The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 1999: Crazy improvement!

w "Xiaodong, if... If you can really do it, then I... I and Xianer will do the horse for you, and there will be no complaints!" The beauty and style of the "female" people, At this time, I couldn't help but get excited. Even if I said it, I felt a little tremble.

When Qin Dong heard it, he quickly said, "Mother, what are you talking about? Where is the mother who has to be a son to be a cow? You should not want me to be thundered?"

The beautiful "female" man shook his head again and again, his lips groaning, wanting to say something, but because he was too excited, he could not tell. Latest novel Baidu search ""

"Do you really have the confidence to defeat me? I am not scaring you, my cultivation is invincible." Cao Xiaoxian’s eyes widened, and Qin Dong came and went to look at it all the time, how can he not get it? Understand how Qin Dong can have such a strong self-confidence, such a great courage, even the most admired fall of her life dare to challenge.

Qin Dong sent a burst of laughter, but did not answer Cao Xiaoxian’s words. He held the spirit of Bei Mingxiong in his hand and turned to look at Mifen. He shouted “Fen Er! This is Bei Mingxiong. Don't waste your gift!"[

"Giggle... brother, such a precious thing, do you really want me cheaper?" Miffin couldn't wait to see it early. At this time, listening to Qin Dong's words, he couldn't help but burst into laughter. For her, Ling Dan of Bei Mingxiong can't just describe it with preciousness. Latest novel Baidu search ""

Qin Dong glanced at her and grinned. "You are also poor with me? Don't change quickly!"

"Come on!" Miffin screamed in the mouth of his mouth, his body vacated, a golden light flashed, and the golden bird re-growed between the blue sky and white clouds.

"Just refine the spirit, my brother, I will protect the law for you!" Qin Dong Gao sighed and smashed the spirit of his hand. I only heard the golden bird screaming sharply and screaming, and the wings flicked and straightened into a golden "color" electric light, and rushed toward Ling Dan. The repair of Bei Mingxiong is much higher than that of Bimeifen. The spiritual power contained in this spirituality is far beyond the imagination of Mifen. Even if Muffin is slamming again, he does not dare to swallow the lingo, so that the lingo that is released from it can save the bones of Miffin.

Zhang mouth spurted a golden "color" of fog, and slammed into the spirit, and the spirit seemed to have a certain consciousness. Thanks to this stimulation, the time was dripping and spinning, and at the same time, the thickness of one stock was different, but it was equally incomparable. Pure spiritual power is like a fountain sprayed out. In an instant, the world is filled with purple and green brilliance.

Such ample and pure spiritual power made the golden bird so excited that a sharp squeaking sounded on the spot, opened his mouth and swallowed wildly. Under the gaze of the crowd, a large blockbuster of purple and green light was swallowed by the golden bird.

With the engulfment, the golden light emitted by the golden bird has become more and more pure and strong. Not only that, but this golden light is still expanding outwards, and the size of the golden bird has become bigger and more powerful. At this time, even if it is a blind man, it can be seen that Mifen is getting stronger at an alarming rate.

"Fen's life is really good and enviable!" Looking at Miffin, who was screaming in the air, Nangong Yao involuntarily gave a sigh.

Cao Xiaoxian stood beside her, and her sighs were clear and clear, and her heart rose involuntarily. If Muffin’s life is not good, how can he have an outstanding brother like Qin Dong, who is so good that he is crazy?

Just as Cao Xiaoxian was envious of Miffin’s good life, he felt that the Qin Dong had recognized the beautiful woman as a mother. Then he is not her brother? At the thought of this, Cao Xiaoxian’s heart is not arrogant. There is even more indescribable joy that spreads rapidly in her heart. When she looked at Qin Dong again, her eyes changed a lot.


There was a crisp and pleasing sound in the sky, and Cao Xiaoxian turned his head and looked at it. He immediately found that Miffin had improved. Under the golden light of the package, Miffin gives people a more sacred and noble feeling, and is not in the name of the holy orc nobles.

This is how long it takes, and Miffin has raised a realm. This rocket-like upgrade is to let many people present, the envy of the mouth DC. At this time, there seems to be no change in the spirit of Bei Mingxiong. Obviously, the spiritual power released so far is nothing more than the nine cows and one hair of all the spiritual powers contained in it. If you completely absorb this panacea, what kind of realm Miffin can be promoted to, everyone in the room, no one can imagine.

Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Mi Fu will certainly not miss, constantly rushing to the spirit of the "color" fog, stimulating its release of spiritual power, and then madly swallowed, as her cultivation continues to improve, the rate of engulfing, It is getting faster and faster.

Although the spiritual powers cultivated by the Eudemons and the Holy Orcs are different, they can be transformed at will, and there is no conflict. In other words, the spiritual power contained in the North Mingxiong Ling Dan, once swallowed into the body by Mifen, can instantly become the spiritual power of Mifen's own cultivation, and it is almost unnecessary to spend the strength of Mifen. This is simpler and more straightforward than that of Miffin's absorption of heaven and earth aura, and then into spiritual power. I don't know how much effort is saved. At this time, Mifen, like a big bird that never feeds enough, can be swallowed endlessly until the spirit of the North Mingxiong is thoroughly refined.

Time passes by, it seems to be very slow, and it seems to be very fast.

Another sharp humming sounded, the sky was covered by a golden light, but the golden light that broke out this time was even more dazzling, so that everyone could not open their eyes. After the golden light flashed, the size of the golden bird was obviously increased by a circle, and the feathers on the body were also brighter and brighter, as if it were made of pure gold, and the dust was not stained, noble and refined.

Everyone can't remember, this is the first time Miffin has improved. It's just from the power that Miffin is constantly emitting. It is not difficult to see that Miffin's cultivation at this time is comparable to that of Zhu Hexuan. In other words, at this time, Mifen can be compared with the monks of the tenth level. At this time, there is still one third of the one that is in the North. Undoubtedly, the remaining one-third can help the main Miffin break through the ten-level bottleneck and directly enter the eleventh level.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe that a panacea can bring such a big gain to Mifen? No wonder when Qin Dong said that when he wanted to send Ling Dan to Mifen, Mifen would look so excited...m[

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