The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2199: The villain **** it!

"To be honest, you old thing!" The immortal who kicked the old mother, seems to be still not deflated, while squatting, while filling the old mother's thin body with a few feet. |i^

"You are these beasts, I am fighting with you!" Seeing that my mother was kicked back and forth, suffering, and where can I live with my son? A burst of embarrassment, whether you are a disciple of Yunhe Xianren, whether you are a fairy, straight to the guy who kicked the old mother, flying and swooping over.

It was like a bull that was violent, and the son’s action was fast and fierce. The other party apparently did not think that he had such courage, and he was not wary. He was not obsessed by the son, but he was deceived by the son. Hit and hit him and hit him.

It’s a miracle that an ordinary person can hit a fairy. The immortal who was hit was like a shameful shame. The whole person was going crazy and mad. He reached out and grabbed the son. He grabbed the son and grabbed his hand. It was a slap in the face and flew up the volley. .

"Dog hybrids, Grandpa dare to fight!?" A slap in the face is not finished, and the fairy is swaying, and people will "shoot" out. Not waiting for the son's figure to fall from the sky, he had already reached out and grabbed the other side's volley, while at the same time slap in the face and smashed the past. [

So many times in a row, the son was beaten to death, and after landing, he almost became a blood man.

"Fairy is forgiving, the fairy is forgiving! Rao my son, spare my son!" The son was beaten, where can the mother be heartless? Seeing this son’s horror, the mother was crying and fainting. I no longer care about the pain in the body as if it were falling apart. I almost climbed to the side of the fairy, holding his leg and crying for crying. %&*>

"Old things, give me away!" The fairy's heart is afraid to be harder and colder than the stone. The face can't even see even the slightest sympathy of the "color", the legs slightly shiver, straight to the person Mother shocked how far it was.

"There is... there is a kind of rushing me, don't... don't hurt my mother!" The son is really strong, and his willpower is amazing. After being hit by such multiple attacks, I was able to stand up.

"Ha! I really didn't expect that you would bring such a kind of thing, I am a little sly you!" The sage looked to him, his face full of sarcasm.

"I said the third child, don't talk nonsense, send them to the mother and son to return to the West!" Another fairy, cold and cold.

"Just kill them, aren't they too cheap?"

"That's not easy? Use 'reinforcing the **** big law', let them hurt for seven days and seven nights, and then rot and die, so that you can always get rid of it?" The third Yunhe immortal disciple, no words More, but one exit, it is a "hairy" bones, dare to love these three, he is the most not something!

"Hahaha... This is a good way!" The sinister who was hit was bursting with laughter, and his face was full of ferocity.

"Birds! Beasts!" Ling Xiaojian can no longer look down, bursting out, showing his body shape.

The emergence of Ling Xiaojian, the three Yunhe immortals disciple was really shocked, but the horror of the three faces immediately turned into ecstasy. Yunhe Xianren has already made a promise. If anyone can find out the whereabouts of Ling Xiaojian, he will accept it as a rumored disciple. From then on, there is no way to practice, and Xiandan Xiancao can't enjoy it.

"Healing the door, saving the life, the head is helping!" When Ling Xiaojian appeared, it was like seeing the savior to the mother and the child. The old mother screamed at the screaming sword and screamed in her mouth.

"Shut up! Where is the part of you talking here?" A fairy is beaten by his noisy, and he has to fight.

Ling Xiaojian snorted, and a lion and a rabbit rushed to the thunder, and rushed to the fairy.

Ling Xiaojian is no longer good, but also the environment of Xianjun three products, a district of Xianzun, can you block its edge? Ling Xiaojian attacked a trick. In the view of the immortal, it was like a sky collapsed, not to mention the attacking power of Ling Xiaojian, but the momentum that came out of it was not something he could resist. of.

When Ling Xiaojian rushed, the Xianzun did not even have the guts to shoot. The whole person seemed to be stupid and could not move.

"Ling Xiaojian, are you crazy? We are the disciples of Yunhe Xianren..." Two of the two outsiders were surprised and screamed in unison.

But the two don’t shout, but this shouting, Ling Xiaojian’s body shape is even more rapid, and the momentum is also strengthened. However, listening to the loud noise, the fairy respect makes a scream, the whole person is straight. The kite of the line flew backwards far away. On the way, the blood was squirting, and when the eye was seen, this fairy statue could not be killed, but it could be completely destroyed.

The two fairy statues trembled in Ling Xiaojian's hot and sturdy, stunned and stunned, and the corner of his eyes suddenly stunned, as if something had flashed from their eyes. The two men took a nap and couldn't help but chase them. They saw a white mans, and they were very quick and stunned. They caught up with the unlucky one. [

It was a muffled sound, louder than the previous one. I saw the body of the unfortunate fairy, as if it had been hit by a shell, suddenly split into pieces, turned into a rain and blood, and drifted around with the wind, and even the little dregs could not be left.

Ling Xiaojian's shot is just to let the other two sages tremble, but this scene is to make them daring. The faces of the two sages, "Color", turned into a piece of white paper. Even the legs of the two people could not help but tremble, and they couldn’t be much harder than the noodles.

"Ling Zhangmen, why are you so polite for such beasts? They also have a whole body left with them?" With a cold, chilling words, Qin Dong noodle Come.

Ling Xiaojian couldn't help but make a bitter smile. It wasn't how kind he was. In fact, he was still afraid of Yunhe immortality. When the two sages mentioned the name of Yunhe Xianren, his heart began to waver, and this hand was inevitable.

"Qin Shaoxia said that they really don't deserve it!" was reminded by Qin Dong that Ling Xiaojian's heart was hardened. Yunhe Xianren is a narrow-minded person. Since he has already offended him, he will simply sin in the end, love it!

"You...who are you?" The two sages listened to Qin Dong’s words, and then looked at their companions who disappeared from the air, and the cold sweat on their foreheads came out.

One of them just asked with a trepidation, and suddenly there was a cold wind in front of him. Of course, he knows that it is not good. He wants to hide, but he finds that his body does not seem to be his own, and he no longer listens to him.


A crisp sound, suddenly resounded through the sky, the fairy respect even the pain did not have time to make a sound, the whole person will fly like a cloud, rolling back and fell a few feet away!

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