The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2136: Battle!

For the sake of heaven and earth, like this kind of chase scene, don't say it is fairyland, even if it is in heaven and heaven, it is repeated. For Cao Xiaoxian and Qin Dong, there is nothing new, and neither of them has to be in charge. the meaning of. !_三^八^文^学_>

It’s not that Qin Dong has seen more of them, so they are indifferent. It’s like this kind of thing. It’s not difficult to distinguish. It’s good people who are not necessarily being chased. If you take the shot and save the bad guy, isn’t that bad? Moreover, Cao Xiaoxian is now in the fairyland, even if the rats who are not crossing the street are shouting, their identity is quite embarrassing. If you miss your identity because of your business, who knows what troubles will be caused?

The middle-aged man who fled in front of him, looked up and saw the three people in Qindong, his body shape was slightly, his face was clearly exposed, and he showed a strong vigilance, but he did not want to ask Qin Dong for help. .

"The front three, stop the man, don't let him run!" One of the seven or eight killers chasing the middle-aged man jumped out and shouted at Qindong.

This person shouted, Qin Dong three people still have nothing to do, the middle-aged man's face "color" has changed all the time, holding a knife in his hand, suddenly across the chest, his eyes are full of fierce Say, "You three dolls will leave me early, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Looking at the fierce light of this middle-aged man's eyes, Qin Dong felt more and more that he was not a good person, gave a sneer, and his body shape was like an iron tower, blocking the way of the middle-aged man, and he did not move.

"You are looking for death!" Seeing Qin Dong refused to avoid, the middle-aged man was hesitant, and his mouth screamed with a sigh of relief. The figure was suddenly pulled up, and the sword in his hand waved, and a strong knife was smashed, and it was on the chest of Qin Dong. Crossed the past.

"Mixed!" See the middle-aged man shot, Cao Xiaoxian pretty face cold, without Qin Dong greeting, she has been rushing to the sky, Yu palm one click, it happened to fall on the middle-aged man's blade. In the slightest effort, the middle-aged man immediately took the knife with him, and he stepped back a few steps. |Sanba Literature

"You..." The middle-aged man apparently did not expect that Cao Xiaoxian looked young and was not even ambiguous.

Cao Xiaoxian snorted and squinted at him. "There is a wilderness in front of us, and you have licked your dog's eyes! Are you robbing someone of something, and still take it out and give it back to others?"

"What do you mean by this? Do you think that I am the kind of robber who kills people?" After listening to Cao Xiaoxian's words, the middle-aged man seems to have been greatly insulted, and his face is red. Looking at Cao Xiaoxian's eyes, he is full of resentment.

"Hey! Isn't it?" Cao Xiaoxian smiled and shouted.

"I am!" The middle-aged man screamed, and the sword in his hand rose again. This time, he took out more than ten sharp knives in one breath, layered on top of each other, and rushed to the end. The posture of the meat.

This middle-aged man is indeed fierce, but the cultivation is at best only the second place of Xianshi, which is far from Cao Xiaoxian. His knife wants to hurt Cao Xiaoxian, it is impossible!

Cao Xiaoxian did not pay attention to the knife that the middle-aged man sacrificed. The right palm was like a lightning bolt in the uninhabited environment. In the blink of an eye, it passed through layers of knives, and the obstacles were blocked. The chest of a middle-aged man.

"How is it possible?" The middle-aged man did not think that the cultivation of Cao Xiaoxian would be so high that he would find that Cao Xiaoxian’s palm had been forced to, and the whole person had stayed a bit, and he had forgotten the dodge.

Although Cao Xiaoxian only used 50% of the cultivation, it was enough for the middle-aged man. I only listened to the muffled sound of the cockroach, the sturdy figure of the middle-aged man, and he flew out backwards, and spit out a blood arrow.

"How, how is the "milk" and "milk" is not easy to provoke?" One defeated the middle-aged man, Cao Xiaoxian could not help but smug, sneer and said again and again.

The middle-aged man was just strong. Although he was hardly taken by Cao Xiaoxian, he was not hurt, but he did not mean to be soft. Suddenly turned and stood up, looking at Cao Xiaoxian's gaze, not only did not have half fear, the "color" of anger, but it was especially strong than before.

Only the middle-aged man had no chance to shoot Cao Xiaoxian again. He just stood up. The seven or eight chasing soldiers had already arrived. One of them flew a leg and swept the legs of the middle-aged man. On the road, he was swept to the ground.

Qin Dong couldn't help but frown slightly, and behind him, he was afraid that he would not be a gentleman of the bright and swaying.

"Dog hybrids, let you run again!" The seven or eight people caught up and swept the middle-aged man to the ground. It seemed that he was still not deflated, and he even stepped on the body of the middle-aged man. In the mouth, the brows of Qin Dong are even tighter.

Looking at the middle-aged man, under the siege of the seven or eight people, he was biting the steel teeth, and he did not mean anything.

After playing and smashing, it took a while to make a fuss. These seven or eight talents temporarily disappeared. One of the smiling rushing Qindong three men said, "It’s okay to meet three young heroes, and almost let the hybrid escape."

Cao Xiaoxian’s impression of these seven or eight people did not seem to be very good. He shook his head and said the indifferent road. “Nothing, little things. But, they stole what you guys, so that you can catch up like this?”

"Stolen our stuff?" The man who spoke bowed, but quickly responded. Hehe smiled. "Yes, he stole a very precious thing for me. Thank you girl for the shot. I made him live."

"Cow, the third child, what is called for you? How, this great merit, do you want to be alone?" A man standing next to the cow's old man seems to be very unhappy, pointing to the cow's third child, he shouted loudly. It’s up.

This person is embarrassed, the rest of the people are also licking the "touch" of the taste, one by one pointing to the cow and the oldest three.

Although the cow's third child was accused by everyone, but it did not change the color, coldly snorted, said: "What do you want to do? I am the third child to watch the prey, you dare to "disorder" to give up ideas? Give me Go and go, don't make me hate here!"

"The cow is the third child, you can't help but deceive too much!"

"Hahaha... What's wrong with you bullying? In the eyes of my cow's third child, you are a ball! Don't roll, don't blame the grandfather, I am ruthless!" After that, the oldest man will reach out. I want to take the middle-aged man.

"***, Laozi fights with you!" The man who spoke before saw this scene, was very angry, screamed and slammed his hand toward the cow.

The cow's third child is also prematurely guarded, and he returns to a body. The body works like a Tao. Not only does the other party take up a little bit cheaper, but it is a three-step retreat from seeing each other's life. Obviously his repair is to be in the other side. on.

"Brothers, this cow's third child knows that eating a single food is simply not something! Everyone joins hands and kills him! Then we take the hybrid together to receive the reward!" The man who suffered the loss is not stupid. Turned and shouted at several other people.

The other few people are not fools. Instead of letting the cows eat their own food, they are not as good as a few of them. At least they are not empty-handed, so they have turned to the bad old man’s eyes.

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