The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2205: Excited!

Ling Xiaojian did not answer immediately, but suddenly gave a sigh, and the expression on his face was depressed. %&*>

In the face of the killing of the three masters, there is still no such thing as Yu Chiwu, but this sigh is sighed by Ling Xiaojian, and tears are coming out.

"Head, Pinger, she... Has she been poisoned?" Unknowingly, the voice of Yan Chiwu’s speech was a little trembling.

Ling Xiaojian wanted to make a joke with Yan Chiwu, but he did not expect it to cause such a reaction, and he could not help but feel a little embarrassed. Yan Chiwu loves Wen Ping and must be deeply loved. It is cruel to make such a joke.

Hurry to "show" a smile, Ling Xiaojian "Do not worry, Pinger her good end, nothing."

尉 武 武 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微 微

Ling Xiaojian haha ​​smiled and said, "I sigh, it is for you to worry about it in the future."

"For me to worry about it in the future? What's so good?" Yu Chiwu became more and more puzzled.

Ling Xiaojian laughed. "From now on, you have to provoke more than just the life of you and Wen Ping."

At this time, Yu Chiwu’s reaction was extremely fast. When he thought about it, he immediately understood it. His face was covered with great joy and happiness. His eyes asked, “Pinger, she...has she already been born? Yes... it a boy or a girl?"

"Guess what?" Ling Xiaojian asked with a smile. |i^

"Yes... oh, don't guess! Whether it's a boy or a girl, it's the crystallization of my love with Pinger. I like it the same!"

Ling Xiaojian patted his shoulder and said with amazement, "This is right! But your kid is a blessed person. It is much stronger than my Lingxiao sword. When you kid, you can practice a double-edged stunt." You teach me, let me be prestige! Hahaha..."

"Hey, what do you say, double-edged, I don't understand." When Ling Xiaojian spoke before, he would never have to go around. Today, he is really happy for Yu Chi, and he wants to tease him.

"Stupid! I don't understand a single arrow? You don't just give your son a 'carving' to the son, but also ‘carving’ to the daughter!”

"Head, you... are you telling the truth?" Yan Chiwu couldn't believe his ears, his face was full of incredible. This happiness is often the case, suddenly coming, often the five "fun" three.

Ling Xiaojian smiled and took a picture of Yan Chi’s head. "Bad boy, my head is here, is it so prestige? I don’t know, I thought that I’m always swearing. It’s like you. Of course, what I said is true. Pinger gave you a dragon and a baby. This time, you have made a great contribution to your late family. You must be kind to others in the future!"

"Dragon... Dragon and Phoenix!?" Although I know in my heart, Ling Xiaojian is unlikely to make fun of him on such a serious issue, but this sudden huge happiness is really making him unprepared and the whole person stays straight. Stayed and stayed.

After a full half of the tea, Yu Chiwu suddenly jumped up from the ground, as if he was crazy, sometimes crying, sometimes laughing, and venting his excitement. However, the mind that stunned Ling Xiaojian jumped wildly, and Qiu Wu had a wound on his body, but he could not "disorder".

"Pinger, my good Pinger! From now on, I will be willing to treat you well later. If it is against this statement, then people will be angry and thunderous!" Yan Chiwu suddenly slammed toward the east, heads up Day, launched an oath.

Ling Xiaojian was afraid that he hadn’t had enough trouble yet. He rushed forward and gave him a sigh of relief. “Bad boy, you are all awkward people. How can you still be so ignorant? You are not hurt, this is not a light injury. You are still jumping and jumping, are you still dying?"

As he said, Ling Xiaojian put the cents into the body of Yan Chiwu, carefully treating the injuries in the body.

Looking at Ling Xiaojian's eyebrows about his own concealed concern, Yu Chiwu's heart was like a hot stream, warm and touching him.

"Head, you... you are still willing to accept me... this once traitor? No, not like before, even if I am going back to Lingyuanmen to send tea to the water, I am willing!" Wu suddenly said loudly to Ling Xiaojian. [

After listening to Yan Chiwu's words, Ling Xiaojian's hand movements were slightly stunned, but then he returned to normal as usual, and his mouth was smiling, but he did not answer.

Yan Chiwu’s heart was anxious, and the voice began to tremble again. “You are... you are still blaming me, so I’m not willing to accept me, right?”

Seeing that Qiu Wu was excited and made the injury that he could easily recover from the body, and began to make a fuss, Ling Xiaojian gave him a look. "You never left Lingyuan, I never took you." Out of Lingyuanmen, why should I collect you again?"

"Head, you mean to say..." Yan Chiwu tears DC.

Before he finished speaking, Ling Xiaojian grabbed his shoulder and said, "I mean, you give me something to be honest, let me heal you, don't look for anything. Your body is really wasteful." Now, I can only drink tea from the water in the future."

Yan Chiwu opened his mouth and smiled. "As long as you can stay in Lingyuanmen, you can always see the head, and I will be willing to send tea to the water!"

Ling Xiaojian was a little bit smirked by him, and he licked him several times.

"Ling Xiaojian, you are so bold! Grandpa Yunhe is looking for you, you just jumped out. Ok, very good!" The guy who was cut off by the Lingqi sword with a skill knife, this With the support and help of his companions, he barely stood up. Looking at Ling Xiaojian at this time, it seems that he is looking at his own killing father and enemies. His eyes are about to spurt fire to incinerate Ling Xiaojian.


When Yan Chiwu just finished, Ling Xiaojian said, "They don't need you to manage it, calm down, I will continue to heal you."

Yan Chiwu had to say something more, and when he turned to Qin Dong, he rushed forward, and the heart that was slightly anxious suddenly calmed down. There is Qin Dong, and I really don't need him to manage anything.

Ling Xiaojian was treated by Qi Chiwu, and Qin Dong was the master of these three Xianjun products.

The three should be the core disciples of Yunhe Xianren. Even in the face of Ling Xiaojian, there is still a three-point pride in his expression. Even the guy who was cut off by Ling Xiaojian’s right leg is no exception. Xu is the usual reason to rely on the power of the Yunhe immortal.

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