The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2198: Act fast!

"Qin Shaoxia, this Yunhe immortal is not good to deal with, then you may wish to join forces, even if you can not beat him, at least to ensure that the whole body retreat!" Ling Xiaojian is also very wary of Yunhe Xianren, face The color is very dignified. i^

Qin Dong chuckled and said, "Ling Zhangmen, the time and space in this fairy ring and the time and space of the fairy world seem to be inconsistent. Here one day arrived in the fairy world in January, we have delayed a lot of time, I don’t know if it has happened outside. Change, let's go out."

Ling Xiaojian is heading, Su Hong sleeve, Cao Xiaoxian, Nan Gong Yao, Yue Lu and others came forward and said, "Let's go too!"

"No! Yunhe Xianren is not a good deal, you are too dangerous to go out!" Seeing Su Hong sleeves to say, Ling Xiaojian's face "color" suddenly slammed, Su Hong sleeves to the mouth, then immediately swallowed back.

Seeing Su Hongshou no longer said, Cao Xiaoxian, Yue Lu, Nan Gong Yao heart, although unwilling, but also had to give up, have been careful. [

"Qin Shaoxia, please!" Ling Xiaojian a bunch of hands, said.

Qin Dong did not delay, gently beheaded, and his mind was moving, and a white light immediately wrapped the two men, flashing out of the fairy ring. Just as he stepped out of the fairy ring, Qin Dong and Ling Xiaojian could not help but be taken aback. It didn't take much time for the two to enter the fairy ring. This has already changed dramatically.

The original scenery of Lingyuanmen is very beautiful. The various "color" buildings are dotted with exquisiteness and no loss of majesty. But now, looking at it, it is full of rubble, the wall is defeated, and the former scenery is beautiful. Straight to be replaced by a sad and desolate.

"What happened?" Qin Dong's brow slightly wrinkled. i^

Ling Xiaojian sneered a sneer and grinned. " Needless to say, it must be the handwriting of Yunhe Xianren!"

"So, this Yunhe immortal, the action is quite fast!" Qin Dong's voice is cold and cold, and the eyebrows are murderous.

"Not good! 尉 武 武 them!" Ling Xiaojian suddenly remembered, his face "color" mad, screaming, hurriedly smashed out. Qin Dong Mei Yu wrinkled, not sounding, followed closely.

Of course, not all of them are the people who cultivated the immortals, but also many flat-headed people. Although they are in the fairy world, they encounter tribal people in heaven and heaven, and the civilian population in the human world is not much worse. They are engaged in the most difficult work. With the lowest level of treatment, to support those who are high in the cultivation of immortal. Not far from the headquarters of Lingyuanmen, there is such a group of people.

Like the 尉 武 之 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , However, their family, their roots, have disappeared and have not left here.

Ling Xiaojian rushed all the way, looking up from time to time, not waiting for this piece of settlement, his brows can not be tightened. In the past, the lively settlements were surprisingly quiet. On the way to and from, there was no longer a pedestrian. As if in the blink of an eye, this lively world has turned into a dead zone.

"There is something going wrong, it must be an accident!" Ling Xiaojian whispered as he whispered, while constantly accelerating his body shape, a figure would be turned into a streamer.

In the middle of the settlement, Ling Xiaojian’s eyes are full of sorrow. Looking at it, almost no building in the residential area is intact. On the ground, on the wall, there are traces of swords and knives left everywhere. There are quite a few places, and there is still a **** trace of the dark red color of the beach. It is shocking.

"There are some ordinary people living here. Most of them have never been cultivated. Yunhe Xianren is a generation of famous people. How can I get this hand down??" Ling Xiaojian clenched his teeth and his eyes were full. It is a deep hatred, and there are blue veins on the forehead.

"Don't Yunhe Xianren find out because of our whereabouts, and in the anger, kill all the people here?" Qin Dong's voice became more and more icy, and anyone listened. He was moving at this time. Really angry.

Ling Xiaojian thought so at first, but after sweeping the ring for a week, he did not find the body, and he could not help but wonder.

"Well, you two girls will hide, almost let you become a fish that slips through the net!" Just as Ling Xiaojian was puzzled, a roar suddenly passed over.

Qin Dong and Ling Xiaojian looked at each other and their body shape was invisible.

As soon as the two talents concealed their bodies, they saw three men, pushing a pair of mother-child appearances and circling them from behind a broken wall.

The mother and the mother, the mother is already gray, about sixty years old, but the son is in the prime of life, in his thirties, the body is sturdy and strong, and looks very honest. There are no signs of immortality in both the mother and the child. Obviously, they are ordinary people who have not cultivated. Look at the clothes on the body, very shabby, needless to say, will be the residents of this settlement. [

The three men who shouted the mother and the son, but they were all cultivated immortals, and they were still not bad at all, and they all reached the realm of Xuan Zun. It’s arrogant and arrogant, and it’s arrogant and rude to show a fairy.

"It seems to be a disciple of Yunhe Xianren!" Ling Xiaojian swept his eyes and said, Shen Sheng.

"Ling Zhangmen, are you sure?" Qin Dong took a look at Ling Xiaojian, and the cold voice made people tremble.

Ling Xiaojian sneered a sneer, and the face of the "color" is extremely sinister. "It must be the right! It must be the disciple of Yunhe Xianren. When I visited Yunhe Xianren, I saw them!"

Qin Dong no longer speaks, but the face is colder, a pair of sharp eyes like an arrow, staring straight at the three.

"Three lords, beg you, poor and pity our two girls, let us go." Old mother, weak body, take a step to tremble, plus the cream in the cold wind Ling "chaos", even if only a glance, it makes people feel sad.

"You old coffin scorpion, where is so much nonsense?" Such an old man with a candle in the wind, in the eyes of the three immortals, could not excite the slightest pity, one of them slammed forward, 狠Hey, she pushed her in general, where can the old mother stand? After a scream, he rushed to the ground.

"Mother!" The son was exceptionally filial at first sight. At this time, the old mother was pushed to the ground and screamed, and the body would be rushed to see. Another immortal beside him, unceremonious, is a leg, is kicking in the back of the son, and flew the son a few feet away.

The strength of this leg is not small. Although the son's body is strong, but after all, he has not cultivated and can't afford it. Zhangkou will spurt a blood arrow.

The old mother who was gnashing her teeth, when she saw her son vomiting blood, suddenly forgot the pain in her body, struggling to climb up, crying, and walking in the direction of her son, but still did not take two steps, but also I turned over to the ground...

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