The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2054: Destroy the unicorn is born!

"Let this seat smash the turtle shell and see where you can escape!" The red-red strange population roared like a thunder, and the palms fluttered like a wind, and the reddish color was purely condensed by spiritual power. The terrible strength, really like the fire of the original, the light curtain released to the gate of the guard, and slammed into it.

When the gates are strong, they are strong. When they feel the fierceness of the opponent’s offensive, the white color of the sky is fascinating, and it’s more than double.

The invincible ‘the spear’ slammed into the indestructible ‘Shield’ and instantly provoked the “Millennium Wave”! The red light and the brilliance of the white color are intertwined with each other. It is as colorful as a flower, beautiful, but extremely dangerous.

The earth under the feet, at this moment, seems to be alive. It suddenly shakes up, and people can’t stand it. The light curtain released by the big door is also shaking like it. It’s a huge swaying sway, it’s okay, it’s going to collapse at any time.

Xiao Siteng’s heart suddenly mentioned the eyes of the blind man, and a pair of eyes closely watched the light curtain of the guardian’s big array. Even the breath was screened. If the guard door was broken, the result would be daunting to imagine the latest novel. "Fiction"[

"Scorpio, pass on orders, everyone, ready to fight!" Xiao Siteng turned back and snorted

Mo Yan’s face “color” changed dramatically, and it became a dead gray. “Xiaomen Lord, you... you mean...”

Xiao Siteng looked back at him and saw that for a while, Mo Yan’s cold sweat on his forehead came out, and he couldn’t help but scream at him. He said, “What are you panic? I am doing this, just to prevent it. In case, there is no jealousy in the guardianship!"

At this time, there is still a mind to understand the scorn and sarcasm of Xiao Stan? As Xiao Si Teng saw, he was almost scared.

That red geek is really powerful, a series of crazy offensive, a move more fierce than a move, directly into a powerful earthquake, Xiao Stan and other people dizzy, too one headquarters, one-third of the building, Even in such a shock, it collapses directly.

However, the large-scale guards were still strong, and the light curtains that connected the sky and the ground did not appear to be loose. It was so stable that it made Xiao Siteng breathe a sigh of relief, and the color was slightly eased.

"This turtle shell is really not hard!" The red geek tried several times and failed to break through.

"You still save the province! This gate guards me to protect me for a thousand years. Is it that the broken can be broken?" Xiao Siteng screamed coldly.

The red-red geek looked up at Xiao Siteng and sneered. "It seems that you really made up your mind to make a tortoise turtle?"

Xiao Stan’s face is very ugly. He has been in the world for a long time. But he knows that impulsiveness is the devil. Once he leaves the gate, and does not say whether they can defeat such a powerful fantasy orc warrior, even if he finally wins, he will have to pay a huge price.

"Xiaomen Lord, he is using the radical method, we can't be fooled." Mo Zhen is very tense now, Xiao Siteng is angry, really ordered to fight with each other, busy saying

Xiao Siteng snorted and turned to look at Hutong.

Hu Tong gritted his teeth and shouted. "It’s better to let go of it than to be let go of life. Maybe there is still a chance."

"The surname Hu, you want to die, even if you die, don't miss us!" As soon as Hu Tong said, Mo Zhen was bombed up and smashed again and again.

"Mo Mo, you have no courage! You have to shrink the tortoise, although you do it, I don't expect Hutong to fight with you."

Mo Zhen was Hu Hongjun's face "color" red, hateful words "Wow! Then we wait to see Hu Zongzhu daddy!"

After all, Mo Zhen took his disciples down and stepped back, posing a posture on the wall.

"Shameless villain!" Hu Tong hated the words, turned to look at Xiao Si Teng, waiting for him to make a decision

"Red 猊 猊 猊 猊 猊 猊 猊 猊 猊 猊 猊 猊 猊 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 一道 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧 萧

Looking up, I don’t know when, there is a cloud in the sky that has dozens of miles wide, very thick, just the sound of the domineering voice, it seems that it is from the depths of this dark cloud

Xiao Stan’s fascinating change of color, listening to this sudden sound, the guy hidden in the dark clouds, the status seems to be still above the red geek, that is not repaired too... Xiao Stan did not dare to continue thinking about it, his expression is very nervous

The red-red geek, called Akasaka, showed respect for this voice.

"Under the incompetence, please ask the Queen to punish!"

A resentment from Akasaka made Xiao Siteng involuntarily give a cry, a heart almost did not jump out of the eyes of the blind man on the spot.

"Family...the emperor?" Xiao Stan turned to the Hutong next to him with a bit of disbelief. How did Xiaotong tell him that he was wrong.

"Does the person hiding in the dark clouds actually be... is the genius of the illusionary orcs destroying the unicorn?" Hutong’s voice trembled at this time.

Destroying the unicorn is absolutely a horrible horror for most monks. It has been circulated in heaven for thousands of years. Nowadays, the famous ruined unicorn is in front of them. How can this not make them feel Frightened?

In an instant, the human monk is in a dead silence. Everyone’s eyes are staring at the dark clouds in the air. No one knows what fate they will face next.

"Give me a fall!" The rumor of the ruin of the unicorn was once again coming. The red scorpion that could not be seen before, did not dare to respect it, and hurriedly leaned back to the side.

At the same time, among the huge black clouds, there is a huge figure of two long and tall, and one step will bring out a whole place, and the power of the emperor, which is daunting to despise, is like a flash flood, and it is extremely fast. Everything is in the air, and every monk who is present can’t help but jump wildly.

It’s a legendary, extremely powerful figure, the smell of the body, filled with the oppressive feelings of the monks, and people’s involuntary voices, so I just want to worship him in front of him, let him drive

Destroyed the unicorn out of shape, his eyes swept away in the crowd, then fell on Xiao Siteng's body, nodded slightly, faintly said "You are their head, too one doorkeeper Xiao Siteng right?"

Xiao Si Teng is a powerful figure in heaven and heaven. He has always been a powerful figure. He has always been in the face of destroying Kirin today. He is involuntarily nervous. It is difficult to do the same calmness and prestige as before...

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