The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2204: Save the sorrow and martial arts!

Yan Chiwu was already the end of the strong, and then tossed down like this, the body of Xianli was finally exhausted, and was thrown to the ground by a palm. %&*>

"Dog thief! You must not die!" Yan Chiwu struggled several times, but he was always trampled to death, unable to move, refused to surrender, and screamed loudly.

"Wang Ba Gu, have become the prisoners of the ranks, still so arrogant?" The person who stepped on Yu Chiwu, seeing that Yu Chiwu still refused to take soft, was very angry. The foot suddenly slammed hard, only to hear a bang, and Yu Chiwu’s ribs were said to have broken two or three.

"Oh... how, is it good?"

In the heart of Qiu Wu’s heart, it was called a hate. The intense pain was like a fire, and even the whole body was burned. There is no pain in the body, so that he is almost a man of iron, and his forehead can not help but burst out of the blue veins, and the steel teeth in his mouth are biting out of blood. [

"I said Yu Chiwu, you have already left Lingyuanmen, why are you still dead like this? It’s painful to say the whereabouts of Ling Xiaojian, not only can you keep a small life, go home and enjoy the joy of humanity, but also Get the reward of our grandfather Yun Yun! Such a good thing, how can you not think about it?"

"Hey!" Yan Chiwu shouted at the man who was talking. He snorted and screamed. "Don't say that I don't know where they are, even if I know, I will never tell you these dogs." I am already enough to be sorry for the head. I must never sell him again. In that case, is it that I am still a personal?"

"Get it! You have already defected to Lingyuanmen. It has not been a personal one in Lingxiaojian. In front of us three, what kind of tough guy is it?" The man who stepped on Yan Chiwu shouted. On the one hand, he also had several feet in the body of Yan Chiwu. %&*>

"Do not talk nonsense! You kill me!" Yan Chiwu twisted his head and shouted.

"Ha! You are ashamed to die, admire!"


"Good! You will take a step first. Later, we will send your baby, "the woman", and your unborn child, together with you to the underground to reunite with you!"

"Pinger? You... How can you kill innocent people?! This matter has nothing to do with my wife. You want to kill me. Why do you want to hurt them?" Desire to describe. It’s a pity that he can’t move, otherwise he will eat the three coats of animals in front of him.

"Stupid! Said stupid, you are not happy! Yi Yunxin is so good to kill? Ling Xiaojian killed Yi Yunxin, it is equivalent to smashing the sky, we Yunhe grandfather has made a statement Can find Ling Xiaojian, then use the blood of Ling Xiaojian to repay. If you can't find Ling Xiaojian, hehe...all and Ling Yuanmen, and the people related to Ling Xiaojian are all dead! Wu, if your wife and children are killed, you should never remember this account. If you want to blame, you should blame Ling Xiaojian. Who will let him be a tortoise?"

"Yunhe immortal is also a famous figure, he... How can he make such a bad thing?"

"Let's relax! We are Yunhe Grandpa, can you arbitrarily evaluate this smash?"

"But it! Since this is God's will, then I also recognize it! You will kill it, but I will not let you go after the late Wuwu!" Yan Chiwu's face is full of despair, screaming three People, the words of the word weeping blood.

"Jokes! Are we afraid of ghosts? If you are bent on death, then I will complete the "sex"! Go to the ghost!" Gao raised his foot, without any hesitation, and he slammed into the heart of Yu Chiwu. If this foot is sturdy, Xianli will be poured into the body of Yan Chiwu, and his five internal organs will not be turned into powder.

Ling Xiaojian had already heard the blood in his body, and there was no hesitation in his appearance. The right palm turned into a hand knife and swept across the air. A hurricane that was overbearing and arrogant immediately rushed out. Just listening to the slamming sound, it was going to be high and the singer of the fairy singer, but when I felt a cool, I was shocked to find that one of his legs was separated from the knee.

At first he couldn't believe it. He thought it was his own eyes, until the blood spurted out like a fountain. The intense pain was like drowning in the flood. He realized that his leg was really given. Broken.

"Ah!!!" The screams that made people scalp and numb, immediately rang through the entire jungle. The man held his broken leg and rolled it upside down. Its shape is not miserable!

"What happened?" The other two, where did they think that such a thing would happen, they couldn’t help but stay asleep, then they woke up with God and looked back in a hurry. They saw Qin Dong and Ling Xiaojian, each of whom With a face of frost, murderously came over to them.

"Ling Xiaojian!?" Recognized Ling Xiaojian, the faces of the two men's faces changed, and the subconsciously retreated three steps backward.

Ling Xiaojian ignored them, as if they were dead, but just stepped up and walked toward Yu Chiwu. [

Until Ling Xiaojian came to the front, Yan Chiwu dared to believe that he was not dreaming, Ling Xiaojian really came to save him. At one time and five flavors, the five internal organs were tangled, and the lips were squatting. Before they spoke, the tears had already wet the cheeks.

"How? How is the injury?" Looking at the **** Qiuwu, Ling Xiaojian's heart was so impetuous, and even took a few breaths, and finally managed to restrain the emotion of the runaway.

"Head, I... I am sorry for you!" Yan Chiwu would rather die than die at this time, and would not be saved by Ling Xiaojian. Sometimes this conscience debt can't be afforded.

"What about nonsense? You are not sorry for anyone, including my Ling Xiaojian!" Ling Xiaojian looked serious.

"But me..."

After waiting for the late Wu Wu to finish the words, Ling Xiaojian waved his hand and interrupted him. He said with a serious face. "But you kid, it is really not very kind!"

When I was late, I said, "I am not kind, I should not leave Lingyuanmen at that time..."

"I am not talking about this, your kid is messing with me!"

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Ling Xiaojian glanced at him and deliberately put up the face. "I ask you, why don't you tell me that you are pregnant?"

"Ah? How do you know the head?" Yan Chiwu was a glimpse, and immediately responded. He hurriedly asked, "You have seen Pinger at the head, she... Is she still okay?"

Do not blame, Chi Wu is so anxious, since he was separated from Wen Ping, his heart is not suspended in the air for a moment. At this time, I finally waited for Wenping’s news. He is not in a hurry!

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