The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1933: As dead as nothing!

"In addition to the sword, what can he rely on?" Fu Yanshan changed his face and asked.

Zhu Hexuan, Du Jingyu, Chen Chang three people looked at each other and shook their heads, one face more than one dignified.

"Hate me and Qin Xiong's repair is too slow to recover. I really can't wait to go to Shangde's hospital now, killing the two brothers!" Fu Yanshan clenched his fist, and his heart was angry and helpless.

"Help the Lord, or else, I and Du brother, Chen Xiong, take a trip together!" Zhu Hexuan's heart is as anxious as Fu Yanshan, the longer the time drags, the stronger the strength of the Chua brothers, the more difficult it is to deal with.

Fu Yanshan sinked for a long while, and finally shook his head. "No! If you don't have a sword, you can fight with Zhao Weihu, Cai Dingshan, and Cai Dingjun. But the other party now has a sword. You have gone, afraid. It’s fierce and less.”[

Qin Tailong nodded and browed and asked, "Yes, what happened to the Nangong girl?"

Qin Tailong asked this question, Fu Yanshan also thought about it. Nan Gongyao’s repair is far above them, and now they are the masters they need to borrow. But Zhu Hexuan gave a sigh and looked depressed. "The injury of Nangong girl seems to be heavier than you and the gang. It is very difficult to recover. I just went to visit her. So many days, her injury has even recovered. If you can't get it, you can say that there is no improvement."

Fu Yanshan and Qin Tailong actually thought of it early. After listening to Zhu Hexuan’s answer, the two couldn’t help but sigh.

"Fu brother, it seems that there is no other way." Qin Tailong thought about it, said his teeth.

Fu Yanshan looked at him and looked over at him. He said, "Qin brother means..."

The two people are now more and more tacit understanding, to come back and forth a few eye contact exchanges, they understand what the other party thinks, Fu Yanshan said only half of the words, then suddenly shook his head, "No, no, that step, not yet……"

Qin Tailong smiled and said, "Pay brother, you know better than me. Now the surname of Cai can't be dragged, but we can't afford it. You and my wounds want to be completely restored. I am afraid that it will not be possible for one and a half years. After a year and a half, can we still clean up the surnamed Cai?"

Fu Yanshan still shakes his head. "That's not going to work! Even if it is necessary to do this, I should come. After all, Cai Dingjun is a hand-pulled one. The reason why it is caused by today's disaster is that the responsibility lies with me. I have planted it myself. Bitter fruit, naturally I have to taste it."

Qin Tailong smiled and said, "If you pay for your brother, you must go. Well, you should first think of a way, let Wanpeng help all the masters and disciples, listen to me as much as possible!"

"What is the difficulty of this, my next order is." Fu Yanshan did not think about it.

Qin Tailong shook his head and smiled. "You don't want to deceive yourself. You can really tell the truth, can you listen to the master disciples of Wanpeng? You don't forget, my reputation as Qin Tailong is already stinky." But where is a monk with a little conscience, where will I listen to my order?"

"These can all be explained! One day, time will prove the innocence of Qin brother!"

Qin Tailong laughed. "Yeah, I also believe that there will be one day, but you and I know that this day will never be tomorrow. It can never be the present. Now Wanpeng help does not need me, you need it. Only you can After the death of Cai Dingjun, he quickly rectified and rectified the situation. Therefore, for the overall situation, the person who wants to face Cai Dingjun must be me!"

Qin Tailong said these words, Fu Yanshan did not say anything. In the words of Qin Tailong, he is indisputable.

"Help the Lord, you... what are you talking about?" The dialogue between Qin Tailong and Fu Yanshan, let Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang, Du Jingyu listen to the fog, they are all puzzled.

Fu Yanshan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but did not say it. Qin Tailong is a look of glory, Yang said, "We are saying that it is time for Cai Dingjun to go where he should go."

Zhu Hexuan heard a word and asked, "How come, Mr. Qin thought of the way to deal with Cai Dingjun?"

Qin Tailong gave a burst of laughter and said, "That is of course! You guys will be good!"

See Qin Tailong's confidence is full, Zhu Hexuan several people are also happy. Qin Tailong’s prestige in Heaven’s heavens is hardly worse than paying Yanshan. If he says it from his mouth, there is no time to count. [

However, I haven't waited for Zhu Hexuan to be happy for a long time. A crisp and awkward voice suddenly rang. "Uncle, you can't go!"

The people looked back and saw Nangong Yao’s support from Fu Fengming. He walked in quickly and Nangong Yao’s face was full of anxiety.

Qin Tailong smiled and said, "Yao, you don't even know where I am going, you will not let me go?"

Nangong Yao hurriedly shook the dagger, saying, "I know! Uncle is going to find Cai Dingjun, then blew himself up, and he will die with him!"

"What!?" Nangong Yao's voice did not fall, Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang, Du Jingyu also exclaimed at the same time, full of surprise Qi Qi looked to Qin Tailong.

I saw the smile on Qin Tailong’s face suddenly stunned with the voice of Nangong Yao, apparently being said by Nan Gongyao. Zhu Hexuan understands this. It is no wonder that Qin Tailong has such a great confidence that he can kill Cai Dingjun, and he dares to die with Cai Dingjun.

Qin Tailong smiled a bit and pointed at Nangong Yao with his finger. "You are a girl, really smart."

"Mr. Qin, it is impossible! What is Cai Dingjun's life, his life is compared with you, it is not as good as shit. You are with him, and it is too cheap for him!" Zhu Hexuan hurriedly persuaded.

On the side of Chen Chang and Du Jingyu also nodded and agreed to keep persuading.

Qin Tailong smiled and said, "You can make a mistake. I have only half a life left, but once Cai Dingjun is upset, it is a mess in the world. The dead people don't know how to use it. Life, to change so many lives, it is cheap, I am right!"

Qin Tailong’s look at the laughter and the wind, people can not help but feel that he is talking about the lives of others at this time, and has nothing to do with him. This kind of open-mindedness, this kind of death is like nothing, looking at the world, how many people can? This made Zhu Hexuan and others feel even more admired by Qin Tailong.

"Uncle..." Nangong Yao's eyebrows were tightly clustered, and I didn't know what to say, but the eyes faintly shed tears.

Qin Tailong took a long breath and sighed, "Okay, okay! You should not persuade me any more, my mind has been decided!"

"Well... but if you have three long and two short, we... how do we explain to Qin Dong?" Nangong Yao muttered.

Qin Tailong waved his hand and said, "What do you mean? You don't need to explain it! Xiaodong is a very sensible child. He is not here. If he is here, his insurance will rush, maybe he will not be able to take me, huh, huh. ... I believe him, he will understand me, so I don't need to explain."

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