The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2003: Ask!

w "Xiaodong, you... what do you want to do?" Although Qin Dong is the son of Qin Tailong, when Qin Dongliu "shows" such an expression, even Qin Tailong, who is an old man, is somewhat afraid.

Qin Dong did not pay attention to Qin Tailong, and he fixed his gaze on the body of the American "women". He asked "What is the colorful 绦?"

"Xiaodong, colorful 绦 is really a magic weapon, and the master of this magic weapon is also a tempting figure, I advise you..."

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"What is the colorful 绦!?" The words of the "female" people have not finished, and they were stopped by Qin Dong. [

The beauty of the "woman" can not help but tremble, and the face of the "color" slightly changed back a small step, as if frightened. The American "female" people have seen more of the world, and they have encountered countless vicious and dangerous people, but she is still the first time to be as ruined as this time. The imposing power of Gain Qindong is really different, so that the American "female" people suddenly realized that if Qin Dong was irritated, the consequences would be even more dangerous than the anger of Lu Congrong. In other words, Qin Dong is just like Lu Congrong, and it is by no means a character that can be bound by the laws of the world.

"Sorry, mother, I... I am worried about Fen, so some..." The performance of the "female" people made Qin Dong feel shocked and realized that her attitude toward the "female" people was too much. So I strongly suppressed the anger in my heart and said slowly. Latest novel Baidu search ""

The beauty of the "women" people took a sigh of relief and secretly rejoiced. Qin Dong was a rational person. His bones were still gentle. With his "sex", he would never slip into evil like Lu Congrong. Abyss.

However, at the same time, the American "female" people also realized that if they do not explain everything about Qin Dao to Qin Dong today, I am afraid that he will never give up. Slightly "squeaky" for a moment, the beauty of the "female" face "color" complex road "This colorful 绦 is not a magic weapon, it is better to say that it is a supernatural way, in the fairy world, I don't know how many people are coveted."

"Daofa?" Qin Dong brow wrinkled, asked with amazement.

The beautiful "women" nodded, "Good! The most amazing thing about this colorful pipa is not how strong its attack power is, but when it conquers the fairy, it has any way, any magic weapon. It is impossible to compare the huge advantages! The more powerful the beast is, the more the value of the colorful scorpion is reflected!" Speaking of this, even the face of the beautiful "female" can not help but flow "Show" a few points of the gods who are envious of envy.

Looking around for a week, I saw that everyone’s face was "exposed" and "fascinated" and "curious" and curious. "The woman" said, "The colorful 绦 has a magical ability, you can just be in the fairy Born, or have not yet grown up, when very young and weak, put a 'seed' in the body, and this 'seed' will grow with the fairy, until the fairy grows to a certain stage, with super When the strength is strong, this 'seed' will suddenly burst out, forcibly subduing the fairy, then returning to the owner's side under the guidance of the colorful light column, and become a pet! Because this 'seed' will suddenly In the body of the fairy beast, even the Lingfu episode, if the cultivation of the fairy beast is higher, the combat power is stronger, and only the shackles are bound!"

After listening to the description of the "female" people, everyone felt a bit of a surprise in their hearts. The skill of this colorful pipa is really maddening. With the colorful dragonfly, even the most powerful fairy dragon, only the one who becomes a pet of others, just put the ‘seed’ in the body when the dragon is born. Even if the dragon is strong, it will be very weak when it is born.

"According to the mother's meaning, Fen's body has long been laid down by the colorful ‘ 'seed'?" Qin Dongjian eyebrows, asked quietly.

The American "women" nodded and said, "As far as the current situation is concerned, there is indeed such a possibility."

"But Fen is not a fairy!" The anger contained in Qin Dong's voice is more and more intense.

"Finer is not a fairy, but she belongs to the sacred beast. Like the fairy, it also has the soul of the beast. As long as it has the soul of the beast, it can become the object of the colorful scorpion! In fact, in the fairy world, there is a sacred beast. The slaves of the tribe are more popular than the ones who have the same level of fairy beasts. Although the beasts have spiritual "sexuality", the wisdom of the beasts can not be compared with them. In fact, they belong to the human sacred beasts."

"What!? Someone used the colorful enamel to catch Fenren as a slave?" Hearing the beauty of the "women" said that Qin Dong broke out again, and a pair of eyes were bigger than the cow bell, and kept spraying. Shooting a burning anger.

"I just inferred according to common sense, not entirely certain. Fen children are not only the Holy Orcs, but also the aristocrats of the Holy Orcs, and perhaps not as slaves to other Holy Orcs..." Seeing that Qin Dong was almost out of anger, the American "women" hurriedly comforted.

However, Qin Dong has already burned a fierce fire at this time. It is simply not the beauty of the "women" who can be extinguished in a few words. Not waiting for the beauty of the "women" to finish the words, Qin Dong slammed his hand and screamed and asked, "Who is the owner of the colorful enamel? Where did he take Fen?"

"This..." The "female" people began to hesitate again.

"Mother, you are saying it!" Qin Dong is already impatient, the US "women" talents hesitated a little, Qin Dong will roar.

The beautiful "female" people asked bitterly, "Xiaodong, if you know who the owner of the colorful dragonfly is, what do you do?"

"How to do it?" The question of the "female" of the United States, Qin Dong’s face immediately emerged with a layer of cold and intense murder, a gloomy road: "I have already said that my sister is my Qin. The reverse scale of the East, who dares to hit his idea, there is only one in the end, that is death!"[

"No!" Qin Dong’s voice just fell, and the American "women" shouted anxiously.

"Why? Is there any relationship between the owner of the colorful scorpion and the mother?" Qin Dong looked at the eye and looked at the beautiful "women", asking for a word.

The beautiful "female" man shook his head and bitterly said, "The owner of the colorful sly, my confirmation. But the reason why I don't want you to be enemies with him is not because of me, but because he may be in the fairy world. The ally is the only person who can help you defeat Lu Cong. I don't want you to destroy the whole picture because of the anger of the moment!"

"This is two things!" Qin Dong Meng waved his hand and said, "To deal with Lu Congrong, I am alone, no need for anyone's help! Especially like this **** who likes to enslave other people's souls, I even disdain with it. !"

"Xiaodong, don't say that. The owner of the colorful pipa is an incomprehensible character in the fairy world. His power is also great. Fen's is taken away by him. Perhaps it is also her chance. You know, the colorful 绦The owner’s eyes are extremely high. If Finner is not extraordinary, he will never be so frustrated. When Fen’s childhood is small, he uses colorful enamel to lay 'seed' in his body.” The beautiful "female" people are not worried about the host of Qin Dong and the colorful scorpion as the enemy. When they talk, the face is full of anxiety. m

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