The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1736: Bastard Tan Yang! (1)

"Give me a little faster!" Seeing the tiger leopard step by step, he slowly walked over to himself. From time to time, he looked back at the spring shadow and the black devil, the giant wolf king, a look of unresolved, Tan Yang’s face. Black, angry and screaming.

It was noticed that Tan Yang was angry, and the tiger leopard rushed to speed up the pace and did not dare to temper.

Xia Ying hides behind Tan Yang, and the big apricot is staring at the tiger leopard that walks quickly, a heart, and jumps. Although the Tiger Leopard has converged its power, it still makes Xia Ying feel tremendous pressure and tension. And as the tiger leopard keeps approaching, this feeling is constantly increasing.

Xia Ying believes that if Tan Yang is not in front of her at this time, she may not be able to withstand such pressure and escape the road.

Just as Xia Ying became more and more nervous, Tan Yang suddenly strode up and greeted the tiger leopard. Then, he flew up and squatted on the buttocks of the tiger leopard. It is said that the tiger's buttocks can't be touched. Although the tiger leopard can't be regarded as a tiger, it is more terrible than the ordinary tiger. Although Tan Yang’s foot was kicked on the buttocks of the tiger leopard, the feeling of giving Xia Ying was like kicking on her body. He couldn’t help but cover his mouth and gave a cry. [

Surprisingly, she is not only one of her, Yulin, Hezong, Huoshu and others have a heart. You know, this is a fierce tiger leopard! If it is anxious, it will take blood into a river in an instant. Tan Yang’s move, if it is in peacetime, is almost three points more crazy than suicide.


The tiger leopard was really dissatisfied, and a low-pitched voice made the hearts of the people immediately stunned. However, Tan Yang was deaf to the ear, but it was a foot and he went up. That stock is domineering, let alone let Xia Ying look at the eyes of the flashing, even Yulin, He Zong these men can not help but be heartbroken. The image of Tan Yang in their hearts seems to have increased a lot in a flash.

After smashing two feet in a row, the tiger leopard was obviously a lot more honest. He was crouching beside Tan Yang’s side, and he used two big claws to hold Tan Yang’s two feet, for fear that Tan Yang would give it to him. The furry big head, put on Tan Yang's leg, smashed over and smashed past, the whole portrait, completely without the earth-shattering power. It looks like a cat with a slightly larger body.

For the tiger leopard, Tan Yang doesn't like it, and the distressed one doesn't work. He simply endures to kick it again. But when he sees the shadow of the spring shadow being tortured by it, he still can't help but count the number of "you, this beast, who makes You are so embarrassed about Spring Film Girl? You don't know if she is my friend? I want you not to let the water go, but I don't let you go to death!" The more you say, the more angry, Tan Yang couldn't help but lift his feet. I had to kick again, only to find that my feet were shackled by the two front paws of the tiger leopard, and they could not lift.

"You are a beast, but it is clever!" Tan Yang shook his head in tears and laughed, and slammed on the tiger's head, and gave up.

"It... is it really your pet? But... how did you do it?" Looking at the foot of Tan Yang like a hyena, the tiger leopard from time to time, Xia Ying excitedly talked Said that it is unfavorable.

Tan Yang haha ​​smiled, proud of the road "What is this difficult? I am Tan Yangming Ming Shenwu, the world is invincible, conquering a small tiger leopard to be a pet, it is not easy, it is a matter of handcuffs? Is it ah, Little tiger?"

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