The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1765: Strong in the first place! (2)

"Family! What is my son's resentment with you, do you want to filthy him like this?" What Zhao Weihu couldn't stand was that other people criticized his son, and he was furious and screamed.

The passerby gave him a look, the cold road "Speak up, I really can't blame Zhao Xipin. The so-called father must have his son, and spread his father like this, even if he wants to make a living, I am afraid it is very difficult. ”

"You are looking for death!" Zhao Weihu screamed, flying and swelling, the right palm was like a ghost, fluttering, and changing, making people unable to figure out the passerby.

Zhao Weihu was annoyed with people, but he did not lose his sense of reason. He knew that passers-by was not good at dealing with this. He took out his strongest trick.

Unfortunately, the gap between him and passers-by is too big. It’s not enough to look at these tricks. The passer-by's body shape does not move, and it should change without change. In Zhao Weihu’s illusory palm, when he came to a place far from Qindong, Jin Dong’s golden light suddenly made a big splash, and the spirit of the tsunami immediately swept away. The ridiculous Zhao Weihu made every effort, but he was helpless to kick the iron plate. In the cry, the whole person was as straight as the kite, and fluttered out of the air for more than ten feet. [

"What is this predecessor in the end, how is it so terrible?" Seeing Zhao Weihu in front of passers-by, he couldn't stop a move, but he really shocked He Zong.

Tan Yang, aside, smiled and whispered a few words in the ear of He Zong. He Zong’s eyes were even more rounded, and he looked at Tan Yang with horror. He asked, “What are you talking about?”

Tan Yang grinned. "Of course it is true! You can rest assured that since he has shot, this marriage with you and the heart boy, Du Jingyu did not agree and promised!"

"Impossible! This is impossible!" Zhao Weihu came from a letter to his self-cultivation. He never thought that he would be so vulnerable and vulnerable. After landing, I don’t want to check the injury.

The passerby smiled coldly, and he saw more of it. The facts are in front of you, still ignoring the impossible, not the brain is sick and what?

Du Jingyu's face looked blank and stared at the passerby, and the look was not awkward. "You...who are you?"

Qin Dong swings his hand. "Who am I who you don't care about? Now I have to make a match for Hezong, and your daughter, you only say that you disagree."

" want to protect the media for Hezong? What is your relationship with Hezong?" Du Jingyu widened his eyes and was shocked. He can see it, and the repair of this middle-aged man is no worse than paying Yanshan. He really can't figure out how He Zong can climb up with such a strong man.

"How much is your nonsense? I only ask you to disagree!" The passerby screamed and screamed, and the heart of Du Jingyu was scared.

"You are too arrogant!" Zhao Weihu is not reconciled, flying back again, rushing Du Jingyu said "Du brother, although his repair is high, you can not be afraid of him, you and I will join hands, you will be able to kill this thief!"

"Okay! We will meet him!" People are like this. If they don't see the coffin, they will listen to Zhao Weihu's words. Du Jingyu immediately responded.

"Master, can't!" Du Jingyu didn't know the passerby's power, but Yulin was clear. The two nine-level monks have joined forces to kill a super-powerful eleven-level peak, which is simply to find death.

For fear that Du Jingyu did not know how to advance and retreat, and angered Qin Dong, and recruited a disaster, Yulin jumped out in a hurry and shouted.

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