The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2002: Colorful 绦!

w "Mrs. What happened?" The voice of the "female" people was different. Qin Tailong’s heart was leaping and asked.

"This magic weapon... this magic weapon is..."

The beautiful "female" person seems to be nervous to the extreme, the voice is trembling, and a few words have been paused, so I did not say complete. At this time, Qin Dong’s double fists were filled with his own force, and he was banging on the invisible force.

Qin Dong only felt his fists, it was like a long levee, and the torrent of hundreds of millions of tons of torrents accumulated behind the dam, immediately lost the block, and swept over the sky. This torrent is truly terrible compared to a thick dam. Latest novel Baidu search ""

Qin Dong didn't even have time to react. His whole person had already been smashed out by the smashing bullets. Even with the realm of Qin Dong Xianjun's three products, it seems that some of them can't resist, and they are rolling down from the inside out. A heartbreaking pain. [

"What!?" Qin Tailong was full of confidence in Qin Dong. He couldn’t think of it as the result. He looked at Qin Dong, who was backwards and turned back after losing control. He straightened his eyes.

"What the **** is this?" Fu Yanshan couldn't help but exclaimed, his face was full of doubts. Latest novel Baidu search ""

"This is the treasure of the town of Chuangege, which is one of the most powerful magic weapons in the whole fairyland!" The beautiful "women" people took a few deep breaths, and they just said a word, face The "color" of the shock is getting stronger and stronger.

"The strongest magic weapon in the fairy world?" Qin Tailong’s heart was in a stagnation, and he could not help but breathe.

"Fen children!" At this time, the air suddenly came to the screams of Qin Dong's grief, so that everyone's mind could not help but jump.

"Brother saves me, my brother saves me!" Qin Dong's snoring just fell, and then Miffin's desperate fear of screaming.

I saw that a colorful "color" light column, like a rope, tightly buckled Miffin's neck, kept pulling her, flying to a higher air, as if going straight out of this space .

Seeing that Miffin is getting higher and higher, and getting farther and farther away from him, Qin Dong’s eyes are red. In the throat, there was a low-pitched beast like a beast. Qin Dong’s golden light on his chest suddenly became a masterpiece. The five dragons circling and flying out, and the effort in the blink of an eye swelled ten million times. Sharp blade, covering the sky, big and amazing, which constantly came to burst or thick, or loud, or violent, or sharp, or cold, the sound of the dragon, the atmosphere between the world, for a moment It is extremely stressful and repressive.

Filled with the five dragons of Qin Dong Xian Li, "Lu" has an extraordinary embarrassment, a huge blade slightly shivering, a mad dragon carved like white jade, suddenly rushed out from the Jianfeng, prestige, floating The cockroaches are full of arrogance and arrogance.

"No matter who you are, dare to move the vener, die!" Qin Dong gnawed his teeth and screamed, his fingers screamed out, and the dragon immediately snarled and slammed into the colorful "color" beam. Dragon tooth, dragon claw, dragon tail, and each part of Yulong's body were involved in the attack, and Qin Dong, who showed all the fighting power, let the whole world lose its brilliance in front of him.

Even if the sword of Qin Dong, the entire heavenly heavens are split into two halves, I am afraid that no one will not believe. Because of this sword of Qin Dong, the power of the power is far beyond the expectations of everyone present.

The colorful beams that Miffin controlled, it seems to have also sensed the danger. A colorful "color" of fog quickly spread from the light column, forming a strange barrier, blocking the Yulong.

Qin Dong can't see it. The colorful fog of this color is not small, but his heart only remembers the comfort of Mifen, and it doesn't matter much. Without the slightest fancy, Qin Dong clenched the steel teeth and directed the Yulong directly, hitting the colorful mist.

The face of the "female" person's face was so heavy that it was so strong that even a pair of fists could not help but squat. She knows the horror of this colorful pipa, but she knows that Qin Dong is very important, especially for Miffin, even life and death can be abandoned, even if she wants to stop, it is impossible to stop, now only the heart prays I hope that Qin Dongji will be heavenly.


It is like a thunderous sound like a thunder. In the moment when Yulong and the colorful fog collide, the rapid expansion is extremely rapid. Such muffled sounds are almost as resounding in people's minds. Many people on the spot shocked the blood and fell to the ground.

"Give me a break!" Qin Dong was like crazy, not waiting for the end of the first wave of collision, and then issued a second wave of offensive.

The colorful beams seemed to be somewhat unstoppable, and they kept swaying, and the colorful mist that protected the colorful beams was like the glass that was knocked on by the cymbals, and gradually there was a clear crack.

The beautiful "female" people look at this scene in their eyes, and they are not surprised. Obviously, Qin Dong’s strength once again exceeded her expectations. [

When Qin Dong once again issued the third wave of offensive, the fog of the colorful "color" finally broke down completely. But at this time, the colorful light column suddenly made a big effort, and it seems that it is also exerting force. The speed of Miffin's rising speed is increased several times.

"No!" Qin Dong was mad, and hurriedly flew up to catch up.

Qin Dong put the whole body to the extreme, but he still couldn’t beat the colorful light column. Only after a sway, Miffin was already on the top of the nine, and then Mifen’s figure disappeared with the colorful beams. Only the crying of Miffin’s fierce fear and swaying in the air.

As soon as the colorful light column disappeared, the sky that had been covered with dark clouds suddenly burst into the clouds, and the sunshine of the sun shone on the body of Qin Dong. But Qin Dong could not feel the slightest warmth from it, and the whole body fell like a fall. In the ice cave, there is a chill in the air from the inside out.

The beautiful "female" people have long expected that this will be the end, and a sigh in the mouth is faint, looking into Qin Dong's eyes, full of love and pity. And Qin Tailong, Fu Yanshan and others, are all stunned, as if they had just made an incredible dream.

"This... What is going on here?" Fu Yanshan stayed for a long while and then muttered. If you don't find that Mifen really is gone, he is a bit skeptical. All that happened is all illusion.

When Fu Yanshan had just finished asking, he suddenly felt an unusually horrible, like the ten-placed atmosphere of the temple. He quickly pushed him closer, letting him involuntarily hit a few shackles, full of horror go with.

This hope, Fu Yanshan's heart is sinking to the bottom of the valley, full of embarrassment. I saw that the face of Qin Dong was like a cold ice. The body was constantly chilling, and a pair of eyes were red and red, filled with endless murderous, striding over... m

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