The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2223: Evenly matched!

"Good domineering power!" Yunhe Xianren's breath has not completely spit out, a faint voice suddenly rang. i^

"What?" Yunhe Xianren's heart can not help but jump in a madness, with a full of horror, turned to look at Qindong.

After falling to the ground, it was motionless. It seemed to be Qin Dong, who had already decided to breathe. At this time, he slowly stood up again and gently patted the dust on his body. The face was calm and calm, as usual. It’s like a genius, the person who was stunned by Fei Zhenfei is not his average.

"Xiaodong, you... are you okay?" Seeing Qin Dong miraculously stood up again, Ling Xiaojian's mood can really be described as ecstatic.

Qin Dong rushed to the sword and nodded. He turned his gaze to Sun Qiong, who was struggling to sit up from the ground, and his eyes were "exposed" with a grateful color. Regardless of whether Sun Qiong has helped him, this idea is priceless. [

"This is impossible! You have eaten me a spear, how can you have nothing to do?" Yunhe Xianren arrived at this time, has completely lost his calmness, the whole person seems to be crazy, and even roars more than one, will be a The festival "Fighting" of the strong emperor's place was lost.

Qin Dong smiled lightly and said, "Yunhe immortal, I have to thank you very much! If it is not your spear, I am really unlikely. In such a short period of time, I will go through everything and comprehend. Emperor's righteousness!"

"You...what do you say? You said that you have entered the realm of the emperor, in such a short time? No! It is impossible, you are alarmist!" Yunhe Xianren is completely unable to accept Qin Dong’s statement. The whole person kept shaking his head while he kept shaking his head. %&*>

Qin Dong chuckled and said, "No matter what you believe or not, the facts are facts!"

It is no wonder that Yunhe Xianren will be unacceptable, and all this is indeed too horrible. Don't say him, even Ling Xiaojian, this time is a bit dull, in the clouds, as if in a dream.

"If you have really entered the realm of the emperor, then pick me up and try it!" Yunhe immortal drum "swinging" from the body of Xianli, the whole person is so strangely swollen, like blowing The big ball is round and round, but it is not cute at all. On the contrary, it is a little strange and heart-rending.

"Xiaodong, this old guy wants to worry, be careful!" Ling Xiaojian reminded.

Qin Dong was slightly sun-dried, and his face completely disappeared from the dignified color of the Yunhe immortal.

Breaking through the bottleneck of Xianjun's three products is like crossing a gap and going directly to the sky. The dual sacred powers in Qin Dong's body are surging, and both in quantity and purity, they have reached a new world.

At this moment, Qin Dongzhi felt as if the sky was in his own hands, and the backhand cloud covered the rain. Where else could there be any resistance to his edge? The power released by Yunhe Xianren not only made him feel nervous, but instead made his chest rise to an uncontrollable excitement.

"Come on! Take out all your strength, let me see if you are unsuccessful in the rumor!" Qin Dong screamed, his face fluttering, the whole person looked irritated, even Ling Yan Jian, Sun Qiong was swept by the blood of his infection.

"Damn!" Yunhe Xianren is probably the first time in his life, being forced by a young man to this part. With a bang, the five fingers smashed into fists, and the knuckles were arched high, as if the steel was cast, the mouth was swallowing quickly, and the mouth of the fairy scent entered the body from its mouth, rolling up the fairy power repaired by his life. Above the boxing.

"Go to death!" In the burst of the sound, the fists blasted out, and a "forced" man's glory immediately followed his fist and spurred out. Wherever I go, the air burns, the earth trembles, this punch, really can make a mountain, all born.

Ling Xiaojian looked at the side of the heart and trembled. This kind of punch, if he changed to do it, he was afraid that even the thought of rebellion would not be too late, and the will was first destroyed by his infinite power.

At the moment when Yunhe Xianren punches, Qin Dong’s sword eyebrows are also locked up, taking a deep breath, palms to the sky, slowly rising to the chest, the light in the palm of the hand shines, getting brighter More and more heart-wrenching.

There is no step backwards, even the face of a hesitant "color" is not even, the two palms are all out, and the front meets the fist of the Yunhe immortal.

This time, both of them used their full strength, and the momentum was many times stronger than before. Everything is full of whistling winds, all of which are eye-catching Huaguang. Although Ling Xiaojian and Sun Qiong are outside the Baizhang, they are still difficult to avoid this power, and the whole feeling is not exaggerated. It’s like being grilled on an oven, it’s hard to be a pain.


A loud bang, suddenly came. The mountains shook the ground, and the buildings within a few squares collapsed at the same time and turned into ruins. The small half of the Yunyun Mountain Villa, just in the meantime, became a pile of broken rubble. [

It’s just that Yunhe Xianren at this time can’t take care of it. When his fist and Qin Dong's palm collided in one place, an unprecedented pressure made him "hair" bones. The foot was actually unable to control, and the squatting back three steps.

When he looked up at Qin Dongzhi, the whole person stayed, and Qin Dong did not have a lot of three steps back. The real thing is that he is equal.

"How is this possible?" Yunhe Xianren only felt that he was going crazy, and his eyes could not be round again.

Just now, Qin Dong was not his opponent at all, but now Qin Dong can be evenly matched with him. This progress is too fast and amazing.

Feeling the arms, there are millions of ants in the biting of the general numbness, and the cranes on the forehead of Yunhe Xianren have large drops of sweat falling down. It turned out that this kid was not exaggerated at all. He really has entered the realm of the emperor, and it is real and irrefutable.

Compared with the shock of Yunhe Xianren, Qin Dong is ecstatic. He was finally able to fight against a real emperor. This kind of improvement is more exciting than the previous promotion of Qin Dong, and it is also a hundred times more precious.

Originally, Qin Dong had just entered the realm of the Emperor, and it could not be separated from the Yunhe immortal who had been immersed in the realm of the emperor for many years. It is really a bizarre force that is too magical. And with Qin Dong entering the emperor's realm, Qin Dong can clearly feel that this dual force has increased by at least 30% compared to before.

This can not help but let Qin Dong think, even the dual sacred power is still so powerful, what about the ternary power? Once the contradictory power between heaven and earth is displayed, what an amazing scene will be?

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