The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2211: Famous little yo!

Ling Xiaojian’s words made the people in the room feel a sigh of relief. %&*>

Without paying attention to the expression on the faces of everyone, Ling Xiaojian will be comforted by a group of miners who have been arrested by Yunhe Xianren, and they will be sent home. Turning to the 尉武武道 "Wu Zi, you also go back and look at Pinger and the children."

"How is that going? I want to go with you to find Yunhe Immortal!" After that, Yan Chiwu smiled a little confidently, and said, "Even if I can't help much, it's okay to clean up some chores." of."

Ling Xiaojian laughed and patted him on the shoulder. He said, "Well, Wuzi, your mind, I understand, I have also received this kind of affection. Go back, Pinger is waiting for you, she is now I need you more."

"Head, I..." [

"Okay! Don't say it again. I want to kill Yunhe Xianren, I will go to find you." It is not because Yu Chiwu said more, Ling Xiaojian nodded to Qin Dong, both of them were at the same time, the arrow generally "shot" Go out.

"Head, Qin Shaoxia, you must take care of wow!" Yan Chiwu helpless, rushing to the figure of the two away, shouted.

"Xiaodong, Yunhe Xianren's nest is in the Yunyun Mountain Villa, five hundred miles away. Are we straightforward Huanglong?"

"That is of course! Quick fix!"

Looking at Qin Dong’s proud and self-confident look, Ling Xiao’s heart feels relaxed for no reason. It seems that Yun Hexian, who is facing this time, is not a super strong person in the realm of the emperor, but not a hand. Unnamed little monks come from the general. i^ This feeling, Ling Xiaojian likes it very much. A heroic sighs straight down on his chest.

"Xiaodong, there is a ruthless request, I think..."

Seeing Ling Xiaojian suddenly twisted up, Qin Dong smiled and said, "Let the head, what is said, even if it is, it is not like your style."

It was said by Qin Dong that the **** of Ling Xiaojian’s “color” suddenly settled down and looked at Qin Dong’s eyes. “You know, the last time I went to visit Yunhe Xianren, I was suffering from a stomach sac. I don’t say anything, I almost lost my sexual life. This time I went to Idle Mountain Villa, you have to let me first sigh the bitterness in my chest, let me first come out, how?"

"Ha ha ha... I thought it was something, this is simple! I went to the idle cloud villa, I will not take it. When will you get out of the palm of your hand, I will shoot again!"

"Okay! Let's go!" Ling Xiaojian's "color" is great, and Hao laughs through the clouds.

The Yunyun Mountain Villa where Yunhe Xianren is located is also quite famous in the fairyland. Everyday guests are woven and lingering. It’s really not a few people who have tied him up. In order to be able to meet with Yunhe Xianren, many people have spared no expense in the blood, all kinds of heavenly treasures, rare foreign objects, as if flowing into the Yunyun Mountain Villa. Don't say that it is Yunhe Xianren, even the porter Xiaoyun who is looking for the Yunhe immortal, one is also rich in oil, and it is surprisingly good. When looking at people, the nostrils must be in the sky.

There is still a distance from the mountain gate of Xianyun Mountain Villa. Qin Dong will see that Shanmen stands with two cocky cockroaches, facing a group of people, drinking five and playing six, playing the prestige, and whispering from time to time.

Look at these two little sisters, but it is the cultivation of the realm of the immortal, and among the crowds who are bowed to their heads, there is no shortage of strong men in the kingdom of the king. How to say this is one of the fairy tales. The scenery is over.

"Hey, Xiaodong, have you seen it? The two little sisters." Ling Xiaojian pointed to two people, and his face showed a sneer.

Qin Dong frowned and looked at him. Ling Xiaojian hated the road. "The two little sisters, one called Hidden Dragon, one called Crouching Tiger. Don't look at their repairs as not to drop, but also in the fairy world. A famous figure. Whoever wants to see the Yunhe immortal side, if you don’t start the two of them first, it’s just an idiotic dream. Last time, when I came to Idle Mountain Villa, I actually learned a couple of these two times. A little bit of awkwardness."

Ling Xiaojian is not a narrow-minded generation, can make him hate like this, obviously this hidden dragon and lying tiger, no less embarrassing to him.

"Go! Let's meet these two famous little sisters first!" Qin Dong sneered aloud and strode over.

"Just take such a thing, I want to see our grandfather, do you think that our grandfather is doing what you do?" called Xiaolong's little slap in the face of a fairy's cheek, his attitude is extremely arrogant and arrogant.

The face of Xianzun went straight up into the color of pig liver. It was obviously anger to the extreme. It was about to attack. When I looked up, I saw the four characters of the "Yunyun Mountain Villa" that measured the dragon and phoenix dance. The anger forced it down. [

Reluctantly make a smile that is more ugly than crying, the fairy respects the "two little brothers..."

"Family! Who is your brother? Also his little brother, you licked the dog's eyes, went to the idle cloud villa to fill the big one?" The fairy statue has not finished yet, then it was again hidden by the dragon A burst of screaming.

The little cockroach, called Crouching Tiger, was even more popular. He rushed up and said nothing. He opened the bow to the fairy and gave him several mouths.

"You..." was slapped by a small singer in the realm of a fairy, which is a shameful shame for any fairy. The immortal trembled and shivered, and the pair jumped out of the eyelids.

"What are you? Are you dissatisfied? If you have something, you will fight back!" Crouching tigers licked their hands and greeted the singer's smoldering eyes. They were not afraid at all, but they were arrogant. It seems that he is not playing a fairy who can make his life go away, but not an ordinary person who has never practiced.

That Xianzun was probably the first time to suffer such a sac, and he was about to cry out. However, he was afraid of the momentum of Yunhe Xianren. He did not dare to leave this hand.

"Rolling, don't let his mother's eyes hurt the eyes of the old man!" Hidden Dragon lying tiger two small squats, as if flicking like a fly and shouted.

The Xianzun swallowed a few mouthfuls of spit, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out one after another. Finally, the head was lowered, and the sighs "Two... Little Master, it will be mellow, and the family girl is seriously ill. Only one kind of fairy grass can be saved, and this kind of fairy grass is only available in Xianyun Mountain Villa. Please ask me to be a pleading for Yun Hexian, and save my sister!"

"Where is there so much nonsense? Didn't you tell me about it, want to see my grandfather, can! Take the stone!"

"Two young masters, here is all my family, more, I... I really can't take it! Just ask the two little masters to send compassion, let me in, see Yunhe Xianren side. "In order to save the younger sister, the fairy godmother also completely put down his dignity, and directed at the two little sisters, but also for blasphemy, and pleading, its shape is very sad.

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