The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1736: Bastard Tan Yang! (2)

The tiger leopard whispered, and in a pair of eyes, it did not hide it, it was all contempt. Seeing the humanized eyes and expressions of the tiger leopard, Xia Ying couldn't help but smile.

Tan Yang felt humiliated and his hands were on the head of the tiger leopard, which was a burst of anger. Poor tiger leopard, on weekdays, the prestige, at this time in the hands of Tan Yang, but only raging, but did not dare to resist. This is the benefit of the spiritual pet contract. Once signed, even if it is a fierce beast, it will become a dog.

"Well! Don't fight, do you want to kill it?" Seeing the tiger leopard under Tan Yang's fist, it's so pitiful. Xia Ying couldn't help but have a motherhood, and pushed Tan Yang away.

Tan Yang asked strangely, "Xia Ying Ying, you don't hate it very much, how can you help it now?"

Xia Ying looks a glimpse, and the white one looks at Tan Yang and shouts, "Take you, I am willing!"

But then, after seeing the Tiger Leopard was smashed by Tan Yang, he was still squatting at the foot of Tan Yang, and the heart of Xia Ying’s envy was smashed. Fang Cai Tan Yang said that he can accept the tiger leopard because he is wise and martial, Xia Ying certainly will not believe, but she also understands that this is Tan Yang's chance, is not envious.

May be aware of Xia Ying's maintenance of himself, the Tiger Leopard actually came over and smashed Xia Ying. This made Xia Ying's heart happy, and the love of the tiger leopard climbed to the peak. The brave man reached out and touched the hair of the tiger leopard. The tiger leopard did not resist. Instead, it seemed very comfortable and comfortable. Xia Ying was even more happy and hugged the tiger's head.

Tiger Leopard this goods, IQ is not a general high, it is clear that the relationship between Tan Yang and Xia Ying, the non-stop to the summer shadow to please sell Meng, instantly captured the heart of Xia Ying. Xia Ying, while holding the tiger leopard's head, turned back to Tan Yang, threatening the full-fledged way. "If you dare to bully the tiger in the future, I can't spare you!"

Tan Yang heard the words annoyed, hateful to the tiger leopard, where he would think, the tiger leopard this goods actually have such a skill, this is how much time, it successfully conquered Xia Ying. Ok! In the future, with Xia Ying support, who is the owner, I am afraid to talk about it.

"That can't be done!" Tan Yangfu went to the soul and suddenly turned his head up, and the cow X哄哄 said a word.

"What do you say?" Xia Yingxing's eyes looked at Tan Yang, and he thought that this kid is getting more and more mad, and he will not repair or repair it. In the future, he will not be able to control him.

Tan Yang snorted and said, "The tiger leopard is my pet. I naturally have the power to tune it. If it is not obedient in the future, I can't fix it yet?"

"Although the tiger is your pet, I just don't want you to bully it!"

Seeing Xia Ying seems to be a little anxious. Tan Yang’s heart is a joy, but his mouth is a hard way. “Xia Yingjie, you are obviously unreasonable! How to teach pets, that’s my business, you can’t control it. unless……"

"Unless?" Xia Ying was anxious and asked.

"Oh... unless you are my woman! In that case, you are the mistress of the tiger, you can protect it with justifiable words."

"You are looking for a fight!" Xia Ying's face is red, and he will fight.

Tan Yangyi bowed his head and looked like a ghostly slippery three feet. Even the channel "Xia Ying Ying, if I am in a bad mood, it is very likely that the tiger will follow it. It is my pet, it should be like this." consciousness."

"You... you bastard!" Xia Ying really has no way, annoyed and sighed.

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