The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1666: Middle-aged man! (1)

This shock is very different for Cai Dingshan. He will not believe in death. It seems that Yan Yurou, who is soft and weak, has such a terrible cultivation. A pair of eyeballs are going to jump out of the eyelids. The difference is that he has forgotten the heavy damage that the body is suffering at this time.

Surprisingly, it was Cai Dingshan and Zhu Hexuan who were also shocked and shocked. When the power of the power spreads, even his outsider feels the inexplicable threat and hostility.

Puff puff

Three sounds of three sounds, three blood arrows, almost simultaneously ejected from the Caiding Pass, the poor Cai Dingshan, as a broken sack, was rolled up by the shackles, and squatting on the ground, straight The hard ground has a small pit that is not shallow.

"This..." Yan Yuru stayed, looking at his hands in a silly manner, the expression is no different from dreaming. [

"Are you okay?" A slightly rough voice, which sounded behind Yan Yurou, attracted her attention.

Yan Yurou hurriedly turned back and saw a middle-aged man with a common face, ordinary body, inside and outside, up and down, and very ordinary people. I don’t know when she appeared faceless behind her. It is not difficult to guess from his slow-moving action, only to shock the world of Cai Dingshan’s shock, must be from his handwriting.

Yan Yurou can be sure that he does not know this middle-aged man, but the kind and gentle light transmitted from the middle-aged man's eyes makes her the heart that fluctuates in the wind and waves, and returns quickly. Calm, while at the same time a sense of security that made her very comfortable and comfortable, began to spread in her body, and even penetrated into the depths of her soul, Yan Yuru suddenly became obsessed with this feeling.

"You...who are you?" Cai Dingshan climbed out from the pit and finally saw the middle-aged man who flew him in the palm of his hand. He was shuddering in his heart and had a strong curiosity.

The middle-aged man was originally looking at Yan Yurou, and he was disturbed by his emotions. His face immediately showed three-point intolerance. Seven points were disgusting. He simply did not answer, and his hand was a palm. Poor Cai Dingshan realized that it was not good, but also wanted to dodge, but it was powerless. The figure was once again rolled up by the palm of his hand. In a flash, there was another deep pit on the ground.

Looking at the wolf-stricken Cai Dingshan, Zhu Hexuan squinted and couldn't help but breathe. The repair of Cai Dingshan is in the Wanpeng gang, and that is also the number. Who can think of this in front of the middle-aged man, even so unbearable, even the opportunity to shoot is not, it is simply a human-shaped sandbag.

"Playing well! This old **** is not the most!" Seeing that Cai Dingshan ate in succession, Tan Yang felt relieved and couldn't help but scream.

The middle-aged man seemed to have a special affection for Tan Yang. He heard his snoring and nodded slightly to him. He waved his hand slightly, and a strong spiritual force immediately flew out of the air. Tan Yang was closed by the meridians and acupuncture points of Zhu Hexuan.

Upon returning to freedom, Tan Yang immediately flew to the middle-aged man and bowed respectfully. “The younger Tan Yang met his predecessors!”

The middle-aged man smiled and personally helped Tan Yang up. "You are very good, I want to thank you!"

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