The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1970: Righteousness and evil are not divided!

w Fu Yanshan shook his head and smiled bitterly. "Wu Lao, do you really think that I will pay for Yanshan to do the betrayal of the world and betray the ancestors? I pay Yanshan if it is such a villain, can create Wan Peng Bang Can you have today's achievements? I am afraid that I have already turned into a cup of loess, and it has drifted away with the wind!"

Umaki was frowned, and he had to admit that Fu Yanshan’s words made sense. Book>

"What is the matter in front of you, how do you explain it? You will not say that it is a big prince of this illusionary orc?"

Fuyanshan Road "The Great Emperor is of course true, but the heart of the Great Emperor is toward us."

"What are you talking about?" Umaki's eyes slammed and seemed to hear something about the night. [

Cai Dingjun is even more sorrowful and sorrowful. "Fu Yanshan, are you fooling yourself, or are we all fools? The great prince of the illusionary orc, the future queen of the phantoms, his heart will not be illusory. Orc, is it facing us? Is there a bigger joke than this?"

Fu Yanshan stunned Cai Dingjun's eyes and raised his voice. "It involves a secret. It is time for everyone to know about it. In fact, it is really necessary to plot our heavenly heavens." It is not an illusionary orc, but a power of the celestial world. As for the illusionary orc, it is only in his sorcerer's sorcerer, and it is controlled by it. In fact, it is incompetent, just like a scorpion. Fortunately, the great prince is a coincidence. He broke the sorcerer and was able to restore his senses. He realized that the situation was serious and he was not willing to be reconciled. The illusionary orcs were used by others to do the evils of the world, and they found the evils of the eternal years. Negotiation, the two sides join hands, and they should cooperate with each other to cope with the strong enemy from the fairy world!"

"Is this the case?" Umaki's eyes flashed with the suspicion of the letter. The rest of the people were also talking about it, but most people, the expression was indifferent to question, it is not surprising, Fu Yanshan's words, itself Through the fantasy.

"Fu Yanshan, your repair is good, but your ability to make a story, but it is not ordinary bad. You want to fool everyone with such a rotten story, you are too naive!" Cai Dingjun looked disdainful Looking at Fu Yanshan said.

"Cai Dingjun!" Fu Yanshan ren no ren, issued a sigh of anger, Shen Sheng "you and me have more grievances, and should not be jokes about the fate of the heavens in heaven. It matters, I pay Yanshan dare I believe that you can temporarily abandon hatred, think rationally, and naturally understand that what Fu Mo said is true!"

"Hey!" Cai Dingjun was mad at this time. He would listen to Fu Yanshan’s words and listen to his ears. He took a sigh of sorrow and turned to look at Umu Kui and other people, shouting loudly, "You, the big people of the phantoms." Since the prince came to the door, we certainly can't let go. Fu Yanshan's singular words, I think only people with bad brains will believe him. In the opinion of Cai, we all work together to first subdue the emperor. When he leans on the hostage, we have the bargaining chip with the Eudemons. This method is the most secure!"

When Cai Dingjun said this, he immediately got a response from the crowd. Wu Mu Kui calmed his face and did not say anything. Although he did not express his position, it is not difficult to see that his heart is also in favor of Cai Dingjun.

Fu Yanshan stunned Cai Dingjun with a glance, Shen Sheng said "Wu Lao, Cai Dingjun is what the goods "color", you are as clear as I am. He is doing evil on weekdays, can be said to be a bad thing, how is his words? Can you listen?"

Wu Mu Kui shook his head and said, "Cai Dingjun is not a good thing, but he has not colluded with the Eudemons!"

"Wu Lao, you..." Fu Yanshan's brow wrinkled, I don't know what to say.

On the other side, Cai Dingjun was more and more proud. He looked at Fu Yanshan with a sneer and said: "Wu Lao said that it is good. If Cai Dingjun’s character is even worse, then I will not sell my ancestors, but I will pay more than Yanshan. I don't know how many times stronger."

"Cai Dingjun, others don't know you. I don't know you about Yanshan. You are ambitious, but you are a slave. You've always been a wall of grass, shaking it, not doing anything! To betray your ancestors, trust Enemy, you Cai Dingjun is definitely a good player."

Cai Dingjun simply did not argue with Fu Yanshan, and put his hand on the road. "Do not talk nonsense! Fu Yanshan, since you said that the great emperor is single-minded in the heavens and the heavens, then you will tell him, trouble him." Bind, honestly be our hostage. If he is willing, then we will believe your words! Wu Lao, do you say this?"

Wu Lao was already a bit of a head in the later dozens of tribes. He nodded slightly, and the rest of them did not have any objections. They all agreed.

"Pay the helper, this is also that we all gave you a chance to prove yourself, listen and not listen, all by your own decision!" Wu Lao looked to Fu Yanshan.

"There is no reason for this, let the seat be tied up? Lose what you think!" The big prince was unhappy at the side of the heart, and it was even more furious to smash.

Fu Yanshan listened to the snoring of the great emperor, and even smiled in his heart. As he expected, with the pride of the great emperor, he would not succumb to the will of others. He did not intend to really persuade the great emperor according to the words of Cai Dingjun. Now the Great Emperor is the only person who can hold Cai Dingjun. If the Great Emperor is tied up, can Cai Dingjun not be able to do whatever he wants?

"You refused?" Ebony's face, "color", asked coldly.

The great prince’s wrathful sorrow, “Of course, this seat is not willing! You are ignorant and stupid, and you are a clever monk. It’s all damn!”

"Oh! If this is the case, then we have to bully less, b you are ready!"

"Then come! Grandpa is afraid of you, Grandpa is not worthy of being the great prince of the Eudemons!"

Seeing that both sides are arrogant, this is going to be done, and Fu Yanshan’s brow is wrinkled. Qin Tailong came forward at this time and said: "Fu brother, Lu Yao knows that horsepower has been seeing people for a long time! Now I have nothing to say to them, or if they do, they will be preemptive and will be explained later."

"But..." Fu Yanshan's unwillingness to face, this situation has come to the present, which has clearly become the only way.

Just when Fu Yanshan’s heart was in trouble, the great emperor sang a high-sounding “just do it!”, even if he swayed and swayed, he turned his body into a goshawk, and he fell to Wu Mukui and other gan people. .

"Everyone shot together, demon demon!" The big prince moved here, Cai Dingjun also rushed to move with the trend. It’s not that he dares to be first. It’s really clear to him that these people, alone, are not the opponents of the great emperor. Once they are restrained, he will become a loner. Therefore, he must take advantage of Umaki and others who have not yet been restrained, and join hands with them, hoping to contain the big prince.

[Author's digression]: Have you eaten all the rice? How much did you drink? Haha... I wish you all a happy new year, family harmony, and the prosperity of the coming year, everything is going well! m

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