The Secret of the Seal

Chapter 2236: Take a chance?

"cao! was actually preempted by them!" Seeing the scene in front of him, Warwick's brow immediately wrinkled, an anxious appearance. i^

Qin Dong glanced at the eye for a week. Although many of them were disciples who wore Yunege, there were also many disciples and scattered sects of other sects. It seems that they all want to use Miffin as their stepping boat. Foot stone, Qin Dong's heart was neutral when he made a few sneers.

"Give me a quick move! There is only one golden bird, and I have been taken away by others, and there is nothing!" After that, Wowei was swayed and ran out.

Qin Dong was about to get up and keep up. Rose and 芍 "medicine" suddenly came to him, and Rose whispered, "How are you so stupid?"

"Well?" Qin Dong did not know why he bowed a little. [

芍 药 药 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 So once we enter the valley, we are likely to have only one, and that is death! I did not expect that you are still so active!"

"Hey! The two girls don't know, this Qin brother is a cat, there are nine lives, can't die!" Xue Qing of the Promise Gate is obviously still hating, when passing, cold and irony.

Rose and 芍 "medicine" looked at each other and each gave a sigh.

At the beginning, Qin Dong only thought that Warwick was blinded by greed. He did not expect that he secretly contained such a curse, but he looked down on him.

"Hey, what do you guys still grind? A chance for a rare event, do you want to give it to others?" Warwick, who was hurriedly walking in front, saw a few people who didn't keep up and immediately screamed. %&*>

芍 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

Looking at the back of the "medicine", Qin Dong mouth corners showed a faint smile, and rushed to the phrase "good self-sufficiency", he also had to protect the two sisters.

"Hey, this is not Warwick!" The group of people came to the valley of the valley, and was about to enter the valley. There was a slight spike on the side, revealing a bit of awkward voice.

Qin Dong looked back and saw that he was a disciple of Yunyun. It seemed to be in the same position as Warwick, but he did not deal with each other. Whether he looked at Warwick or Warwick, he was faint. A little misery.

Behind the Yun Yunge disciple, he followed five or six dejected young people. It seems that like Warwick, he does not know where to force these "shields". It’s really a disciple of the same sect, and even the means of acting are exactly the same.

"Golden hair", you are a little end, and dare to come to the valley, how come, is it to die?" Warwick sneered, yelling at the other side.

"Send to death? Hey... I’m afraid you die first!"

"Then let's see, who will die in the end! Go!" Warwick was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other side, a beckoning hand, with Qin Dong and his entourage, stepped into the valley.

This is a valley, but it is also very vast, thousands of miles in length, and is covered by dense woods, even if millions of people enter the valley, it can be easily accommodated. It is not easy to find a person in such a big valley.

When everyone entered the valley, they had not yet penetrated far, and they heard several screams of screaming hair, and they heard it from a super fairy. The five Xue Qing people couldn't help but make a nap at the time. Warwick couldn't help but change his face slightly.

Xue Qing’s legs suddenly sank a lot, and the steps were a little difficult. Warwick’s eyes glanced at them and scolded, “Hey, you are so courageous, and you are not afraid of being laughed at by the big teeth. Just a few screams, will you scare you like this?”

Xue Qing's few people are screaming at the face, and the "medicine" and the rose are all girls. They must be scared to cry out.

Warwick swept the sisters and glanced at him with a smile. "You don't have to be afraid. I have Warwick. I will never let you have anything. If you are afraid, come to my side, I will protect you personally!" ”

Rose and 芍 "medicine" are afraid, but they are not willing to give in, but they are not willing to go to him by what Iwowei said. As soon as I looked up, I saw Qin Dong’s "color" calm, calm and calm, so that the two women's high hanging heart is one of the loose, involuntarily went to Qin Dong's side. [

Warwick saw this scene, slightly frowned, and smiled and said to Qin Dong, "The life is handsome, it really is delicious. Hehe..."

Qin Dong disdains to guess Warwick's mind and asks, "Wu Da Ge, we have now entered the valley, but which direction should we go to find the golden bird?"

"This... I don't know, I can only take one step and try my luck!"

"Hit luck?" After listening to Warwick, Qin Dong is both good and funny. Is there a place like Wan Gu Gu to try your luck? I am not afraid to touch my little life? Qin Dong originally thought that Warwick would have found a way to find the golden bird. This was the confidence to bring them to the merits, but they did not think so. The result was actually like this. Could it be that this Warwick is also a wonderful thing?

In the face of Qin Dong’s unexpected eyes, Warwick’s old face was red, with a few words. “I don’t know the whereabouts of the golden bird, but I wear the first artifact of the Yunge, but I know the colorful dragonfly.”

After listening to Warwick's words, Qin Dong's heart could not help but slam, can it be said that the colorful scorpion is on Warwick's body? Can change it, Qin Dong shook his head and laughed, Xue Qianfeng should be stupid to what part of the child, will the colorful 绦 绦 to Warwick such a straw bag?

I only listened to Warwick and said, "This golden bird was originally a pet that our cabinet owner rewarded us with less. I don’t know what we think of the lesser, but we have stolen the **** fairy from our cabinet owner and gave it to the golden bird. Feeding it down, the golden bird was able to get rid of the control of the colorful cockroaches and gain a free body."

"What? Ding Shenxian Dan actually has such a magic effect?" Warwick's words, so that Qin Dong was shocked, a heart to jump out of the eyes of the blind. He is still thinking about how to get rid of the control of the colorful cockroaches. If you don't think about it, there is still a godlike thing like the **** fairy. With this **** fairy, isn't that colorful smashed?

Warwick couldn't help but stunned Qin Dong and grinned. "How do you seem to know nothing about this kid? What a fuss about everything?"

Seeing the "color" of Qin Dong's "Lu", Rose explained to him that "this **** Shen Dan is an elixir that has been exhausted by the owner of Yungege, and it has only been refined into one." There is no one in the fairy world."

"Only one?" Qin Dong lightly frowned. It is no wonder that Xue Qianfeng relied on the colorful enamel to establish the foundation of the Yunyun Pavilion, which would allow this kind of thing in the world to be a god. Isn't this the same as creating a sword to kill others? If there is only one, then this goddess will not pose any threat to the colorful structure. It’s just that Xue Yao actually took this only one of the gods and gods to Fen’s, helping Feier to regain his free body, which made Qin Dong very grateful!

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