The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1971: A skeleton!

W heart made up his mind, Cai Dingjun would not care about his own injuries, the hands of the celestial swords released in the hands of a gorgeous and dazzling swordsman, volley straight b big prince. Use the reader to watch millions of novels, completely without ads! At the same time, dozens of masters such as Umku Kui, have also shaken up, no hesitation at all, all of which regard the great emperor as a big enemy.

Umu Kui and others are the rare people of justice in heaven and earth. They are all masters who can excuse the "sexual" life and not fear the strong enemy. Their offensive compared with the previous group of tribes who had turned to Cai Dingjun, why did they get stronger? I am not afraid of death, and with the tacit cooperation, the great emperor thinks that it is not possible to restrain the other side as easily as before.

And this time, Cai Dingjun also changed the strategy of hiding the cold arrows, but actively participated in the offensive, and relying on his own eleventh level of cultivation, became the sharp knife and vanguard in the entire offensive, so Once the big prince wants to do the same, it is not even more difficult.

"The big prince, I will help you!" See the big prince in the crowd, the left and right squatting, the situation is very bad, Qin Tailong Jianmei raised, flying and swept up. Wu Mu Kui seems to have been prepared for prevention. Here, Qin Tailong just sneaked into the air, and saw him waving his hand. He divided more than ten monks from the crowd and surrounded Qin Tailong.

Being surrounded, Qin Tailong knew that the situation that the Great Emperor was facing at this time was more severe than he had imagined. These dozens of people were actually not afraid of death, and they did not defend themselves. It was as if Qin Tailong was their deadly enemy to kill their wives. It is simply impossible for Qin Tailong to want to protect them unscathed under such circumstances, even if his cultivation is at the peak of the tenth level. [

Just like being caught in a quagmire, Qin Tailong was entangled in them, and if he wanted to be a tuo, it would be difficult to go to heaven.

"Nainai, how can these people be so difficult!" The Great Emperor was beaten by a dozen monks, forced to back a few steps back, his face full of annoyed whisper.

"Cai Dingjun!" At the time of the annoyance of the great emperor, Umu Kui suddenly made a mad drink, and then, a shocking and aggressive offensive, picked up from behind the big emperor, and the wind and the cloud seemed to come to him.

"What!?" The great prince exclaimed, and quickly looked back, only to see a chilly sword light, like a rolling lang "tidal", slap.

This situation is so familiar to the big prince, but it is full of irony. Isn’t he just dealing with Cai Dingjun like this? Who can think of the feng shui turn, so his situation has changed with Cai Dingjun so quickly.

"The enchanting of the illusionary beast, go to hell!" It was hard to occupy the main dynamics, and got such a good opportunity. If Cai Dingjun had let it go, he was afraid that it would be worse than a good one. In the sound of screaming, the sword front rolled up a thousand layers of snow lang, and the vastness of the "swinging" and "swinging", layered on top of each other, there is a posture that will swallow the big prince.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!!!" The great prince was furious, and he slammed three times. His figure was like a giant tree, and he suddenly picked up. The power of destruction in his body overflowed with madness, and his body was immersed in darkness. Among them.

In the darkness, a huge and mighty unicorn is looming, and the sinister atmosphere of the sorcerer's royal family is vividly displayed at this moment. Umu Kui and other gan monks could not withstand such a power, and they were forced to retreat.

At this time, the snow-like swordsmanship that Cai Dingjun offered, and the darkness of the dying force formed by the force of destruction, smashed together.

After all, Cai Dingjun's cultivation is better than the big emperor's "color". Although it is completely active, it can even be said that the sneak attack is successful, but it is finally resisted by the great emperor.

However, the great emperor of Cai Dingjun was able to sacrifice the beast hún, which showed that Cai Ding’s powerful attack was indeed a big blow to the great emperor.

"Don't let him breathe, even if it is a consumption, he will live and die!" Cai Dingjun stepped back a few steps, while breathing loudly, while screaming.

The cooperation between Wu Mu Kui and others and Cai Dingjun turned out to be more and more tacit in this series of fierce battles. It is also a matter of listening to Cai Dingjun’s words. It seems that they are old friends who have known each other for many years, and the old brothers generally let Fu Yanshan’s heart suffer. .

Umu Kui and others immediately turned back, each of them offered the strongest move, and launched a bombing of the great emperor. And Cai Dingjun took the opportunity to adjust his interest. Although this method looks stupid, it is extremely effective. This is a long way to go. Even if the emperor is a high-ranking one, he will be killed alive as Cai Dingjun said.

"You are all right and wrong, loyal and traitorous, the same idiots, this seat is working with you, it is better to fight hard!" The great prince was more and more helpless, and the mouth kept screaming. The great prince is angry and angry, but his hands are always kept in proportion, and he will never open the killing.

"The big prince, the culprit is still Cai Dingjun! Don't think about it for Qing, let him kill it!" Fu Yanshan saw the situation and knew that it would not be possible to seriously listen to Fu Yanshan and Wu Mukui. He explained. In order to the overall situation, Fu Yanshan’s heart was swaying and yelling at the Great Emperor.

"Know it!" The Great Emperor heard the words of Yanshan, and suddenly he let go of the scruples. He snorted and his body was vertical. With his super power, he was born from the emper of Wu Mu Kui and others. This Cai Dingjun went.

Cai Dingjun is adjusting his interest. Suddenly he saw the big prince as if he was rushing to himself like a mad dragon in the cloud. His heart suddenly leaped wildly. He certainly knew that with his current situation, it was difficult to take the big shot of the great emperor.

Cai Dingjun's brains turned sharply and thought about the way of tuo's body. At this time, a figure slammed into the spurs, and actually used his body to protect Cai Dingjun. Cai Dingjun was shocked and happy. He quickly stared at it and found that it was not someone else who was willing to protect himself by death. It was Wu Mukui. [

"Urh! What are you gan?" Cai Dingjun sneaked, but Fu Yanshan was exclaimed.

Wu Mu Kui did not speak, just like a mountain peak between Cai Dingjun and the great prince, even if the "sexual" life is only in the shackles, but the brow does not wrinkle. It’s really fascinating.

"Old guy, you are really confused, this seat is a good person!" The great emperor b came up, but also anxious shouting.

Emu Kui snorted and dismissively said, "The old man is not confused, you can't think of me!"

At this time, Cai Dingjun also said, "Wu Lao, if the monks in heaven and heaven, can be forgotten as you are, why can't you break the magical beast?"

"Cai Dingjun, you are a pig that is not as good as a pig and a dog! Why do you want to hurt him?" Fu Yanshan is already in a hurry. He did not expect Cai Dingjun to still add fuel to the fire at this time. Fu Yanshan’s anger Can be imagined. m

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