The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1765: Strong in the first place! (1)

The loud rumbling of the road is like a cannon, and the huge claws of Du Jingyu will be wiped out in an instant. The disparity between the strong and the weak, so that Du Jingyu was too late to make a response, almost can only watch this happen. The spiritual power contained in the golden light, and the infinite world of righteousness, made Du Jingyu's heart seem to have been poured into countless ice, almost frozen. However, this sudden and drastic change has also calmed Du Jingyu's almost out of control mood.

"Which people have such a savage cultivation, is it to help the Lord?" Zhao Weihu's heart suddenly hung to the eyes of the blind, a feeling of restlessness is like a wild grass in the bottom of my heart, more and more intense. Subconsciously, he came to Du Jingyu's side, and Zhao Weihu looked around with a nervous and dignified expression.

Du Jingyu is the same, he is more shocked than Zhao Weihu's feelings. When the golden light passed through the shadow of the claws, Du Jingyu immediately realized that the cultivation of the people was high, and even taking his life was easy.

"Is it Master's shot?" Tan Yang was shocked and looked around subconsciously.

A figure appeared quietly in the eyes of everyone, it seems that it is not flustered, slow and reasonable, but in reality it is astonishingly amazing. The moment before it is still hundreds of feet away, the next moment will come to everyone. This diminishing power is extremely shocking. [

"People A!?" Tan Yang thought that Qin Dong had a hand, but he was surprised to see the face of the person coming. Tan Yang first was a fascination, and when he blinked, he did not find the figure of Qin Dong. He immediately thought of something, if he realized it.

Yan Yurou is not stupid than Tan Yang, Tan Yang can think of it, Yan Yurou is no exception. Can not help but grin, remembered the words of passers-by in the hidden show, she should have thought of the relationship between passers-by and Qin Dong.

Spring shadow is less of Tan Yang, Yan Yurou's confusion, the first time I decided that the passerby is the Qindong after the bridge was changed, the mind immediately settled down. Since Qin Dong has appeared, all the problems will surely be solved.

Hezong escaped from the dead and hugged with Du Xintong. He was so weeping. Suddenly I saw the passer-by coming over and hurriedly greeted him.

“Thank you for the help of the predecessors!” He Zong leaned over and bowed, and his attitude was very respectful.

Passerby nodded slightly and waved "Oh! Go back to the side!"

He Zong and Du Xintong also worshipped three worships, and they stood up. They looked back at Du Jingyu and went to Tan Yang, Yu Lin, and Iron.

"Who are you?" Du Jingyu screamed in anger. In addition to facing Fu Yanshan, Du Jingyu had not been in another person for a long time and felt such great pressure.

"You are so confused!" Passerby did not answer Du Jingyu's question, but it was a loud and loud anger, and Zhang mouth slammed, letting Du Jingyu squat.

"What do you say?" Du Jingyu is also a person with a head and face. A face is red, and he is full of anger and screams.

Passerby A sneered, the faint road "Why, you are not convinced? If you don't say anything, you say that you are confused on the issue of choosing a son-in-law! What is the **** thing of Zhao Xipin, he even has a toe of Hezong No one can match the head. Such a good son-in-law doesn't want to, but he wants to push his baby daughter into the fire pit. You are not old confused and what?"

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