The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1725: Tan Yang is out! (2)

Qiu Ying closed his eyes and looked calm and quiet. "We have tried our best, no regrets..."

"The beast! There is a kind of rushing me, let go of my sister!" Chunying only felt that all the blood in the body had rushed to the top of the head, and all the fears were instantly destroyed. At this time, the spring shadow is like a lioness that is irritated!

The more advanced the beast, the more sensitive it is to the challenge of the outside world. This is like a king who is high above. Once he meets the challenge of a mortal, he will be regarded as a shameful shame, and the only way to wash away shame is to challenge the blood and life of the person. Before Chunying did this, he was ready to die. What surprised her was that the Tiger Leopard did not accept her challenge, nor showed any insulted anger, nor harmed the fire, Xia Ying and other people's lives, slightly indulged for a moment, then from the spring shadow Walked by the side, only brought a breeze.

"This... what does this mean?" Chunying stayed alone. When she returned to God, the tiger leopard had already reached the opposite side of the Dark Lord.

" doesn't seem to kill us?" Xia Ying jumped up from the ground. [

Chun Ying’s heart jumped and hurriedly looked back at the past, and the heart’s words on Xia Ying were incomparable. When the tiger leopard faces the black demon king wolf, the power of the scorpion that is released from it is ten times stronger than when it is facing them. This is enough to show that from the beginning, Tiger Leopard did not intend to kill them.

"Is it to save us?" Qiu Ying suddenly said a word.

Xia Ying heard a bitter smile and gave her a look. "Autumn shadow, are you stupid? That is a tiger leopard, a beast, will it save us?"

"Why doesn't it kill us?" Qiu Ying asked.

"This..." Xia Ying language stuffed, sinking for a long while, said crazy, "How do I know? What happened today is more than a strange one. I really doubt whether this world is crazy!"

Spring Shadow also has the same feeling as Xia Ying, shaking his head and saying, "No matter what, now is an opportunity. If you don't leave, wait for the Tiger Leopard to clean up the Dark Lord Wolf King, it is likely to be our turn."

"But what do they do?" Yan Yurou turned his head and glanced at the peak, asking with concern.

"They?" Spring Shadow, when they came, they handed in the hand with the Dark Lord Wolf Group, and had not had time to ask the vision on the peak.

Yan Yurou is about to explain that Tan Yang’s eager voice is ringing first. "Sister, are you all right?"

When everyone looked back, it was really Tan Yang’s anxiously drilled out from behind the light curtain, and glanced at it. It’s no big deal to see everyone, and this is a long sigh of relief.

"Tan Yang, how is your kid here?" Seeing Tan Yang, Xia Ying could not help but exclaimed.

Tan Yang saw Xia Ying, his face was also full of joy, and sprinted and greeted the past, squinting and smiling, but some tweaked and called "Xia Ying Ying!"

Tan Yang called this, and let the people who were present go down the chicken skin. Xia Ying even hit a few cockroaches, and Tan Yang, who will rely on it, pushed back, annoyed, "Can you not do this? Sticky, stinky boy!"

"I don't want to, but I feel very happy when I see Xia Yingjie. I can't help myself..."

"What do you want? I advise you this stinky boy, it is best not to think about it, otherwise I will blame me!" Xia Ying although a stinky boy, in fact, she is only one or two years older than Tan Yang. To be honest, the two are actually quite well matched.

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