The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2139: The cow is so proud!

"Hey... Do you know my cow's third day is two days a day? Dare to be right with me, you should think that there will be such a end! Go to hell!" The cow's claw in his hand slammed his head and screamed, only listening With a bang, Cui Yong’s head was filled with several blood holes, and even the white flowers of the brain flowed out, obviously it was impossible to live.

After killing Cui Yong, Niu Laosan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Now he no longer has to worry. Cui Yonghui and Cao Xiaoxian will join hands and think that the overall situation has been firmly controlled in his palm.

Turning coldly and sweeping through the other five or six immortals, the face is "yellow" and yin, and the voice is cold and cold. "What are you doing here? Is it worried that Cui Yong is lonely in the underground and wants me to send you to accompany? He?" The latest novel Baidu search ""

The five or six immortals, this is timid, afraid of the cow's third, Cui Yongyi died, looking to the cow's third look, but also the battle. Was ridiculed by the cow's third child, where dare to delay, one by one to spread the feet, turned and fled, for fear of slowing down, will be caught by a pair of steel claws.

"Hey! I want to compete for food from my cow's third mouth, and I don't count how many heads you have!" The old man looked proud. [

"The cow is the third child, you have to be proud of it. One day, you will be retribution!" The middle-aged man hated the cow and yelled. Latest novel Baidu search ""

"Wang Ba Gu! You have become a prisoner of my ranks now, dare to be so arrogant, it seems that I will not give you some lessons, you will not know the strength of my cow's third child!" Li, reached out and smashed the middle-aged man from the ground.

Cao Xiaoxian sees the cow's third child to be unfavorable to the middle-aged man. How can he sit back and ignore it? Faced with a "color" sinking, shouting and screaming "Bovine third, what do you want?"

The cow's third child glimpsed, then laughed, said "Little girl, there is nothing wrong with you here, let's go first!"

"It is indeed time to go through the Yunge to receive the reward, and ask the cattle predecessors to hand over this man to us." Qin Dong sneered, and walked forward to say.

The oldest brow of the cow is tight, and the squint looks at Qin Dong. The cold road is "smelly boy, is your head kicked by the beggar? Give me a roll!"

"How? The cattle predecessors want to compete with our younger generations?" Qin Dong's eyes smashed, and a sneer screamed in his mouth.

Niu Laosan smiled, the faint road "You three dolls gave me a good hearing, and the grandfather of the cow is in a good mood, so I don't want to know you. If I am entangled, I will be annoyed, oh... I I don't mind using my double steel claws to open a few transparent holes in your body."

"Bovine third! You are a shameless thing, you want to deceive people, you pick the wrong object!" Cao Xiaoxian is the most unfamiliar is the goods of the cow "three colors", deceitful, declining the face of the immortal It is.

"Smelly girl, I see you are impatient!" The cow's old three-faced "color" said a sullen sentence, the steel claws in his hand suddenly pointed out, as straight as a steel knife, smashing the chest to Cao Xiaoxian's chest.

Cao Xiaoxian did not expect that the cow's third child would be shameless to this point. For her a younger generation, or a girl, she said that she would shoot the shot, and the shot was so sinister, and the heart was shocked and angry, and hurriedly patted the palm of the hand and wanted to bring the cow. The oldest steel claws were photographed aside.

The cow's third child saw a smirk, and the steel claws were inconvenient, but in the dark they added a three-point force. Cao Xiaoxian's palm wind was shot above the steel claws, and a cry was heard when he arrived. The steel claws didn't know when, they became very hot, like boiling iron.

"Those who are not self-sufficient, go to hell!" When Cao Xiaoxian was shocked, the steel claw of the cow's third child suddenly accelerated, as if it were a silver "color" lightning, and it instantly narrowed the distance from Cao Xiaoxian. Waiting for the next second, take Cao Xiaoxian's "sex" life.

At this time, Qin Dong stepped out, and his right hand grabbed the back of Cao Xiaoxian, and drove her to the side. The cow was not unexpected. The clothes were stabbed in the past.

This round, between the electric and the Flint, carried out very quickly, but let Cao Xiaoxian actually walked away in the ghost gate, his body slightly cold, full of cold sweat.

Cao Xiaoxian escaped, and Niu Laosan was not annoyed. He smiled and said, "How do you know that your grandfather is so powerful? Now it’s too late to get out."

"Stupid!" Niu Laosan voice landing, aside ahref=\"/528/5898369/\">Noisy 旰 He You Beach 蛔 v 盍 痪洹 詹 詹 詹 詹 詹 詹 br br br >

Qin Dong smiled gently and walked over to the middle-aged man. A pair of noisy expressions, like the cow's third child is the air.

"Kid, what do you want to do?" Niu Laosan stood in front of the middle-aged man, looking coldly at Qin Dong. [

Qin Dong ignored the drink of the cow's third child, and did not answer it. It was like not hearing the general, but the contempt in the eyes was nothing but disguised.

"You are looking for death!" Seeing this scene, Niu Laosan was so angry that he raised his hand and squatted. The blue claws of Huo Huo’s steel claws fell straight to the top of Qin Dong’s head.

"That girl is stupid enough. I didn't expect you to be an idiot. I know that I am not an opponent of the family. I just want to come up and die. It is simply impossible!" The middle-aged man screamed at Qin Dong, and he hated iron. The appearance of steel.

However, his voice had just landed for a long time, and he had stayed with the whole person, and his mouth was open to the extreme, and he could not close for a long time.

Didn't see how Qin Dong exerted his strength, only to see his hand waved a little, and the steel claw of the cow's third child fell into his palm. The brilliant blue light also converges in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

The original eyes of the cow's third child, at this time suddenly burst into open, looking into the eyes of Qin Dong, filled with incredible magic. He did not know what was going on. He only felt an invisible force coming out of thin air and pulling his steel claws into the hands of Qin Dong. For the first time, Niu Sansan debuted for such a strange situation. How can he not be surprised?

"What kind of ghost door does the stinky boy play?" The cow's old three burst into the air, and he tried to pull the steel claws back from Qin Dong's hand. As a result, his steel claws seemed to have been rooted in the hands of Qin Dong, and even if he even exerted the strength of eating "milk", the steel claws were still moving.

"How is this possible?" The surprise on the face of Niu's third child turned into a horror in an instant, and he couldn't help but shouted.

"The cow is the third child, just rely on you to do this, I want to be in the fairy world. You think too naive!" Qin Dong sneered, and a white mans in the palm of his hand, this white mang sacred amorous , full of daunting power. The steel claw of the cow's third child, who did not know what material was used, was melted a little under the white man's wrap, and the time between the blinks was melted by a third.

"There are ghosts!" Niu Laosan gave a shout with a bit of horror, and quickly let go of the steel claws, and pulled back to fly back...


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