The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2000: Opportunity!

w Qin Tailong looked at Qin Dong and smiled. "This is good. At least in the heavens, no one dares to bully Fen."

Feeling the general improvement of Mifenfei's cultivation, Qin Tailong's heart is also a series of emotions. It is said that the waves of the Yangtze River pushed forward waves. In the past, Qin Tailong always felt that he was not very convinced, thinking that this **** is always old and spicy. But now it seems that he is dissatisfied and obeyed. Qin Dong’s age is still so light, but his achievements have already far surpassed Qin Tailong.

Qin Dong gently nodded, saying, "Finer is my sister, and I die with my life. It’s hard to count, so it’s the reverse scale of my Qin Dong. If anyone dares to hurt her, even if it is Emperor Laozi, I also Never give up with her!" The latest novel Baidu search ""

Qin Dong’s words on the side of Cao Xiaoxian, the heart is inevitably a shock, and the envy of Muffin has also increased a few points, can not help but secretly think, if Qin Dong can also treat her like Mifen, how good .

After Nangong Yao listened to Qin Dong’s words, he felt that he was exceptionally pragmatic, and he was also filled with joy and warmth. Qin Dong can do this to his sister, and he is not bad for his own woman. Nangong Yao also used her marriage with Qin Dong before, and regarded it as her own responsibility. Until now she discovered that this is actually the greatest happiness God has given her. The latest novel Baidu search ""[

"Is it a showdown with him?" Nangong Yao whispered, and suddenly there was an inexplicable impulse in his heart. Looking at the back of Qin Dong, the beautiful face of a beautiful flower, instantly became shy.

Mifen’s cultivation has been greatly improved, and there is only one third of the remaining Ling Dan of the North. The golden bird has a few circlings around the Ling Dan. Open your mouth and swallow the lingo.

As soon as the elixir entered the belly of the golden bird, the golden light that Miffin radiated from his body suddenly thrived to the extreme, just like the light emitted by the comet exploding, and the splendid people could not open their eyes.

Although there is only one-third of the Ling Dan, the spiritual power contained in it is already huge. The huge wings of the golden bird are constantly being beaten, and the squeaking sounds in the mouth are getting more and more urgent. People are not nervous.

Qin Dong will never allow Muffin to lose a little, and his body shape will rise and pluck into the sky above the golden bird. His hands are wielding like electricity. Countless Xianli Deng screams and snarls and falls down, madly pouring into the body of the golden bird. .

As soon as these Jinli entered the body of the golden bird, they immediately succumbed to the spirits that were smashing in their bodies, and helped the golden birds to comb the meridians, allowing them to absorb the spirits faster and more smoothly.

Thanks to the timely release of Qin Dong, Muffin did not completely ruin himself because of his own eagerness. With Qin Dong rushing, Muffin has no more scruples, just calm, and the madness will transform the spiritual power from the spirits into its own spiritual power.

The remaining one-third of the spirits, entering the body of the golden bird, directly promoted the growth of the golden bird to an unprecedented speed. Even the public can clearly see with the naked eye that the size of the golden bird is like a balloon, and the rapid expansion increases. Especially with that pair of wings, the speed of growth is even more amazing.

Compared with the growth of the golden big bird, its change in momentum is even more stunned. It seems that it is just a dazzling effort. The power released from the golden bird is almost as long as the upgraded Qin Tailong.

"I am not dreaming?" Fu Fengming and the fire stunned a few times, could not help but exclaimed.

Just a few hours ago, Mifen’s cultivation was still under them, just like their little sister, who was in desperate need of their care. But now, Miffin’s cultivation has been upgraded to the 11th level, and even beyond Fu Yanshan, looking at the world, what is more crazy than this?

"Mother, it seems that it will not take long, the sacred beast will add a super master!" Cao Xiaoxian shook his head, not to hide the envy and jealousy on his face.

The beauty "female" people of course understand their daughter, she knows that Cao Xiaoxian is a very strong gimmick. When she sees her peers who are about the same age as herself, she will be above her own, and of course she will feel uncomfortable.

The beautiful "women" patted Cao Xiaoxian's shoulder and smiled. "This is probably the chance of Fen's."

"So good opportunity, I have not encountered?" Cao Xiaoxian snorted, sour and said.

The beautiful "female" people laughed and laughed and looked at her. "You are a gimmick. You are really in the blessings and you don't know how to be blessed. They are all sitting on Baoshan, but they are still searching for treasures."

"Hmm? Mother, what do you mean?" Cao Xiaoxian gave a slight glimpse.

The beautiful "female" person gently clicked on her forehead and gave a sigh of relief to Qin Dong. "If Qin Dong can help Fenren improve, can't he help you?"

Cao Xiaoxian’s face is bitter, and he said, “He is now with me and Yan Yue’s color. It’s all in the mother’s part. In his heart, I’m afraid to hate me. But this can’t blame him. It was caused by myself."[

"Giggle... okay! I didn't expect that I would never admit my daughter, and I also know that it is rare to reflect." The beautiful "women" were grateful and nodded.

Cao Xiaoxian shook the arm of the beautiful "women", and spoiled the way "Mother, when is this, you still make fun of me?"

The beautiful "women" hold the hand of Cao Xiaoxian, and the **** "color" is solemn. "Ye Er, you have a lot of talent since childhood. My mother has always been proud of you. But there is one point. I used to worry about it. It is you. This is too self-confident and never knows the "sexual" style of acknowledging mistakes. Fortunately, you met Xiaodong, she let you overcome the weakness of this person's "sex", and my mother really feels happy for you, and also plays with my heart. Grateful to Xiaodong."

Cao Xiaoxian nodded a little, noisy. "Recalling what I did in the past, there are indeed many wrong and excessive places. As the mother said, if I didn't meet Qin Dong, I was afraid to still hold it." Fans don’t understand."

Seeing Cao Xiaoxian is really a sentiment, but also grew up a lot, matured a lot, the beauty of the "women" people are more gratified. A pair of eyes filled with kindness and looked at her, vibrating, "Reminder, fairy, Xiaodong is not the kind of little belly chicken! He is now for you and Yan Yue "color", maybe there is my reason, but it is not all More often, he also saw your transformation. To be honest, Xiaodong is young, but his chest, even if you are not, can't be compared with it."

"Even I can't compare with him? Mother, what do you say is a bit exaggerated?" Cao Xiaoxian said some unbelief.

The American "female" people did not argue much, just smiled and said, "If you don't believe it, we will walk around. Yes, I said, it is her chance that Fen Er can have such rapid improvement. In fact, This is your chance!"

"My?" Cao Xiaoxian's eyes wide open.

The beautiful "women" people smiled. "Of course! God has brought Xiaodong to your side. This is your chance. But if you can seize this opportunity, you must look at your own skills."

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