The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2053: Thrilling!

When Xiao Stan’s words came out, Mo Yan’s face’s face was changed again and again.

"Xiaomen Lord, it seems that the number of enchanting enchanting geniuses coming this time is not very large." The singular orc warriors came to the front and were rescued by the guardian squad. Hutong glanced around. Said

Xiao Siteng nodded and said, "There are not many, but all of them are masters and they are all afraid of being above the sixth level!"

Hu Tong had patronized to count the number of enemies before, but did not pay attention to this point. When he heard it, he immediately took a sip of a thousand-level and above-level masters. This is a force in heaven and earth. Can sweep the latest novel "Fiction"

"It seems that there is a hard battle to fight today!" Hu Tong’s eyes exploded and shot out, and a pair of fists tightened up.

"Hey, look at it, what is that?" Xiao Rushen looked sharp and suddenly shouted at the sky.

Everyone hurriedly looked up and saw a red "color" shadow, like a mountain fire, and instantly from the sky to the eyes of everyone, its speed, even Xiao Si Teng can not help but be surprised, face "Frenzy, the latest novel "Fiction"

"Good!" Feeling the kind of mountain-like power that came out of the people, Xiao Siteng even made a low-sounding drink.

The people who came to see the real body, everyone found out that this person is not only red, but even the hair of the eyebrows, hair, beard, even the skin is red and red, it is a group of human flames, making people feel awe

"Do you guys in these districts die before they die?" The red-red geek floated in the air, and his mouth screamed, his voice was like a sunny thunder, and the ears of the direct shock hummed.

"Who are you?" Xiao Stan stepped forward and looked up at the red geek.

The red-red geek screamed, and said with a disdainful grin, "Is it worth knowing the name of the seat?"

"The enchanting of the illusionary orc family, whoever he is, kills it!" Hu Tong could not understand the arrogance and embarrassment of the red geek, and sighed coldly, not at all.

"Kill me? Hahaha..." The red-red geek seemed to have heard a big joke, and he burst into laughter.

Just when everyone was laughing at him, the red-red geeks waved with a big hand and made a sigh of "give me! Kill them!"

When the sound of the drink fell, the thousands of Eudemons warriors immediately turned into a smashing "tidal" water, and the screaming rushed toward Xiao Siteng and others, so many monks were shocked and stunned. I waited for a few heads and couldn’t help but step back.

Fu Yanshan suddenly looked back and stunned, and yelled, "What are you afraid of? There are big guards in the door, they can't attack!"

Mo Zhen’s heart was shocked, the subconscious mouth opened, and he wanted to say that he was not afraid, but after all, he was guilty, but he did not say it.

Thousands of monks launched an offensive as if they were ordinary, and they couldn’t stop Yanshan from seeing it. They were shocked to know that if they didn’t have a big guard, they would be able to turn the gang of people behind him. The attack is victorious

After all, the guardian squad did not let Xiao Siteng disappoint. When the illusionary orc warriors attacked the near future, the big squad began to launch the skylight made by countless ray of light. The gods were amazed and straight, shooting the bullfighting, how long it was like an insurmountable gap. The dead orphans have blocked the Eudemons warriors.

I saw one and another Eudemons warrior slammed into the sky, and immediately flew away by the aura of the aura. No one could step further.

Mo Zhen and several other people were originally afraid, and when they saw such a scene, a heart finally fell back into the stomach.

"Oh... these illusory orcs are enchanting, does it seem to have nothing to do with it?" Relaxed, Mo Yan’s face immediately smirked with a mocking smile and even with his disciples, directed at the phantom The warrior is insulting, and the superficiality of the villain can be said to be the most vivid

"Give me shut up!" The snoring of Mo Zhen and others made Xiao Siteng very annoyed, and regardless of the face of his sect, Zhang mouth screamed [

Xiao Siteng will not be as superficial as Mo Zhen. Although the guardian squad has stubbornly blocked the offensive of the Eudemons, Xiao Siteng is not easy at all.

What makes him not easy is the kind of lifelessness of the illusionary orc warriors. The fearless momentum clearly knows that the sky in front of us is not what they can break. It will only hurt themselves, even There is also a fatal possibility, but even if an illusionary orc warrior retreats and has just been bombed, he immediately rushes up again. Without any hesitation, the kind of desperately-like posture makes Xiao Siteng’s heart tighten.

The warrior of the illusionary orc, in terms of cultivation, is superior to the monk, and with such a temperament that is not afraid of death, it is simply a wake-up for the monks in heaven. Nightmare, how can Xiao Siteng’s mood be relaxed?

"Give me back!" The Eudemons launched several waves of offensives in succession. They failed to break through the gates of Taiyimen. The red geeks in the air finally couldn’t hold back, and they made a shocking resentment.

The military order is like a mountain! Xiao Siteng just saw the fearlessness of the phantom orc warriors, and now I saw the amazing discipline of the illusionary orc warriors. The screams of the red geeks screamed, and the savage orc warriors who were madly attacking immediately became like the tide. Going back, there is no hesitation at all, just to the end

At this time, even Mo Zhen and others saw the extraordinary of the Eudemons warriors.

"Fortunately, there is a large array of guards, otherwise..." Mo Zhen said with a feeling

Xiao Siteng’s heart can’t help but sink. In the face of such a terrible phantom orc family, is this door-to-door guardian squad really able to protect everyone?

Just as Xiao Si Teng was in a heavy mood and his eyebrows were contemplative, the red-red geek in the air, his body stunned, and the horrible light of the flames ignited on his body.

With the ‘burning’, a breath of singularity beyond Xiao Si Teng’s imagination spreads through the sky, like an invisible heavy stone, pressed against everyone’s heart.

"Scorpio!" Hu Tong couldn't help but screamed and turned to look at Xiao Siteng. A pair of eyes slid round and asked, "Xiaomen Lord, according to your opinion, what is the cultivation of this person?"

Xiao Stan repeatedly shook his head and looked sad. "I don't know! But I can be sure that this person's cultivation is far above me!"

"What...what?" Hu Tong straight couldn't believe his ears, looking at the red geek's look, some dazed

Mo Zhen and others are even more confrontational, and the tremors of the heart are not only if the red geek's cultivation is far above Xiao Siteng. Doesn't that mean that the red geeks have the power to kill them?

Xiao Siteng had a dignified mood. At this time, he even sank to the bottom of the valley. He did not know whether the guardianship could withstand the bombardment of such a super master...

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