The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1666: Middle-aged man! (2)

"Thank you?" Tan Yang stunned and looked puzzled.

The middle-aged man pointed to Yan Yu Juduo: "You can maintain the beauty of the girl at such a moment. It is not easy. I owe you a big favor. In the future, as long as you have something to help me, I will never give a speech. !"

The words of the middle-aged man made Tan Yang stunned. When the middle-aged man shot, Cai Dingshan became the lamb to be slaughtered, and there was no power to fight back. It can be seen that the cultivation of this middle-aged man has reached the point where people are shocked. Tan Yang even believes that even Zhu Hexuan is not the opponent of this middle-aged man. Such a predecessor, even for Yan Yurou to make such a heavy promise to him, which makes Tan Yang feel flattered, but also has a strong doubt about his relationship with Yan Yurou. It is clear that the middle-aged man is so good to him, all in the face of Yan Yurou. This made Tan Yang firmly believe that middle-aged men and Yan Yurou must have a very unusual relationship.

And when Tan Yang kept throwing his doubtful eyes toward Yan Yurou, Yan Yurou was also a foggy water, and the doubts in his heart were no less than Tan Yang.

"Where is the sacredness of the Lord, can you give the name of the surname?" Zhu Hexuan was asked. After seeing the shocking means of the middle-aged man, Zhu Hexuan clearly added caution when he spoke, and did not dare to have the slightest scorn. [

"Only you know my name?" The middle-aged man looked at Zhu Hexuan with a squint, and his mouth screamed with scorn and scorn.

"Hey..." said that he did not smile at his face. Zhu Hexuan thought that his attitude was respectful, and the other party would treat him with courtesy. When he knew that the other party would not give him a face. Compared with Yan Yurou, Tan Yang’s attitude is a world of difference.

As a master, there are still no apprentices who have face. This is simply a face-lifting, and it is naked and unobtrusive.

Zhu Hexuan’s face was thicker, and it was too late to hang up. His face sank and his voice suddenly cooled down. “Do you know where this is?”

The middle-aged man laughed aloud, a pair of sharp-eyed eyes, staring at Zhu Hexuan, the cold road "The mouse nest ant hole, I will know where?"

The four gilded characters in the ‘Hidden Show House’ are hung up. At this time, they are hanging on a tall beam. It’s said that the middle-aged man doesn’t know, the ghost doesn’t believe it? What kind of snail nests, it is clear that Zhu Hexuan, Zhu Hexuan at this time a bad gas in the chest, as a volcano, is about to erupt.

"Zhu Xiong... This person is obviously looking for a child, and he has to let him go!" After a long period of time, Cai Dingshan recovered some, pointing to the middle-aged man, full of resentment.

"I don't know what to do!" The middle-aged man squinted, his mouth whispered, and the third palm smashed out.

"I am in the show, you are the place where you can scatter wildly?" Seeing the middle-aged man's third shot, Zhu Hexuan couldn't help himself, and gave a sigh, stepping down the foot, running, spurting, simple But the power of an infinite palm, seemingly free to explore, but concealed the world of the righteousness, has the ability to open a mountain.

This palm went straight to the middle-aged man's palms. When Cai Dingshan ate the other two palms, the injury was not light, and then I had to eat a palm. I am afraid it would really be cruel. As a master, he can't be indifferent. Secondly, the middle-aged man’s contemptuous attitude towards him really annoyed him. He said that he had to crack his tricks, and he could save some face for himself.

In the heart, these thoughts are turned, and Zhu Hexuan does not dare to have any slack under his hand. This palm has almost condensed more than 80% of his cultivation...

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