The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2224: Swordsmanship!

"Heroes! You... you are enchanting!" Yunhe Xianren is not a general excitement, pointing to Qin Dong. i^

Qin Dong couldn't help but sneer, Yunhe Xianren is also a famous figure in the fairy world. I didn't expect that there would be such a ruin when it was too cold.

"Scorpio! If you don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe it?" Ling Xiaojian shook his head and his face was very complicated.

Sun Qiong was not hurt, fell to the ground, and never got up. But this does not prevent him from watching Qin Dong’s performance. When I saw that Qin Dong actually had a match with Yunhe Xianren, when the whole person was up and down, the whole person was trembling, and the heart seemed to have opened the pot, and there was no way to calm down.

"This is a bit of a meaning, Yunhe Xianren, don't stand, ah, our showdown, from now on is really the beginning!" Qin Dong's confidence at this time skyrocketed, and the momentum under his body immediately changed significantly, see Going up is like a sword that is unsheathed. Just looking at it, it is shocking. [

"If you don't kill you today, you will become a big worry for me!" Qindong's growth rate is so amazing that even Yunhe Xianren has some trepidation. Under the end of Qin Dong, such an enemy, if not removed as soon as possible, I am afraid that after Yunhe immortal, even a sense of stability can not sleep.

"Hey! I am afraid that you don't have this skill!"

Yunhe Xianren white eyebrows tight, Shen Sheng said, "You are too proud of it! You know, this seat has not made a really powerful means to make it out!"

"Oh? Then I have to open my eyes!"

Yunhe Xianren snorted, his wrist vibrated, and a blue light lit up. In his hand, he immediately added a sword. %&*>

Although the sword is sharp, it is not surprising. It has no spirits. It is no different from those used by ordinary people to cut wood. It can't match the identity of Yunhe Xianren. .

Seeing Qin Dong's frowning look, Yunhe Xianren sneered, "What, didn't you think?"

Qin Dong did not hide it, and nodded confessingly. "It is really a surprise!"

Yunhe Xianren laughed loudly and said, "Little doll, may wish to tell you that the best thing the old man is good at is the sword. Even if it is a grass and a tree, when it comes to my hands, it can be turned into a heavenly place." There are no disadvantages for the gods!"

Qin Dong chuckled and said, "Don't think that you have a very thick old face, you can unscrupulously blow the cowhide!"

"Blow the cowhide? Then you pick me up and try a sword!" Yunhe Xianren snorted, the hand of the sword, slammed across the air, and Jianfeng suddenly swayed. A piece of cold, snowy sword light, whistling out, sometimes divided, and sometimes, change infinite, straightforward.

Qin Dong was really dismissive at first, but seeing Yunhe Xianren’s sword, the mind suddenly became tight, and the daring Yunhe immortal was really not bragging.

Do not dare to neglect, Qin Dong swims like electricity, both palms open and close, the body's dual sacred powers, a glimpse of the singularity, swaying out, straight in the air, condensed into a ray of light, have turned toward the clouds The sword light that He Xianren sacrificed hit him.

Those swords light collide on the dual sacred powers. The fragile is like a muddy paste. In the blink of an eye, it collapses and disappears. But for all this, Yunhe Xianren seems to have not seen it, but only concentrates on a common long sword in his hand, and the east thorns and west strokes, picking up the hook, it seems that it is not a deadly confrontation with Qin Dong. It seems like indulging in one's own solo dance.

Such swordsmanship, Qin Dong was unheard of before, and even more to see. However, I have to admire in my heart that the swordsmanship of Yunhe Xianren is so brilliant that it is the ultimate. That one move, seemingly boring, but each sword can mobilize the power of the gods between heaven and earth for his use. Together with his own fairy power, he can play far more than double the attack power he has repaired.

Don't look at the binary sacred force on the sword of the Yunyun crane. It seems to be taking advantage of it. In fact, Qin Dong has a feeling of being tied up, and it is not necessary to feel it. Stress is also a moment heavier than a moment.

"Xiaodong, be careful behind!" Qin Dong is thinking hard to crack the law of Yunhe Xianren's sword, and the ear screams that Ling Xiaojian's voice has changed.

"After? How?" Qin Dong was taken aback and subconsciously turned his head to look behind him. This look made his sweaty hair "hair" stand up.

I don't know when, Yun Hexian was actually behind him, using swords to condense into a red light, like a real sword front. Silent and uninteresting, and more arbitrarily smothered all the murderous, it was incredible to avoid the knowledge of Qin Dong, if not Ling Xiaojian promptly reminded, the consequences are unimaginable. [

"Don't this be the true meaning of Yunhe Xianren swordsmanship?" Qin Dong took a breath of cold air, and couldn't think too much, his body shape suddenly plucked up.

At this time, the Jianfeng, which was flashing with red and red light, suddenly became awkward, with a whistling whistle, and rushed to Qindong.

"A terrible sword!" Qin Dong's body shape madly retreats, while secretly feeling the power of this sword front.

Compared with the boxing force that Yunhe Xianren had before, this sword front must be at least twice as strong. An unprecedented sense of oppression, directly into the body of Qin Dong, as if to crush his internal organs.

"Well, you are a crane, and you are not the same!" Qin Dong did not dare to neglect, the right hand to the sky, the dual holy force ascended to the sky, "shot" into the clouds. In the blink of an eye, a cloud of sparkling fairy clouds is condensed in the sky. Qin Dong held up his right hand and suddenly swayed down. In an instant, the golden "light" lightning was like a downpour, and a rumbling thunderous bang, a brain fell from the sky, a skill Not falling, all lie on the sword front.

Red Red Jianfeng realized the danger, and Huaguang, which bloomed from it, instantly doubled and slammed the golden "color" lightning directly to the living.

"See how long you can support!" Qin Dong gnawed his teeth, and came up with a sturdy force. The source of the dual sacred power continued to pass through the body. The golden "color" lightning that descended from the sky became more and more rigorous, and the power was more powerful.

Dangdang’s crisp sounds are always on the ear, and the golden “color” lightning falls on the red-red sword front, and it keeps sounding like an iron-like crisp sound. The fairy force that splashed the "shooting", splashing everywhere, is like a grenade that has been thrown out. When it falls there, it is a bang, and it is a dusty sky.

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