The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2212: Humiliation!

Hidden Dragon's smile a few times, looking at the fairy statue, said, "You don't have a fairy stone, but also want to see my grandfather to save your sister's "sex" life, is it?"

The fairy goddess "color" nodded, whispered "Who doesn't know, Yunhe Xianren character is noble, good and good, is a great good man.|i^ So... I took the liberty to come, hope Yunhe Xianren I can give it to you. I also ask the two young masters to be able to get through one or two. My grandson will never forget the two great virtues."

"Hey... want us to be accommodating?" The smile on the face of Hidden Dragon became more and more unintentional.

"Exactly!" That Xianzun may be too urgent, and did not notice the expression of Hidden Dragon.

"Oh! You can get through!"[

"Really? was so thankful to the two young masters!" Sun Qiong was overjoyed, and even rushed to the two to go to the Yunyun Mountain Villa.

At the same time, Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger stood in a row, blocking him, and hiding the dragon and laughing again and again. "What are you worried about? Didn't you finish the story of Xiaoye?"

"Ah? Please... please say!"

The two little sisters looked at each other and the dragon smiled. "Let's make us accommodating, let you go in, you can, but... you have to kneel down and give us three heads, then scream three grandpa. Then we can let you in."

"What...what?" Where did Sun Qiong think that the two little sisters would spit out such shameless and rude conditions, and the whole person squatted.

Hidden Dragon sneered, "Why, your ears have "hairy" disease?"

"You... how can you do this?" Sun Qiong’s swaying figure swayed and almost didn’t go back. |i^

This is the slave of Yunhe Xianren, it is really domineering! In the two districts, the fairy priests, in the fairy-tale pigs and dogs, dare to speak, let a fairy respect, give them a hoe, not to mention, this scene, really makes Qin Dong open his eyes.

"Why, you don't want to?" Hidden Dragon's eyebrows "hairy" pick, his face full of sarcasm, cold road "You don't know enough, we promised to give you accommodation, that is a big face. If it is changed Doing others, hehe... even if it’s broken, we don’t necessarily give him a right eye.”

"There is no reason for this! You two are just a small watchman. How can you... so arrogant? Isn’t it afraid to marry the name of Yunhe Xianren?" Sun Qiong was really irritated and mad. In front of the two little sisters, the hysterical roar.

"Oh! Well, you don't know what you are doing, let's go to the wild clouds in the mountains. Are you thinking that we can't cure you like you?" Hidden Dragon's eyes were stunned.

Sun Qiong is not willing to continue to entangle with these two little sisters, and screams, "My grandson is sincerely sincere to come to visit Yunhe Xianren, and it is enough for you two sophomores. It is enough. Give me a roll. Open, I want to go in!"

"Hey! Surnamed Sun, if you go in today, I will write the words of the dragon in reverse!" Seeing Sun Qiong to come hard, the Tibetan dragon is not afraid, sneer.

"Give me a roll!" Crouching tiger only fanned Sun Qiong a few slaps, it seems that it is not too addictive, see the opportunity to come, where willing to let go? A fierce sigh, the body shape suddenly bullied, a skill to wear the heart, straight into the heart of Sun Qiong to smash the past.

Sun Qiong, who is really angry, is not so irritating. Seeing the slumbering tiger, the figure is slightly fierce, and the body shape is slightly swayed, and it is easy to avoid its sharp edge. At the same time, the right palm is swung out and straight to the chest of the lying tiger.

The cultivation of Crouching Tiger is not worse than Sun Qiong. He wants to get a good job in Sun Qiong’s hands. It is simply a dream. This kicked out, not only could not hurt Sun Qiong, but instead took the initiative to send himself to Sun Qiong's fist.

Sun Qiong really wants to have a good meal, but he can see that the fist is going to hit the body of the tiger. Sun Qiong is still hesitating. After all, he came here today to seek help from his sister. It is not a vengeance. If he really hurts the Crouching Tiger, he is afraid that there is no way to explain it to the Yunhe Immortal, and there is no way to explain it to his sister.

This hesitation, Sun Qiong’s heart softened, and the punch of the punch was reduced by 50%. Playing on the chest of the Crouching Tiger, just let the Crouching Tiger fall to the ground, but it will not cause him any serious harm.

"Two, I have been merciful, and I hope that you will not be distressed again!"[

Sun Qiong also counted on these two young beggars, and it was a bit naive to see the kindness of his men’s mercy.

Waiting for his voice to land, Hidden Dragon seems to be madly pointing at Sun Qiong and yelling. "Good, your surname is Sun. It’s really eating the dragon and the leopard. Nowadays, you can’t think of the whole body. The mountain village!" After all, the Tibetan dragon turned his head and looked at the crowds around him. "You don't want to see my grandfather? Good! As long as you who have cleaned up the shards of this surname, and abandon his hands and legs, I will The first one arranged him to see my grandfather!"

These two little sisters are not ordinary "rape", but they have thought of the means of killing people by knife.

Most of the crowds on the crowd were distracted by these two little sisters, but they were afraid of the power of Yunhe Xianren, but they dared not speak up and were not tempted by the proposal of the two youngsters. But the forest is big, and there are birds. There is always a small heart, and there is no heart. Soon after the words of Hidden Dragon landed, a figure stepped out of the crowd.

"Oh... this daring mess, give it to me!"

"Nanchong Yan!?" This person, immediately caused a burst of exclamation in the crowd, Sun Qiong's face has become extremely ugly.

Two small baboons of Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tigers saw this person appearing, but it was a big surprise. Hidden Dragon directed at the smile of the man. "Who is my way, it turned out to be Mr. Nanchong, haha... This time, this surnamed Sun can be considered a kickboard."

Nanchong Yanchong Hidden Dragon hugged his fist, turned around and looked at Sun Qiong, sneer and said, "The surname of Sun, your courage is not small! How is it that you have to abandon your hands and legs, or do you start by this seat? ?"

Sun Qiongman is incredulously looking at Nanchong Yan, "Mr. Nanchong, you are in the fairy world, that is also a famous figure, how... how can you be degraded, listen to these two shameless shackles?"

"Globe! What are you, and dare to teach this seat?" Sun Qiong's voice did not fall, Nanchong Yan's face "color" suddenly changed, the foot stepped out, the figure is like electricity, and has been deceived to Sun Qiong In front of.

This Nanchong Yan's cultivation is in the realm of Xianjun's second product. Compared with Sun Qiong, the number is higher than that of Sun Qiong. In front of him, Sun Qiong is like two small sisters to Sun Qiong. There is no chance of winning.

"Mr. Nanchong!" Sun Qiong could not help but screamed, and his body quickly rushed back, never dare to confront Nanchong Yan.

"Hey... I still want to escape? Don't dream! You can't help yourself!" Seeing Sun Qiong's move, Nanchong Yan sneered, his body shape suddenly accelerated, and it was faster than ghosts.

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