The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1972: The heart is touched!

w "There is no reason for this, the person who wants to harm the old man is obviously paying Yanshan!" Cai Dingjun hid behind Umku Kui, a proud road. Book>

"You are so confused and so stubborn, then don't blame this seat!" The great prince was mad at the air, and his heart was stunned, and no matter how many, a pair of right palms, straight to the Umku Kui will go down.

"The big prince is absolutely impossible!" Others Fu Yanshan may be able to sigh, but he can't. Seeing that the great emperor had to slap on the Umu Kui, Fu Yanshan could not help but uttered an exclamation.

Listening to the exclamation of Yanshan, because of anxious and almost changed the tone, how the big prince will not be aware, Fu Yanshan is definitely a respect for Umaki, and he will hesitate to succumb to the command of Wu Mukui. Involuntarily stayed in the air.

The voice of Fu Yanshan, the hesitation of the great emperor, these are all in the eyes of Wu Mukui, which made Umku Kui’s heart hit by a lot of time. [

Of course, Wu Mu Kui is not old stubborn, not even confused, so many years of experience in the rivers and lakes, he has long been trained to become a person. Fu Yanshan’s exclamation and the hesitation of the great emperor could not help but think about it. What did he think in his mind?

And don't say whether Fu Yanshan is relying on the Eudemons. Just assuming that Fu Yanshan will sell the spirit hún to the Eudemons, will he still care about his feelings? And the move of the great prince also made him strange. The Eudemons are not always the same ferocious, killing people are not blind, why is the big emperor to be merciful to himself? Look around, except for the disciples of the Shangde Bieyuan, the monks of the other tribes were mostly shackled, but they were not damaged, let alone lost their sex. Isn’t it strange? ?

Wu Mu Kui subconsciously glanced at the back, only to see that Cai Dingjun steadily hid behind his own, and made it clear that he was acting as a shield. His face was full of the smiling smile of the villain, which made Umaki a straightforward appetite.

"Isn't it all, really there is another hidden feeling? Could it be true that Fu Yanshan said?" Wu Mukui thought in a move, unconsciously thinking.

At this time, an unusually chilly chill came from behind him and swept away by him. Umu Kui shuddered, and suddenly he was shocked and hurriedly looked back. It was Cai Dingjun who took advantage of the big prince’s hesitant to take the opportunity to smash a sword.

"Shameless!" Umaki is the most concerned about the bright and upright, seeing that Cai Dingjun was so shamelessly sneak attack, the heart was not feeling awkward, not jin mouth screamed.

At this time, Cai Dingjun completely ignored Wu Mu Kui. Moreover, Wu Mu Kui’s attitude did not mean anything to him. As long as the big prince’s big threat can be removed, and Umaki is disgusted with him, what about it?

"There is no reason for this!" The Great Emperor did not expect that Cai Dingjun would be so shameless. He was still pretending to be a good man at the moment. At this moment, he learned the act of the villain, shamelessly attacking, roaring, and he was about to raise his hand, and his heart suddenly moved. It changed his mind in an instant.

The originally raised momentum has been taken off, all defenses have been removed, and Cai Dingjun’s swordsman has been seen, hitting his chest. A cry of exhalation, the big prince spit out the blood and flew backwards.

"Successful!" Cai Dingjun's face "color" was ecstatic, and he made a loud cry.

Fu Yanshan, Qin Tailong and others were mad at the surprise, and rushed forward to pick up the big prince's body volley. I saw the big prince face "color" 煞 white, mouth chún closed, xi if there is nothing, the whole person has actually arrived at the time of dying.

Fu Yanshan can't believe it, and it is quite different from Qin Tailong. Even if the big prince was just fascinated for a moment, can he be repaired, and it will not be killed by Cai Dingjun’s sword?

But even if they can't figure it out in their hearts, reality is ultimately a reality. The great prince has even lost consciousness, lying on the ground with a straight hook, except for the slight chou squatting from time to time, it is no different from the four.

"Ha ha ha ... ha ha ha ... ..." Seeing the situation of the great emperor, Cai Dingjun can no longer triumph in his heart, straight out loud and laughed, like a madness.

Listening to the screaming laughter of Cai Dingjun, Wu Mu Kui’s mood was so complicated that it was only a little bit of joy. The subconscious kept telling him that he was wrong.

"Wu old, trouble you to order, will pay Yanshan, Qin Tailong and so on, all won, the local law!" Cai Dingjun said with a smile.

Wu Mu Kui shook his head and calmed his face. "I am with everyone because of my like-mindedness, so I came together. Everyone is equal, I don't have the power to give orders!"

"Wu old, why are you polite? You are the oldest of you, in fact, in everyone's heart, you are the head!"

Umu Kui shook again, and said, "The old and the dead are incompetent, can not afford such a heavy responsibility!"

Cai Dingjun’s voice turned and smiled. “It’s also! Wu Lao, you are older, and you should be a good time to support your life. It’s not very suitable. It’s too cao! But today’s situation in heaven is in danger, my monk can’t The group dragon has no head. If Wu Lao does not disregard it, how can he let Cai work for him?"

Cai Dingjun was too anxious, so quickly revealed his ambition, and Umku Kui’s brows wrinkled together.

"This one of my own people said no, I want everyone to decide together!"

Wu Mukui’s voice has not yet landed, and Cai Dingjun suddenly pulled up his body and plunged into a high place. He stood tall and looked down at the crowd. He said, “The so-called snake is headless! Today, my heavenly heavens must not be headless because of the dragons. It’s cheaper for the Eudemons. There are more people who can do it! I’m willing to stand up and lead everyone, and I’m going to do it with the Eudemons! I don’t know what you want?”

Cai Dingjun’s voice landed, but no one expressed his attitude. The eyes of all people were intentionally or unintentionally concentrated on Wu Mukui’s body. When Cai Dingjun saw this situation, his brow was immediately wrinkled, and when he looked at Umku Kui, his eyes were more faintly three-pointed.

"Never! Cai Dingjun has always been only for selfish desires, he will not care about the safety of the heavenly heavens and the lives of others. If everyone really is based on him, the situation of heaven in heaven will only be more dangerous!"

"Hey! Fu Yanshan, now you are the meat of the scorpion. Where is the part of you talking here? Come and give him to me!" Cai Dingjun screamed, a disciple of Gan Shangde’s hospital, immediately Cried up.

"I am here, I see who dares to scatter wild!" Fu Yanshan has exhausted, Zhu Hexuan and Du Jingyu have been injured, Chen Chang has already gone up to the power of fighting again, and now only Qin Tailong, Qin Tailong Tiger Cub With one click, I came forward. m

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