The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2137: Shuramen Church Lord!

Realizing that the atmosphere was wrong, the brow of the cow's third child immediately stood up, staring at a few people and swearing, "What do you want to do? Dare to beat my cow's third child's idea, don't you want to live?"

After all, the cow's third wrist shook, his hands flashed blue, and he had two steel feet with three feet long. When he was in the sunlight, he kept emitting blue light, like a wolf. Tooth decay, extravasation.

The reason why this cow's third child is so bullish is not unreasonable. Among the seven or eight people, he is the highest, and he seems to have reached the level of Xianzun's second product. Compared with today's Cao Xiaoxian, he still has to be higher. The other few, only the man who was only arguing with the cow's third child, reached the realm of Xianzun's products. The rest of the people were all sacred by the immortals, and they did not dare to make it in front of the cows. Latest novel Baidu search ""

The cows and old tribes blinked. Among the seven or eight people, half of them immediately became "dark" and feared "color" and played a retreat. The cow and the third ring looked at the week, and the face "show" sneered, looking at the man who had been screaming with him before. "Cui Yong, today, this account, my cow is the third child, and one day, I want to You are clear. Now, I want to bring this hybrid to invite you to reward, you give me aside!"

After all, the cow's third child did not care about Cui Yong that had already swelled into the face of the pig liver, and reached out and went to the middle-aged man on the ground. The latest novel Baidu search ""[

"The cow is the third child, you are deceiving too much!" Seeing the cow's third child will have to hold the middle-aged man in his hand, Cui Yong suddenly burst into a mad drink, waving a palm, as if the thunder, generally rolled up Melaleuca was fierce, and the sly patted the back of the cow's third child.

The cow's third child looks very arrogant, but his heart is not small, and the outer pine is tight, and he has already guarded Cui Yong's move. When Cui Yong's hands fell, the cows were not surprised, the body shape suddenly fell short, and the foot was forced to squat. The whole person was like a pulley. When he slid, he slipped away from Cui Yong's palm.

"Cui Yong, this is what you are looking for!" After hiding the clap of Cui Yong, the cow's old three-body figure kept on hold, and a pair of steel claws in his hand, slammed against the situation, the angle was abnormally smashed, and unexpectedly, Cui Yong could not dodge There was a lot of blood marks on the chest when the chest was standing, and the blood was splashing around.

"Hey... Surname Cui, want to attack your grandfather, is it so easy?"

"Bovine third!" Cui Yong smashed the **** wound, staring at the cow's gaze, full of resentment, the cow's old three words, he almost squeezed out from the teeth.

Glanced at him, Cui Yong, who was full of hatred, and Niu Laosan sneered aloud, saying, "Cui Yong, don’t hate me, man is a dead bird for food, I believe, if your cultivation is above me, you It will do the same. Hehe... So, if you want to hate, you hate yourself for being incompetent!"

"You cowardly, are you really looking at the great merits of this day, all of them fall on the head of a cow? The old man's repair is high, but he can't have three heads and six arms. As long as we join hands, afraid of him a ball?!"

"Cui Yong, your kid, is it really not to see the coffin?"

Cui Yong did not pay attention to the threat of the cow's third child, and turned his head to look at Cao Xiaoxian. Only then did Cao Xiaoxian raise his hand and lift the middle-aged man to the ground. He also looked in the eyes and knew that Cao Xiaoxian’s repair was not Under him, this is a big boost, is he willing to let go?

"This girl, you probably don't know, who is being knocked down by you?"

Cao Xiaoxian is really curious, such an ordinary middle-aged man, can let the cows and the third, Cui Yong and others to break the head, it is not easy to think of identity.

"The cow is always staring at the girl, that is, if the girl knows the identity of the person, he will fight with him. Tell you the truth, this person is a master under the door of Shura!"

"Under the door of Shuramen?" When Cui Yong said that he had broken the identity of the middle-aged man, Cao Xiaoxian’s face immediately showed a slap in the face, and he was also mixed with some remorse.

When Niu San San saw his heart sinking, he thought that Cao Xiaoxian was reluctant to give him a middle-aged man in vain, and he could not help but add some hatred to Cui Yong. That Cui Yong was a refreshing heart, and quickly went on to say, "It is! Tianxin Villa, a battle, Xiu Luomen regardless of the heavens and morals, insisted on collusion with Lu Congrong, recalcitrant. Finally, like Tianxin Villa, fell into a disintegrating end. However, Luo Wanting, the master of Shuramen, and several elders under his command, under the cover of Lu Congrong, escaped from the chaos. I don’t know where it was hidden. Since then, it has disappeared. Did not find any news. Therefore, the owner of this Shuramen became the only clue to trace Luo Wanting. The Yunyun Pavilion has already advertised the world. If anyone can send this person to the Yunyun Pavilion, he will immediately You can't enjoy it from the sky and the treasures!"

"Why, Shuramen and Tianxin Villa are a group?" Qin Dong frowned and asked.

Cui Yongwen said a slight glimpse, full of doubts and confuses looked at Qin Dong, and asked "Shu Luomen and Tianxin Villa to wear a pair of pants, this is almost unknown in the fairy world, you do not know?"

Qin Dong turned to look at Cao Xiaoxian, some blame, she did not tell Qin Dong about this situation earlier. Lu Congrong has such a large force in the fairy world. Naturally, he will not rely solely on Tianxin Mountain Villa. At his side, there must be many **** supporters like Shuromen.

Qin Dong shook his head and didn't pick up Cui Yong's words, but he thought thoughtfully. "So, this Luo Wanting is very loyal."

Cui Yong snorted and snorted. "What is loyalty is simply foolish! I know that Lu Congrong is already the general trend, but I don't know that the wind makes the rudder, I don't know the current affairs, and I should live in today's field."

"I oh! How can you understand the sorrows of our lords? Snow Qianfeng wants to get the hiding place of our lord from my mouth, it is a delusion!" The middle-aged man heard it. When you get angry, you will be angry, no matter how sinister your situation is, you will open your mouth.

Cui Yong glanced at him coldly and said, "I said how Shu Luomen will fall into such a field today. The feelings of Shura are all stupid like you! The snow pavilion is mainly for heaven, and the magical power is shocking. If you want to ask something from your mouth, there are thousands of ways to say less. Do you think that you can get it?"

"The snowy peaks of the dog's day, mean and shameless, framed the landlord, one day, one day, he will not die!" The middle-aged man was emotional, and the hysterical roared.

Seeing this middle-aged man, he fell into such a field and still tried his best to maintain the dignity of Lu Congrong, which made Cao Xiaoxian both moved and regretted. Why did she have to shoot? Let the middle-aged man leave. This time he fell in the hands of wearing a cloud, afraid that there will be no good results.


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