The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1726: Unexpected encounter! (1)

And Tan Yang is indeed fascinated by Xia Ying, which is almost no secret in Wan Peng. As long as Tan Yang sees Xia Ying, it will immediately stick like a dog skin plaster. On several occasions, Xia Ying’s torture will collapse. For this matter, Tan Yang did not play Xia Ying’s. But Tan Yang is clearly a chicken, remember not to remember. Even if Xia Ying is glaring, his fists and feet are still ‘I don’t know how to repent,’ and that kind of persistent strength is really admirable.

Over time, Xia Ying was a little afraid of Tan Yang, so seeing him here will be so surprised.

Looking at Tan Yang and Xia Ying, the spring shadow and the autumn shadow look at each other. In fact, Chun Ying hopes that Tan Yang and Xia Ying can come together. Tan Yang is honest and has a bright future. He does not humiliate Xia Ying. Xia Ying is not really annoying to Tan Yang, but because she and Tan Yang’s cultivation are too different, which makes Xia Ying’s subconscious only be a younger generation, artificially in her and Tan. Yang has set a barrier between them.

This psychological hurdle, others can't help, but also Xia Ying himself to overcome. Although this must not be easy, but seeing the strength of Tan Yang’s dead skin, Chun Ying is full of confidence in him.

The eyes came back from Tan Yang and Xia Ying's body. During the transfer, they suddenly found a familiar face. The heart of Chun Ying was like a drum beat, and he jumped wildly. . At first, Chun Ying thought that he had read it wrong, and eagerly looked at it, and that the person would look at him with a bit of a sharp look. [

"Ah!" Spring Shadow subconsciously screamed, and the whole man went back three steps.

Seeing the sudden end of the spring shadow, the sudden flowering eclipse, the autumn shadow can not help but nervous, and thought that something happened, rushed forward to help her, and asked, "Spring Ying sister, what happened to you? ”

"I...I..." Spring Shadow repeatedly opened his mouth, but for a long time he couldn't say a complete sentence.

Qin Dong did not expect that he would encounter Spring Shadow here. When he saw Spring Shadow, he would have no time to disguise himself. Looking at the spring shadow panic, almost to blurt out his identity, Qin Dong hurriedly walked over, with a smile on his face, but his eyes were revealing the coldness of the cold, threatening the fullness of the light.

"This sister, your face is so bad, is it uncomfortable?" Qin Dong's smile is very sincere, very splendid, and completely human and animal harmless. Autumn shadow did not care, but the spring shadow is a heart and a trembling. The scene that happened to Miao Dong and Qin Dong not long ago appeared like a movie in front of her eyes. Spring Shadows thought that this life would not encounter the comet of Qin Dong again, but the days are not like people, so they let them reunite here, Chun Ying is completely unprepared, completely messed up the square inch.

"I don't want others to know my identity, you should know how to do it." Just when the spring shadows were undecided, there was a cold voice in my mind.

Spring Shadow couldn't help but exclaimed, and looked at Qin Dong with amazement.

"Spring Sister, what's the matter with you?" Autumn Shadow is more worried about the strangeness of Spring Shadow.

"I am not a ghost, you don't need to be afraid! As long as you follow what I said, I will not hurt you!" Qin Dong's voice sounded in the mind of Chunying, but this time is much softer than before. The fear in Chunyin’s heart is slowed down.

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