The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1625: Little fat man and red girl! (1)

There is no shortage of businessmen, even in Wusheng Valley. As soon as Qin Donggang entered the crowd, he met one.

"Hey... buddy, do you want it, a good millennium snow ginseng, the best of the three districts, a rare treasure." A hand suddenly stretched out from behind and stopped Qin Dong. In that hand, holding a whole body of crystal white, like the snow ginseng carved out of jade, it is said to be the best, the whiskers are numerous and clear, the roots are thick and strong, less than a thousand years, absolutely can not show such Color.

When Qin Dong was looking at the snow ginseng, a chubby figure was transferred from behind him to his body. Qin Dong transferred his gaze from the snow ginseng to the figure.

It’s not too old, the meat is screaming, and the roundness is more reminiscent of Garfield. Although people are fat, but they can't see the fatness of the fat man, it is particularly savvy, especially the pair of eyes that have been shrunk into a slit, and the eyes are dripping, it is very clever.

"This snow ginseng is what you found?" Qin Dong asked. [

Although he is the first to come to Wusheng Valley, the situation in Wusheng Valley is no longer a secret in heaven. In order to allow the disciples under the door to have a consideration, not to rush in, lost their lives in Wusheng Valley, Fu Yanshan made a more detailed division of Wu Shenggu, a total of 12,345, five areas. From one district to five districts, the degree of spiritual power is gradually reduced from thin to thick, and the distribution of spirits and beasts is also based on the basis of weak and strong.

For example, a district is suitable for a monk who has just broken through the congenital shackles and is trained as a monk. The number of beasts living here is small, and the attack power is very weak, just enough for the monks at this stage to experience. However, if it is repaired to a level beyond the second level, it is because the aura is thin, and the cultivation is half the battle. Most of them will not stay here, and they will not compete with the junior monks for resources.

The second district is suitable for third to fourth grade monks to practice. In order to enter the three districts, you must have five to seven levels of cultivation. Otherwise, the beasts living in the three districts can easily tear you into pieces.

From the third district to the deepest, it is the four districts, and here, it is a paradise for masters in monks. Aura is full, all kinds of heavenly treasures grow vigorously, and the spirit beasts that appear from time to time are the best sparring skills for masters. Wan Peng and the monks who made dozens of tribes and eight to nine levels have mostly experienced here, and many people have made breakthroughs here.

As for the five districts, it is only the top masters of the nine-level middle and above, and they dare to enter. There are too many high-spirited beasts living in it, and the degree of danger is almost beyond people's imagination.

And this is not complete. It is said that there is a more terrible area in the five districts. If there is anything in it, it can only be judged from those legends. In the entire Wanpeng gang, only Fu Yanshan entered the area, but after he came out, he did not mention the situation in the area.

Therefore, this millennium snow ginseng from the three districts is worth a lot. It’s just that Qin Dong can see at a glance that this little fat man’s cultivation can be around in the same area. With his strength, it is impossible to enter the three districts. In this case, the thousand-year-old snow ginseng from the three districts naturally caused Qin Dong’s suspicion.

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