to reach the third level.

As for the few Pei Yuan Dan, it is even more so that Qin Dong frowned. This quality is almost 100,000 miles less than that of Qin Tailong's refining for him. Compared with his own refining **** Dan, it is thousands of times worse. Qin Dong wanted to throw it away, but I thought about it, but I still stayed. No matter what, waste is always wrong.

Wusheng Valley, not far from the hidden show, is a very empty valley. There are thousands of peaks in the surrounding area, and there are thousands of squares in the Wusheng Valley. It is not difficult to find. No one in Qindong leads, and he has touched the location of Wusheng Valley.

Wu Shenggu is not only open to Wan Peng to help disciples, but those disciples of dozens of tribes belonging to Wan Peng Gang can also enter cultivation, but there are many restrictions. Even so, it still formed a lively scene in Wusheng Valley. As soon as he came to the entrance of Wusheng Valley, Qin Dong first saw the raging crowd...

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