The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2225: Changed color!

In the golden "color" lightning, the intense and rain-like blow, the radiance of the red-red sword front finally began to converge, and its power is constantly weakening. I^ Qin Dong can't help but feel a sigh of relief. If it is not the reminder of Ling Xiaojian, the situation is probably not the case.

However, when Qin Dong thought that everything was coming to an end, an inexplicable but unprecedented sense of ominousness filled his whole heart.

"What happened?" Qin Dong snorted and suddenly discovered that the red-red swordsman, who had been almost suppressed by him, suddenly trembled fiercely at this moment.

Qin Dong hurriedly swept his eyes to Yunhe Xianren. He saw that Yunhe Xianren was like crazy at this time. The long sword in his hand was dancing wildly, and the trajectory of Xuanzhi and Xuan was constantly being interpreted in the air, which made Qin Dong The inexplicable ominous feeling in my heart has become more and more intense.

"It’s weird!" Qin Dong’s heart was shocked, and the muscles of his body tightened in an instant. [

At this time, the red-red sword front suddenly burst into a burst, and when Qin Dong slowed down, the horror found that there was only one red-red sword front, but at this time it was a illusion. Thousands of thousands of roads, overwhelming, formed a red cloud of "sword", almost covering the entire sky.

When the red-red swordsman burst open, the meaning of the sword contained in it was also increased tenfold and a hundred times in a flash, reaching a situation where Qin Dong could not help but tremble.

"Is this the last killer of Yunhe Xianren!?" Qin Dong exclaimed in a hurry, eagerly turned to look at Yunhe Xianren, only to see Yunhe Xianren has stopped his body shape, one hand With the hilt, the tip of the sword points to the sky. i^ A pair of eyes closed tightly, and the figure seemed to tremble slightly.

Although the figure of Yunhe Xianren is fixed, he can be more relaxed than before. In the body of Xianli, following the path of mysterious, running non-stop, there can be no mistakes, otherwise his last killer will collapse, he himself will be destroyed.

Yunhe Xianren did not know how many centuries, how much spiritual power was invested in this move. At the end, Qin Dong was surprised to find that the nose, ears, eyes and mouth of Yunhe Xianren actually leaked blood together. Looks like this is awkward.

"Scorpio! This... What kind of move is this?" Ling Xiaojian has almost completely stupid. Especially when he felt that if there was a powerful sword with no power, when he passed by him, it seemed as if his soul had been separated.

The red cloud of the sword cloud finally condensed. Tens of thousands of swords, Qi Qi’s squeaking, a chilling chill, and then spread out, the whole world is covered. At this time, Qin Dong only felt that he was a tiger who was locked in a cage. He looked around and could not see a way of life.

"Kid, you can "force" me to make this move, even if it is dead, it is enough to be proud!" Yunhe Xianren suddenly opened at this time, but the voice is hoarse and dull, like ghosts.

"Reassured! The last death must not be me!" Qin Dong's body suddenly slammed, arrogant and shouting.

Yunhe immortal no longer speaks, and his face reveals a more terrible smile than the devil. The sword in his hand suddenly slams into the sky, and the red "color" sword cloud instantly "lives" as if it were chosen. The wolves that were smothered, and the pressure of the Uganda rushed toward Qin Dong.

The moment when the red "color" sword cloud was launched, in the eyes of Ling Xiaojian and Sun Qiong, it was like a catastrophe. That power, even when they were dreaming, never dreamed.

For the first time, Qin Dong’s life felt that he was so close to death. The sweaty hair of the whole body had already been rooted up. The binary force in the body and the spirituality of the body were full, and the danger was coming. Without the command of Qin Dong, it has been rotated at the speed of Qindong's meridians, turning into a golden "color" Huaguang, revealing the outside world, and the whole person of Qindong is like a huge humanoid sun.

"Eight parties are dead!" Qin Dong's unprecedented dignity, a bite of steel teeth, both fists at the same time, two fists, straight into the two light barrels of light, rushed into the red "color" sword cloud.

Dangdang! Hey!

A series of loud noises rang, and countless red "color" swords annihilated. The two light-column punches that Qin Dong sacrificed were like the two flames rushing into the bee colony, sweeping the swaying, looking like a prestige, unstoppable, but Qin Dong’s expression was a moment more than a moment. dignified.

These red-red swords are not only a large number, but I don’t know what kind of heaven and earth are infused by Yunhe Xianren. The power of these red-red swords is also endless. The beam of light that he had condensed by the two fists seemed to have wiped off many red-red swords, but compared with the number of red-red swords, he was afraid that it was less than one tenth. And Qin Dong’s two fists, at least condensed his more than 70% of the dual force.

Qin Dongzhi has some scalp numbness, and Yunhe Xianren’s accomplishments and comprehension of swordsmanship have already reached a horrifying level. The red cloud that this sword front gathers, the fairy power wrapped in it, is at least three times more than the Yunhe immortal body. In other words, at this time, Qin Dong is clearly fighting with the strong men of the three Yunhe immortals and the three emperors, and the pressure on them can be imagined.

The two beams of light condensed into a light column, and did not traverse in the red color of the sword cloud for too long, they were smashed and broken by a red "color" sword front. Qin Dong took a deep breath, but had no choice but to blast two punches. The result is not the same as before, and it has almost no meaning.

"It's useless! Unless you have reached the middle level of the Emperor's Land, you can't break my sword cloud at all. Don't waste your effort, you can't help it!" Seeing Qin Dong still refuses to accept, Two more punches were sent out one after another, Yunhe Xianren shook his head and said. [

Offering this killer, Yunhe Xianren himself is also uncomfortable. He said two words, and his body shook like an electric shock. His face was pale and pale.

"What to do, what to do..." Looking at Qin Dong’s eyes, he was surrounded by the red color, and once it was surrounded, there was no bones. Ling Xiaojian hurriedly whispered. There is a blank in my mind, and there is no way to think about it.

"Well, only a fight!" Qin Dong sees that he can't break Jianyun, the Jianmei is tight, and the five dragons in the glory of the Qiankun are rushing out.

When the five dragons came out, the sound of the dragon "吟" sounded and the whole world was heard. This dragon "吟" is not an ordinary dragon "吟", but it is from the ancient gods and beasts of the five claws of gold dragons, the power is not the same as a small, even if it is such a super strong as Yunhe immortal, it is also inevitable to change the color!

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