The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2138: The top of the hill!

Seeing Cui Yong for so many things, he said everything to Cao Xiaoxian, and the cow is in his heart, and Cui Yong’s 18th generation ancestors have been smashed. Chong Xiaoxian smiled and said, "This girl, my cow is a man of grievances. You helped me today. This friendship, I must remember it. When he has a chance, he will repay him." Just today, I also ask the girl to do the best, don’t make it difficult for me to do it."

"Bovine third child, this cheaper would say, compared to the benefits you have, count a ball! Do not think that the world is your cow, a young man, a smart person, others are not fools!" Then, turn around and look Cao Xiaoxian, said, "This girl, this shredding of Shuomen is what you caught. We all know what you are doing, and you can testify for you. You have to go through the Yunge to invite you to reward, then you should go, you can’t get his cow. "The latest novel Baidu search ""

At this time, Cui Yong is ironic, and he does not fight for a sigh of relief. Even today, nothing can be obtained, and it must not be cheaper.

Cui Yong’s thoughts, how can the cow’s third heart be unclear? I was so angry that I looked at Cui Yong’s gaze, and I had to shoot a knife.

"Sister, it is rare that this Mr. Cui is so derogatory. I see, let him do what he said!" Qin Dong suddenly stood up and said to Cao Xiaoxian. The latest novel Baidu search ""[

"The words of the little brothers are very good. This is a big good thing. Why is it cheaper?" Cui Yongyi said that he was overjoyed and said busy.

When Cao Xiaoxian learned that the middle-aged man was actually the doorman of Shuramen, he had already given birth to the heart of salvation. When he listened to Qin Dong, he no longer hesitated, and looked coldly at the cow’s third child. "You shouldn't have any opinions?"

"Little girl, the person you caught, naturally it is up to you to deal with it, what is the name of his name? You don't need to ask for his opinion." Seeing the cow's third child will take a basket of water, Cui Yonghao unwilling .

"Hey... little girl, you have helped me with my cow's third child. I am grateful. After I have soup and water, I will give you a spoonful. But if you want to fight with me, block my financial road. Then, I have to turn my face and don't recognize people." Niu Laosan is determined to win this middle-aged man. Where is it easy to give up? In the heart of a horizontal, cable "sex" does not do two.

"Bovine third, listen to what you mean, you are going to be guilty. But I have to remind you that this girl is not an ordinary person, your eyes should be brighter, so as not to kick the iron plate!" Cui Yong on the surface It seems to be helping Cao Xiaoxian, in fact, there is nothing good in the dark. He wants to provoke the battle between the youngest and the third, and to take advantage of Cao Xiaoxian. It’s natural to hear the words of the cow’s third child.

"That's your **** from the stalk, I first cleaned up you!" Niu Laosan's thick eyebrows swelled, his mouth burst, a pair of steel claws, while waving, bringing the sound of the mountains and the tsunami, attacking Cui Forever.

"Girl, cow and third child are bullying, pigs and dogs are not as good, I am willing to join hands with you to get rid of this evil thief!" Cui Yong quickly evaded and shouted at Cao Xiaoxian.

Cao Xiaoxian did not think so much, and he had to take a shot, but he was dragged by Qin Dong.

"Xiaodong, you..." Cao Xiaoxian looked at Qin Dong.

Qin Dong smiled and shook his head, saying, "Sister, you are also from the famous door, can you do the things that do more bullying?"

"This..." Cao Xiaoxian did not know what Qin Dong was doing, and he was a little worried.

Cui Yong listened to Qin Dong’s words, but he was so angry that he did not vomit blood on the spot. I thought that everything was in his grasp. Who knows that Qin Dong is so a bit of a bite in the middle of the road, and he will crush his wishful thinking.

When Niu Ni San listened to Qin Dong’s words, it was naturally a surprise. The embarrassing evil laughed a few times, and directed at Cui Yongdao, "The name of Cui, your death is here!"

In a word, a pair of steel claws in the hands of the cow's third child, the dance is more turbulent, airtight, sharp and strong like the tide, in Cui Yong's body, bursting open, blink of an eye, will Cui Forever placed in a dangerous land.

Where Cui Yong is the opponent of Niu Laosan, left and right, and encouraged to respond to a few tricks, he was deeply impressed, cold and sweat on his forehead, and with a few crying, said to Cao Xiaoxian, "The girl, this cow is very high." No one of you and me is his opponent. Only when we join hands can we win! If you still don’t shoot, don’t say that the great merits of this day will be missed with you, I’m afraid that it’s your sexual life. It’s in jeopardy.”

"Cui Yong, how are your nonsense, I cut your tongue first!" Niu Laosan worried that Cao Xiaoxian would listen to Cui Yong's words and suddenly changed his mind. His hand tightened and the offensive was even more fierce. A few screams, Cui Yong screamed, and there were several more **** mouths on his chest.

Seeing that Cui Yong was frustrated in succession, the situation became more and more dangerous. Cao Xiaoxian was slightly intolerable and looked to Qindong sideways.

Qin Dong snorted and said, "It’s not a good thing, it’s not worth saving!"

Cao Xiaoxian was lightly clustered and frowned. He wanted to say something, but he went to his mouth and swallowed it back. Seeing it, she still wants to save Cui Yong. [

"Smelly head, I am willing to help you, you are like this to me? See you can't save, you can't live in the morning and evening!" Seeing Cao Xiaoxian can't help but save, Cui Yong is angry, Zhang mouth will roar.

This is a good time, Cao Xiaoxian originally had a bit of restless heart, and now it is down to life, the face cream, the mouth of the heavy screaming, no matter what Cui Yong's life and death.

Seeing that you can't expect Cao Xiaoxian, Cui Yong will scream at other people. "Are you all wood? Don't want to go to the Yunge to invite you? If you think about it, you will quickly shoot and kill the cow!"

"Cui Yong, you will die this heart! Today, even if the king of Laos is coming, you can't save you! Look at the claws!" The old three-faced "color" of the cow is cold, and the steel claws in the hand suddenly burst out. The road is crystal clear, like a jewel-like blue "color" light, rising from the sky, covering the square, directly making Cui Yong a dazzling scream.

The heart is not good, Cui Yong has been arrogant, and the strength of eating the "milk" has been displayed together. There are thousands of people in the body, and the whole person is wrapped in it.

"Oh... you still die!" With the murderous words of the cow's third child, the blue light of the sky, flashing together, countless claws, or bright or dark, shrouded the four wild, a brain toward the Cui Wandering forever.

The land of Xianzun two products, in the fairy world, is also considered a master, the power is really extraordinary.

The bimang of Cui Yong’s sacrifice is not bad, but it is still much worse than the method of the cow’s third child. A dense and rainy blasting muffled, continuous, blue and white entangled together, the whole world, the rendering of the grotesque, like a different world.

"The surname of the cow, you ... you are so embarrassed!" When the Blu-ray Biman scattered together, Cui Yong has almost become a blood man. He was covered with **** mouths everywhere, and he could hardly find an intact skin.

This cow is also very embarrassing, almost will Cui Yongsheng life scrape!


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