The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2235: Squad!

"What gold bird do you say, make it clear?" Qin Dong frowned, and his eyes sharpened. i^

The Yunge disciple was as if he had been screamed by a heavy punch, and his heart jumped fiercely, and there was a little panic. The involuntary road was a spiritual pet captured by Yungege... ”

“Is it the golden bird of the Holy Orc?” Qin Dong’s “color” became more and more dignified and continued to ask.

"Yeah, how... what?" The Yunge disciple nodded involuntarily and replied.

Sure enough, it is Fen! Qin Dong could not help but jump a bit, he was thinking about how to rescue Mifen from the trouble, did not expect to get the news of Mifen so soon. [

"Hey, how do you dare to be so rude to this seat?" Qin Dong only cares about his happiness. For the time being, he did not pay attention to the disciple who wore Yunge. The disciple who passed through Yunge immediately recovered his mind, and some of them were angry and angered. The east is up.

Qin Dong wanted to annihilate the thing like this flies. When he thought about putting more news about Mifen from his mouth, he forced the killing of his heart and smiled. He said, "Big brother is strange." I am also excited for a while... I am anxious to catch this golden bird and make meritorious deeds for the cloud!"

Qin Dong said a few words, that the Yunge disciple really loves to listen, the face's anger "color" immediately converges, nodded, said "this is almost the same!" The words, not forgetting to turn to look behind The three men and two women said in a lesson that "you listen, this is the performance of a motivated person. How many things can you become a sneak peek?"

The three men and two women looked up and looked at Qin Dong. The look in his eyes was more complicated. The two girls couldn’t help but sigh. i^

"Kid, I will rush you this heart, I am optimistic about you! Maybe you will soon become my little teacher! Haha..." The Yunge disciple walked up and patted Qin Dong’s shoulder. Loudly laughed, there is quite a kind of weasels giving the chicken a taste of the New Year.

"Dare to ask this big brother, where should we go to find the golden bird?"

Qin Dong asked this mouth, the three men and two women immediately turned their eyes to the one who was wearing a Yunge. The face of the Yunge disciple’s face was also slightly changed. It was obviously not natural. He coughed and said, “The golden bird is very embarrassing, and it is hidden in the valley.”

The voice of the Yunge disciple fell, and the other three men and two women immediately turned their eyes to Qin Dong, waiting to see the expression of Qin Dong.

Qin Dong’s expression is calm as usual. It seems that there has been no change. If there must be a change, it is an eagerness between the eyebrows. It seems that I can’t wait to get to the valley.

This kind of expression is obviously beyond the expectations of the three men and two women. The expressions of the five people are all stunned and puzzled.

The Yunge disciple was also an accident. He stared at Qin Dong with a big eye. He asked, "Boy, my words... you heard it?"

Qin Dong’s performance on several people was somewhat puzzled. He nodded. “I heard, you said that the golden bird is hiding in the valley. What happened?”

"What's wrong?" The Yunge disciple involuntarily repeated one sentence, and then a pair of eyes suddenly brightened, which was full of appreciation, directed at Qin Dong's straight thumb. "You are really good! This courage, this courage, It can be said that it is rare in the world! With you to join, we will be able to catch the golden bird from the sneaky valley!"

After listening to the words of the Yunge disciple, Qin Dongfang only "touched" the taste, and dare to love this valley is not a general place, fearing that it is a great danger. Then the expressions of the three men and two women confirmed that Qin Dong can almost certainly confirm this.

"Since everyone starts from this moment, they have to fight side by side. You can't even know our name. I will introduce myself first. My name is Warwick. I am the core disciple of the Yunge Pavilion!" The pride of Warwick’s face is almost overwhelming and overflowing.

After self-introduction, Warwick pointed to the three men, "The three of them are disciples of the Promise, Xue Qing, Wu Gang and Summer! You can't be less than the little brother, you have to be more courageous than the little brother." A big piece, I really don’t know how the Promise Gate cultivated them."

Warwick’s words made the face of the three disciples of the Promise Gate sullen to the extreme, fearing that no one could stand such a naked, naked, undisguised humiliation, and the three were still It is a young man who is a **** person. Shun with Qin Dong was also annoyed, and he stunned him a few eyes.

Qin Dong can not help but smile, this Warwick said with a voice that people are not good, he himself is not a straw bag?

Wan Gu Gu is so dangerous, it is necessary for them to work together, but Warwick is good, this has not yet set off, they have made a lot of grievances, how can we expect everyone to unite? However, this is probably the arrogance of wearing a Yunge disciple's habit of "sex", and he is also unintentional. [

I ignored the dissatisfaction of the three disciples of the Promise Gate. Wowei sneered at the evil spirits and turned his eyes to the sisters. The faint road "The two girls are disciples of the Baihua Palace, and the roses and the cockroaches." the Wan Gu Gu, Qin Dong, you have to take care of them with me."

Compared with the three disciples who treated the Promise Gate, Warwick was quite appreciative of Qin Dong, and his attitude was very good, but Qin Dong did not know whether he should be grateful to him.

After the introduction, Warwick took a long breath and said loudly, "The golden bird is not very high. We can easily subdue one of us. The key is to live in the valley." The beast, that is what we need to be careful with. But I believe that as long as we all unite, there will be no us who can do it!"

Qin Dong sneered in his heart, secretly, you know that you must unite to overcome the difficulties, it is rare!

"Everyone is starting!" That Warwick is eager to make an effort, and his arms are full of momentum.

Xue Qing, Wu Gang, summer, 蔷薇, 芍 "medicine" Although the five people are unwilling, they can succumb to the power of Warwick, and they dare not follow it.

Just a few days before Qin Dong went to the fairyland, he did not know much about the fairyland. Of course, he does not know that this valley is a safe place in the fairy world. Among them are the large and small, countless "color" fairy beasts, among which there are many super beasts that can contradict the fairy kingdom!

Just a few of Warwick, once they met this level of fairy, there is no chance to escape. Warwicking is eager to make a difference, and he is blessed with a generous reward. This dare to fight such a bold, team to enter the valley.

Wan Gu Gu is so dangerous, there should be no one to dare to approach in the imagination, it must be very quiet, what Qin Dong did not expect was that when he came to the entrance of Wan Gu Gu, he found that the people here were moving, it seems very lively... ...

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