The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1934: The villain breaks through!

"Master, Master!" Qin Tailong’s voice landed, and everyone’s heart rose into an inexplicable tragic and strong, and suddenly fell into silence. At this time, accompanied by a rush of panic, Tan Yang, Gu Jianxin, a few younger disciples, rushed in.

Zhu Hexuan frowned, can not help but some nervous "Tan Yang, what happened?"

Tan Yang gasped for a few breaths, and he said in a hurry, "Master, help the Lord, come out and see."

Zhu Hexuan, Fu Yanshan, a few people looked at each other, and at the same time, they sank in the heart and rushed out of the house. When I came out of the house, everyone immediately felt that it was wrong. The aura of heaven and earth that had been pervading all around was like crazy, and it was moving in the same direction. Everyone looked up and saw that all these auras were in the place of Shangde.

As more and more auras of heaven and earth flock to the Shangde Bieyuan, in the air of Suntech, an unusually large, long-lasting cloud has been formed that stretches for dozens of miles. Fu Yanshan, Zhu Hexuan and others are top monks, and they have a wide range of knowledge. It is natural to know what it means. [

Zhu Hexuan took a sip of cold air and muttered, "Is Cai Dingjun going to break through?"

Chen Chang’s brows can’t be tightened at this time, Shen Shen’s “Cai Dingjun is already the first stage of the tenth level. This time, the breakthrough is again. That’s the tenth-level middle. I think we will enter the tenth level at the same time as him. In the realm of the world, how can he break through so quickly? Zhu Xiong, your cultivation is the deepest among us. Do you have to break through?"

Zhu Hexuan shook his head and looked bitter and hard. "It’s still early!"

When Zhu Hexuan and Chen Chang talked, Qin Tailong turned to look at Fu Yanshan and asked, "Fu brother, when you broke through the tenth-level middle class, there is such a big momentum?"

Fu Yanshan turned around and looked around. He only found that the heavens and auras within a few hundred miles were spurred, and they gathered together to Shangde’s courtyard, and then looked at the huge cloud that shrouded the Suntech Peak. Constantly getting bigger, I couldn’t help but shook my head. “There is absolutely no! Even when I broke through to the top ten peaks, I didn’t make such a big sound.”

"That is to say, Cai Dingjun is breaking through the fake, but it is not a breakthrough in the first ten levels, it is likely to be in the impact of the eleventh level!" Qin Tailong had long been speculating, after listening to the words of Fu Yanshan, this speculation Stand by.

Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang, Du Jingyu and others are looking at the direction of Suntech’s hospital. They suddenly heard the words of Qin Tailong. They all made a nap and opened their mouths. Each face was full of incredible thoughts and even a few Frightened.

"Mr. Qin, you... what did you say?" Zhu Hexuan had a few mouths and seemed to have spent a lot of effort to ask such a sentence.

Qin Tailong expressed a bitter and depressed road. "Although I can't believe it, this is indeed a fact. Cai Dingjun does not know what method he has found, but he can break through the ten-level bottleneck. After this breakthrough, his cultivation is 11th. The situation is over."

"Ten... the eleventh level?! Yes, when the Qin dynasty broke, it was such a battle!" Yulin suddenly exclaimed.

Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang, Du Jingyu and others did not believe at first, but they could hear the exclamation of Yulin’s, and they could not believe it.

"Is this God's will? I have been in the tenth grade for more than ten years, and I can't break through. But Cai Dingjun only entered the tenth level for a few days, and it was a magical breakthrough. God is really unfair." Fu Yanshan Shaking his head, his face is full of anger and helplessness.

Cai Dingjun actually broke through the 11th level! Zhu Hexuan, Chen Chang, Du Jingyu, the hearts of the three people all jumped, completely messed up the square inch. Compared with the tenth level, it is the sky and the invincible existence. Now Cai Dingjun, even if it is not necessary to smash the sword, it is easy to kill them.

Suntech, shrouded in the boundless heaven and earth, seems to have been stripped from the world and become a world. In the midst of it, everyone seems to see that under such an amazing aura package, Cai Dingjun’s cultivation is like a rocket. An invisible but huge power of the stock has spread from Suntech, and it is like a king who is inspecting his territory.

Just when everyone was in a heavy mood and stunned, suddenly, a white light suddenly rose from the top of Shangde Peak, straight through the thick Lingyun, and shot at the endless sky. The aura of heaven and earth that pervades the surroundings is like seeing the ministers of the king, and they have surrendered to surrender.

The people have not had time to think about it. What is this white light, an unusually strong, like a terrible power of the big waves, has spread over, as an invisible mountain, pressed in the hearts of everyone.

Such as Zhu Hexuan, these masters can still resist, but Tan Yang, Yu Lin, these younger disciples who are slightly weaker, all began to tremble, as if standing naked in the snow and ice. And those who were trained to be weaker, lie down straight, can't stand even the station, and all the faces are filled with deep fear.

"This...what is this!?" Zhu Hexuan screamed at the horrible power of ubiquitousness while gnashing his teeth.

"This...this seems to be Xianli!" Nan Gongyao's face was also changed at this time, and the voice was full of shock. [

“Xian Li!?” Fu Yanshan struggled to earn earned, and roared and asked, “How could he decide to control Xian Li?”

Nangong Yao has not yet answered, Qin Tailong will be with great sorrow, muttering, "There is a living **** with Cao Xiaoxian, what is impossible?"

When the pro-space comes out, Fu Yanshan will no longer have any doubts, but he will bite his teeth with more resentment. "Is it heavenly heaven, is it still going to be destroyed in the hands of this girl?"

This Xianli did not last long and quickly disappeared. But in this short period of time, the people have already tossed enough, one by one, just as they just got out of the water, they were soaked in cold sweat.

"It seems that Cai Dingjun has just been cultivated into Xianli, so it is not lasting!" Nangong Yao took a breath, and Cai Dingjun's Xianli compared with Cao Xiaoxian, after all, is still far away. At least when Nangong Yao is in full prosperity, he will never be afraid of him.

But even Cai Dingjun, who has just been cultivated as Xianli, is still very weak, and is no longer Zhu Hexuan, even Fu Yanshan, Qin Tailong can deal with it. Cai Dingjun seems to have completed the breakthrough. The aura of heaven and earth shrouded in the top of Shangde Peak is slowly dissipating. But everyone on the hidden peak is in a dead silence, a desperate mood, quietly Silent spread.

After a long while, Fu Yanshan suddenly looked up and looked at Qin Tailong. He smiled and said, "Qin Xiong, your way, I think it is."

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